IQinVision Cosmetic Inspection
TITLE: IQinVision Cosmetic Inspection Guidelines DESCRIPTION Originator REV Date Initial Relea FGH A 04/28/09
1General Statement:
Cosmetic Inspection of all products will u the "Time and Distance" inspection procedure described below and also rely on the judgment of trained inspectors and suppliers. (5-10 conds, 50 to 75cm). No specification can be written to take into account all combinations of conditions that might exist. The Cosmetic Inspection criteria defined in this guideline is to be ud in training and guiding inspection personnel to make accept/reject decisions.
The purpo of this document is to establish common cosmetic inspection criteria for all IQinVision ma
nufacturing partners for plastics, sheet metal and painted parts ud in IQinVision products. This guideline defines plastic and paint flaws, and establishes the acceptance criteria for IQinVision injection molded plastic, die cast, and extruded parts and surface finishes. Mutually agreed upon customer supplied requirements always take precedence over this document.
This guideline is intended for u during incoming, in-process, and final inspections. This document applies to all molded (plastic and die cast) and extruded parts and surface finishes ud by IQinVision unless otherwi stated in engineering drawings and/or shown on an IQinVision approved engineering sample. If there is a conflict between this standard and the engineering drawing and/or approved engineering sample, the engineering drawing and/or approved engineering sample will superde.
诗经女孩取名Department(s) Responsible for Implementation:
•Manufacturing Engineering
•CM Quality Assurance
4Cosmetic Guidelines:
4.1Surface Classification:
The finished product surface is classified into three different types of class:
4.1.1Class A Surface:
This is the area directly expod to the view of the customer. The Class A surface is the most critical to adhere to cosmetic requirements.
4.1.2Class B Surface:
This is the area normally facing away from the customer’s direct view.
4.1.3Class C Surface:
This is the area that is out of view in the finished product.
4.2Inspection Method:
The parts are to be inspected by trained inspectors with normal color perception. It is necessary for inspectors to have normal 20/20 vision or corrected vision to 20/20 with appropriate lens.
4.2.2Time and Distance:
The parts are to be viewed from a distance of 50 to 75 cm. The normal industry standard is an arm’s length that is equal to 75 cm. The viewing time will be 5 - 10 conds per surface. Complex smaller parts typically require more time than less-complex large parts. Any variation from the above inspection time must be approved in advance by the department supervisor.
Parts are to be viewed in normal glare-free fluorescent shop lighting. The minimum illumination of 850 to 1600 lx (Lux = Luminance) is required to detect cosmetic defects.
4.2.4Viewing Angle:
The parts are to be inspected with a viewing angle between 40 and 50 degrees.
4.3Color Inspection:
IQinVision will follow the CIELAB standard under the standard illuminant “C”.
4.3.2Measurement Condition:
Environment - Since the environment has a great impact on the measurement results, the measurement must be performed within a controlled environment. Always record the environmental conditions with the color measurement.
Temperature - The room temperature and the sample color chip temperature will impact the measurement. In order to get an accurate measurement, the room temperature must be controlled. The room temperature difference between the master color chip and the target color chip must be within 10°C. The temperature difference between the master color chip and the target color chip must be within 3°C. All temperature readings taken during the measurement must be recorded with the measurement.
4.3.3Measuring Instruments:
The color measuring instruments, such as spectrophotometers, are available from different manufacturers. For correlation purpos, record the name of the manufacturer of the instrument and the model number. Before taking the measurement, the instrument must be calibrated. Always calibrate the instrument if the power of the instrument has been turned off or turned on for more than one hour.
The surface of the sample (master) color chip must be flat, not warped or bent.
The resulting measurement data will be the average of three measurements taken from three different locations on the sample under test.
4.3.6Color Specification:
Refer to the product specification for the color requirements. The reading from the sample under test must satisfy any tolerance requirements specified on the asmbly/part drawing.
4.4Acceptance Criteria:
a)All parts, products, and systems are to meet the cosmetic requirements outlined in this guideline.
b)If the product does not meet the cosmetic workmanship requirements defined in this guideline, a formal written
deviation must be requested from IQinVision Engineering Department, before shipping the product.
c)During the visual inspection, a judgment must be made as to whether or not the customer (END USER) would
consider the flaw(s) objectionable.
d)The acceptable limit of flaw(s) has a significant relationship to the type of area (surface) on which they are found.
Flaws on a simple surface are more easily noticed and objectionable as compared to when they occur on a complicated surface. Therefore, each judgment of acceptability must be made in relation to the configuration of the surface in its final asmbled form.
e)When a flaw is found within the specified time and distance, and an accept or reject decision is difficult to make,
the product/part will be accepted with an approval/deviation document from the IQinVision Engineering Department. Parts are often cosmetically acceptable even though flaws are noticeable.
f)Often repetitive cosmetic flaws, which occur in the same place, become more easily noticed during the inspection
process; therefore, if a cosmetic flaw was judged acceptable at the beginning of the run or lot inspection, it is also acceptable at the end.
4.5Preferred Cosmetic Requirements:
Parts are required to be free from dirt, grime, grea, oil, and other contaminants. The dust caud by shipping material is acceptable if it can be blown off with air or wiped off. Suppliers may u a dry cloth to wipe off residue oil. Visible oil residue is not acceptable.
4.5.2Cosmetic Texture:长征胜利80周年
All cosmetic textured surfaces must meet the color requirements defined in the product specification. All cosmetic
textured surfaces must be uniform in gloss and free of streaks, runs, chips, bubbles, sink marks, or any other molding defects.
4.5.3Cosmetic Asmbly:
The asmbled parts must be free from scratches, gouges, dents, dings, cracks, stress marks, abrasions, or any other defects caud by improper asmbly.
