供应链优化技术(Supply chain optimization technology)
Over the years, companies have ud an effective quantitative analysis tool, optimization, or operations planning (OPERATIONSRESEARCH), to make complex decisions. Airlines u it for flight planning, production enterpris u it for factory scheduling, transportation companies u it for advanced logistics management.亚羡姿
园林养护For example, Chine American operations scientists have just studied how the flight crew can u the fastest time and the best combination to make flights return to normal operations after civil aviation flights are disturbed. He has led the development of real-time decision support systems in the United States United Airlines, Continental Airlines, Northwest Airlines and Southwest Airlines for many years. After the "911 incident" in 2001, the new optimization program even saved at least $30 million for ContinentalAirlines.
But until recently, the enterpri began in IT system integration, data availability, purchasing skills combination and cross functional cooperation and reached a considerable level, it is possible to obtain the preci quantification of strategic purchasing the complex answer:
The face of numerous suppliers for various products offer the tender conditions we should be quite diff
erent, how to evaluate, to determine the optimal number of suppliers (according to the product analysis) and reasonable distribution between suppliers business volume (also according to the analysis of products), and taking into account our profitability, supply risk, risk tolerance corporate governance constraints and
extensive internal customer needs?
How do we weigh the supplier's bid price relative to other non price factors, such as contract terms, delivery speed and past performance?
What is the best supply chain design - the quantity and location of suppliers, the distribution of work (production or purcha), the distribution and location of inventory, and the material flow of the product we ll?停产报告
In the following interview, for today's leaders need to understand about optimization and decision support technology, the United States IT well-known rearch institutions ---AMR rearch, rearch vice president Mitchell (PierreMitchell) shared his high perspicacity with us.
How to optimize the purchasing process
Which procurement problems are the main application of optimization technology?
蚂蚁作文500字Optimization technology has a history of ten years, and has become commonplace in many supply chain process, such as production planning, scheduling and logistics. In procurement, the most common application is bidding process optimization. Usually, the bidding behavior criterion tells us: "don't let the supplier to influence your needs and take advantage of all the non price factors should be ud to evaluate the suppliers, so that you can u in online bidding price bidding skills. "But this approach requires extensive estimates of supply market
conditions, and often makes suppliers have to bid for business that cannot deliver them at a low cost.
For some complex spending projects, you have to ask suppliers to give their best solutions bad on their understanding of their market, cost and capacity. Allow suppliers to influence your needs according to their own cost, so you can learn something from them - even if you don't accept all of their ideas. You want to be a low-cost customer, build as big a market as possible, and handle as many variables as possible, such as delivery cycles and contract terms. In this way, you can allow suppliers to optimize their operations so that they can pass the cost savings to the buyer.
Procurement of logistics rvices is an example of successful application of bidding process optimization. You might pack all the items, such as 500 routes, where the winning bidder gets all the business, but that will force the rvice provider to bid for the business that is unattractive to the price. They may only subcontract 50 of the 500 routes, and the resulting high cost will be pasd on to you.
Bidding optimization technology enables suppliers to choo the business that can optimize their cost structure, so that suppliers can provide you with the lowest price.
Optimization technology can also be applied to supply risk and price risk management. Many companies have failed experiences, whether it's Ford, Palm or Motorola. Optimization technology analysis software allows you to obrve your supply ba, identify prices, supply, and other risks, and understand when
to u circumvention or other risk management strategies.
How will the optimization technology change the supply chain management mode of enterpris?
Supply network design is another important application area of optimization. The questions that need
to be answered are: what are the value-added factors? What links should be arranged for global supply? Which links should shorten the delivery cycle? What is the real total cost of ownership (TCO), and how to balance TCO (inventory), risk and customer satisfaction most effectively? Then you can start to look at the supply as a combination of inventory, supplier capacity, and the capacity that suppliers can reach.
This allows you to fine tune your internal supply network and allow you to simulate the impact of your business on your entire supply network when you consider various business strategies. You can ask the following questions: how do you reconfigure inventory in the supply chain to improve rvice levels and reduce costs? How do we balance costs, delivery cycles, and inventory if we decide to buy in a country where labor costs are relatively low? How does outsourcing decisions affect the speed of our respon to customers? By answering the questions, you'll learn how to design and rebuild the supply network so that you can optimize the speed of respon to your customers.
Some leading companies even u their deep understanding of their supply networks to simulate and supply chain planning when designing products. They mainly asss whether they can
meet the new customer needs and achieve satisfactory profits. Profit growth is the most important go
al of CEO, and the level of supply management will further widen the gap between the leader and the backward.
Which companies have begun to implement optimization technology?
The are companies that can control their supply networks fairly well, and they're pursuing higher levels. They have done a fairly simple job in strategic sourcing. Now, they are simulating the future supply chain or supply network. They are improving their most complex spending items in terms of direct materials and transportation. By trying to predict the impact of their future actions on their supply chains, they are gradually taking the lead in the competition.
cmd删除文件夹For example, will some kind of action generate the peak demand in Thailand? Can our supply network cope with this situation? How do we cure our supply before competitors on the upstream of the network? Remember, even non productive enterpris benefit greatly from advanced supply analysis.
Who should cooperate with and how to cooperate with the optimization technology?
马斯顿荒原战役What you're going to do now is work with a technology vendor who can do a lot of experti in analy
zing software and solving the problems. You need an expert to work with your best supply chain and purchasing staff. In this way, they will discuss and solve the problem in substance, and the enterpri can learn