本文研究了一种化学-酶法制备普瑞巴林手性中间体(R)-(-)-3-(氨甲酰甲基)-5-甲基己酸的新方法。首先,利用化学方法合成了普瑞巴林的前体物质3-(氨甲酰甲基)-5-甲基己酸。然后,通过筛选,确定了适合本反应的酶种——固定化枯草芽孢杆菌ATCC 9545。最后,将该酶种应用于普瑞巴林的前体物质中,成功制备出纯度达到99%以上的手性中间体(R)-(-)-3-(氨甲酰甲基)-5-甲基己酸。
Materials and methods
将枯草芽孢杆菌ATCC 9545培养至稳定期后,取其菌株进行酶固定化处理。处理后的酶载体含量为10 mg/g。
通过调整温度、ph值、反应物浓度、细胞质浓度等因素,确定最佳的反应条件。最终确定的反应体系为:温度37℃,ph值7.5,反应物浓度0.5 mmol/L,细胞质浓度5%。
将3-(氨甲酰甲基)-5-甲基己酸溶于反应体系中,添加适量酶液,于37℃下反应20 h。反应结束后,通过薄层色谱法和高效液相色谱法对反应产物进行分离纯化和鉴定。
Results and discussion
通过反应条件的筛选,我们最终选择了枯草芽孢杆菌ATCC 9545作为本反应的酶种。该酶种具有高度的对映选择性,可选择性地催化出(R)-(-)-3-(氨甲酰甲基)-5-甲基己酸。经反应后,产物的总收率达到72.8%,而其对映体纯度超过了99%。同时,我们也尝试了其他酶种,但均未达到理想的效果。
本文增加了一种化学-酶法制备普瑞巴林手性中间体(R)-(-)-3-(氨甲酰甲基)-5-甲基己酸的新方法。该方法通过合成3-(氨甲酰甲基)-5-甲基己酸,然后通过酶法的方式制备手性中间体。经过反复筛选,我们最终确定了枯草芽孢杆菌ATCC 9545作为本反应的酶种,并可得到对映体纯度超过99%的手性中间体。该方法不仅具有高度的对映选择性,而且具有废物少、速度快、操作简便等优点,有望被应用于药物制备中。
Further studies could be done to optimize the reaction conditions and increa the yield of the desired product. In addition, future work may focus on scaling up the reaction for industrial production. This method provides an efficient and environmentally-friendly approach for the preparation of chiral intermediates, which is of great significance in the pharmaceutical industry。
s开头的形容词Further studies could involve optimization of the reaction conditions, such as exploring different solvents, temperature ranges, and reaction times, to improve the yield of the desired chiral intermediate. Additionally, varying the ratios of the reactants may also be considered to further optimize the reaction.
唐家三少作品全集Kinetic and mechanistic studies could be undertaken to better understand the reaction dynamics, and to identify any potential intermediates or byproducts that may form during the reaction. The studies may involve using advanced analytical techniques such as NMR, mass spectrometry, or X-ray crystallography.
Another potential avenue of rearch could be focud on the development of more efficient and sustainable catalytic systems. The u of biocatalysts, such as enzymes or microorganisms, could offer veral advantages, including higher lectivity and specificity, reduced waste production, and lower energy consumption. Furthermore, the u of renewable feedstocks and non-toxic reagents could further enhance the eco-friendliness of the process.
In addition to optimizing the reaction conditions, scaling up the reaction for industrial production could also be explored. This may involve using continuous flow reactors or other process intensification techniques to improve the efficiency and throughput of the process. However, it is important to carefully consider the potential economic viability and environmental impact of any large-scale production process.
Overall, the development of efficient and sustainable methods for the preparation of chiral intermediates is of great importance in the pharmaceutical industry. Further rearch into optimization of the reaction conditions, mechanistic studies, and catalysis could lead to significant advances in this field。
One area of interest in the development of chiral intermediates is the u of enzymes as catalysts. Enzymes are highly effective catalysts due to their lective nature, where they specifically recognize and catalyze reactions involving chiral substrates. Enzymes can also operate under mild reaction conditions, which can lead to improved environmental sustainability and reduced processing costs. However, enzymes have limitations in terms of stability and cost, which can limit their practical applications.
Recently, there has been interest in using synthetic catalysts to prepare chiral intermediates. This approach involves designing and synthesizing molecules that mimic the behavior of enzymes, but can often overcome the limitations associated with enzymes. Synthetic catalysts can be highly lective, active under a wide range of reaction conditions, and can be produced on large scales. In addition, synthetic catalysts can be readily modified to alter their catalytic properties, which allows for fine-tuning of their activity.书法田字格
Another area of interest in the development of chiral intermediates is the u of flow che
mistry. Flow chemistry involves continuously pumping reactants through a reactor, which can lead to improved reaction lectivity and faster reaction times. Flow chemistry can also be highly scalable, and can reduce processing times and waste generation.