It is preferred that no gap is obrved where two parts join. The maximum allowed gap is as follows: Class A ≤ 1.0 mm
Class B ≤ 1.5 mm
Class C ≤ 2.0 mm.
When measuring the gap, the shoulder is to be excluded.
The maximum allowable height of any flash is not to exceed 0.15 mm. Where flash has been trimmed, the cut marks must not damage the texture. Any trimmed surface must be smooth without jagged edges.
4.5.6Pin Holes:
Pin holes larger than 0.20 mm in diameter are unacceptable. No more than three pin holes per viewing surface is allowed and the minimum distance between any two pin holes cannot be less than 5 cm.
4.5.7Surface Contamination:
It is preferred that there are no molded-in contamination spots. Any molded-in contamination spot must not exceed 0.20 mm in diameter. No more than two contaminated spots per viewing surface is allowed and the minimum distance between any two contaminated spots cannot be less than 10 cm.
4.5.8Surface Blemishes:
Surface blemish spots larger than 0.25 mm in diameter are unacceptable. No more than two spots per viewing surface is allowed and the minimum distance between any two spots must be greater than 10 cm. The supplier must submit corrective actions in a timely manner. Samples are to be nt to IQ Engineering immediately. Only IQ Engineering is to approve or reject the sample in question.
The maximum allowable step between two parts is 0.7 mm for Class A surface, 1.0 mm for a Class B surface, and
1.5 mm for a Class C surface.
Parts with short shots, burn marks, warping, and crazing are not acceptable.
5Specific Requirements
5.1Specific Criteria for Surfaces
Defect or Flaw Class A
Surface Class B
Class C
Scratches See Table 5.C See Table 5.C See Table 5.C Gouges None
None allowed None allowed Crazing None
None allowed None allowed Sink Marks None allowed Per limit samples Per limit samples
Knit Lines Not to be visible at a
distance of 0.50 m Not to be visible at a
distance of 0.75 m
Not to be visible at a
distance of 1.00 m
Flash 0.15 mm 0.15 mm 0.15 mm
Burn Marks None allowed None allowed Not to exceed 1% of the
total surface area Underfills or Voids None allowed None
allowed None
allowed Fracture None
None allowed None allowed
Smudges None
None allowed None allowed
Stress Marks None allowed None allowed Not to exceed 1% of the
total surface area
Cracks None
None allowed None allowed
Contamination See table 5.B See table 5.B See table 5.B Warping None
None allowed None allowed
Plate out Not allowed Not to be visible in a
distance of 500 mm Not to be visible in a distance of 1 meter.
Color Variance Within delta E of 0.75 Within delta E of 0.75 Within delta E of 0.75 5.1.1Size Limits for Contamination
Table 5.B
Surface Area Class A Class B Class C
请删除0-400 mm2 1 at 0.15 mm 1 at 0.20 mm 1 at 0.25 mm
400-1600 mm2 1 at 0.30 mm
2 at 0.20 mm 1 at 0.40 mm
2 at 0.20 mm
1 at 0.50 mm
2 at 0.30 mm
>1600 mm2 1 at 0.50 mm
2 at 0.40 mm
3 at 0.20 mm 1 at 0.70 mm
2 at 0.50 mm
3 at 0.25 mm
1 at 1.00 mm
2 at 0.50 mm
3 at 0.30 mm
Note 1: This table defines the size limit for contamination that cannot be removed.
Note 2: The defect limits are not cumulative. Only one limit may be ud to determine acceptability of product.
Note 3: Surface area calculations are bad on the following dimensions:
20 mm X 20 mm = 400 mm2
40 mm X 40 mm = 1600 mm2
放不下一段感情怎么办75 mm X 75 mm = 5625 mm2
150 mm X 150 mm = 22500 mm2
Note 4: The distance between two contamination dots cannot be less than 50 mm.
5.1.2Size Limits for Scratches
Table 5.C
Surface Area Class A Class B Class C
0-500 mm2 1 with
0.50 mm long X 0.10 mm wide 1 with
0.50 mm long X 0.15 mm wide
1 with
1 mm long X 0.20 mm wide
500-1500 mm2 1 with
1 mm long X 0.10 mm wide 1 with
1 mm long X 0.15 mm wide
1 with
2 mm long X 0.20 mm wide
1500-5500 mm2 1 with
2 mm long X 0.20 mm wide
3 mm long X 0.10 mm wide 1 with
3 mm long X 0.20 mm wide
5 mm long X 0.10 mm wide
1 with
3 mm long X 0.20 mm wide
1 mm long X 0.20 mm wide
5500-20000 mm2 1 with
3 mm long X 0.20 mm wide
10 mm long X 0.10 mm wide 2 with
3 mm long X 0.20 mm wide
1 with
买茶叶10 mm long X 0.10 mm wide
2 with
5 mm long X 0.20 mm wide
1 with
10 mm long X 0.20 mm wide
20 mm long X 0.10 mm wide
> 20000 mm2 1 with
3 mm long X 0.20 mm wide
15 mm long X 0.10 mm wide 2 with
3 mm long X 0.20 mm wide
1 with
10 mm long X 0.20 mm wide
20 mm long X 0.10 mm wide
2 with
5 mm long X 0.20 mm wide
1 with
15 mm long X 0.20 mm wide
30 mm long X 0.10 mm wide
5.2Acceptance Criteria for Finishes (painted, anodized, powder‐coated, others):
The finish must be bonded firmly to the ba material and be smooth, continuous, uniform in color, and free from defects. No evidence of bleeding or corrosion due to entrapment or cleaning solutions is allowed on finished surfaces.