Unit 1How can we become good learners?
Section A
1. textbook 教科书;课本
2. conversation 交谈;谈话
3. aloud ⼤声地;出声地
4. pronunciation 发⾳;读⾳
5. ntence 句⼦
6. patient 有耐⼼的;病⼈
7. expression 表情;表⽰;表达⽅式
8. discover 发现;发觉
9. cret 秘密;秘诀;秘密的;保密的10. grammar 语法
11. repeat 重复;重做
12. note 笔记;记录;注意;指出
13. pal 朋友;伙伴
14. physics 物理;物理学
15. chemistry 化学
16. memorize 记忆;记住
17. pattern 模式;⽅式
1. by making word cards通过制作单词卡⽚
2. by reading the textbook通过阅读课本
3. too hard to understand spoken English太难⽽不能理解英语⼝语
4. have conversations with friends和朋友进⾏交谈
5. a piece of cake ⼩菜⼀碟
6. improve my speaking skills提⾼我的⼝语技能
7. give a report作报告
8. ask the teacher for help向⽼师求助
9. memorize ntence patterns记句型
10. becau of my poor pronunciation由于我糟糕的发⾳
11. a little nervous有点紧张
12. take notes做笔记
13. listen to tapes听磁带
14. write e-mails to pen pals给笔友写电⼦邮件
15. so that以便
16. so... that如此……以⾄于……
17. the ……的秘诀
18. look them up in a dictionary在词典中查阅它们
19. the expressions on their faces他们的⾯部表情
20. an English movie called Toy Story⼀部叫《玩具总动员》的英⽂电影
21. by repeating out loud通过⼤声重复
22. read word by word逐词阅读
23. at first起初
24. fall in love with爱上(某⼈或某物)
25. an exciting and funny movie⼀部令⼈兴奋⼜好笑的电影
26. read aloud to practice pronunciation⼤声朗读来练习发⾳
27. read quickly to get the main ideas快速阅读来获得中⼼思想
28. by listening for just the key words通过只听关键词
1. ——你如何备考?——我通过参加⼩组学习。
—How do you study for a test? —I study by working with a group.
2. 听懂英语⼝语太难了。
It's too hard to understand spoken English.
3. 你读书越多,你(读书的速度)就会越快。
The more you read, the faster you'll be.
4. 由于我糟糕的发⾳,我不敢问问题。
I was afraid to ask questions becau of my poor pronunciation.
5. 我发现听有趣的事情是语⾔学习的秘诀。
I discovered that listening to something interesting is the cret to language learning.
6. 那听上去不算太糟。
That doesn't sound too bad.
Section B
1. pronounce 发⾳
2. increa 增加;增长家长寄语怎么写初中
3. speed 速度
4. partner 搭档;同伴
5. born 出⽣;天⽣的
6. ability 能⼒;才能
7. create 创造;创建
8. brain ⼤脑9. active 活跃的;积极的
10. attention 注意;关注
11. connect (使)连接;与……有联系
12. overnight ⼀夜之间;在夜间
13. review 回顾;复习
14. knowledge 知识;学问
15. lifelong 终⾝的;毕⽣的
16. wily 明智地;聪明地
1. get much listening practice获得⼤量听⼒练习
2. have a partner to practice English with有⼀个⼀起练习英语的同伴
3. the best ways to learn学习的最佳⽅式
4. learn wily明智地学习
5. over and over again⼀遍⼜⼀遍
6. nothing to worry about没什么可担⼼的
7. review them on your own⾃⾏复习
8. instead of代替
9. be afraid of making mistakes害怕犯错误
10. join an English club加⼊⼀个英语俱乐部
11. look for ways to review what they have learned寻找⽅法来复习他们所学的内容
12. be born with the ability to learn天⽣具有学习的能⼒
13. find out查明;弄清楚
14. prepare well for a test为考试做好准备
15. bit by bit⼀点⼀点
16. pay attention to it for a long time长时间关注它
17. 把……和……连接或联系起来
18. learn from向……学习
19. be good at擅长
20. even if 即使
21. in common ……相同
22. keep practicing坚持练习
23. explain sth. to sb.向某⼈解释某事
24. practice writing练习写作
25. depend on依靠
26. how to increa my reading speed如何提⾼我的阅读速度
27. need to do sth.需要做某事
28. a lifelong journey⼀场终⽣的旅⾏
1. 知识源于质疑。
Knowledge comes from questioning.
2. 但是你是否能把这做好取决于你的学习习惯。
But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits.
3. 好的学习者会思考他们擅长什么和需要多练习什么。
Good learners think about what they are good at and what they need to practice more.
4. 即使有些东西你学得很好,除⾮你⽤它,否则你也会遗忘。
Even if you learn something well, you will forget it unless you u it.
5. 我没有⼀起练习英语的伙伴。
I don't have a partner to practice English with.
6. 要努⼒学习并⼀点点地记住信息,⽽不是直到最后⼀分钟才同时学习⼀切。
Try to study and remember information bit by bit instead of waiting until the last minute to study everything at once. Unit 2I think that mooncakes are delicious!
Section A
1. mooncake ⽉饼79淘
2. lantern 灯笼
3. stranger 陌⽣⼈
4. relative 亲属;亲戚
5. pound 磅(重量单位);英镑(英国货币单位)
6. folk 民间的;民俗的
7. goddess ⼥神8. whoever ⽆论谁;不管什么⼈
9. steal 偷;窃取
10. lay 放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋)
11. desrt (饭后)甜点;甜⾷
12. garden 花园;园⼦
13. tradition 传统
14. admire 欣赏;仰慕
15. tie 领带捆;束
1. come/be/get back回来
2. as a result结果;因此
3. the Lantern Festival元宵节
4. like best最喜欢
修剪树木5. take sb. out for dinner带某⼈出去吃晚饭
6. help (to) do sth. /help with sth.帮助做某事
7. visit friends and relatives⾛亲访友
8. put on增加(体重);发胖
9. on the Mid-Autumn night在中秋节的晚上
10. sounds like fun听起来有趣
11. shoot down射下
12. live forever长⽣不⽼
13. admire the moon赏⽉
14. share mooncakes with their families与家⼈分享⽉饼
15. traditional folk stories传统民间故事
16. be similar to与……相似
17. throw water at each other互相泼⽔
18. be in the shape of呈现……的形状
19. lay out摆开,布置
20. more and more popular越来越受欢迎
21. spend a lot of money花许多钱
22. refu to do sth.拒绝做某事
23. call out one's 对着……喊出某⼈的名字
24. 从……到……
25. be a good time to do sth.做……的好时候
26. fly 向……飞升
27. the hottest month of the year⼀年中最热的⽉份
28. wash away 冲洗掉
29. sb.把某物带给某⼈
30. plan to do sth.计划做某事
1. ⽐尔想知道明年他们是否将再吃粽⼦。
Bill wonders whether they'll have zongzi again next year.
2. 多么美好的⼀天!