编稿:牛新阁 审稿:王春霞
I 幼儿园课程故事我想是否...... 阿长与山海经赏析
I think it’ 我想是因为......
Is it ? ......是可能吗?
Do you ? 你知道是否......
Perhaps / Maybe, 也许,但是......
Do you really think that’s true? 你真的认为那是真的吗?
Why do you think Higgins felt like that? 你认为希金斯为什么想要那个/做那件事?
How did you feel about your first lesson? 你感觉你的第一节课怎么样?
What do you think would make Eliza happier? 你认为什么会让伊莱扎高兴些?
Mrs. Pearce would comfort / encourage 皮尔斯夫人会通过......来宽慰/鼓励她。
surprid 惊奇的 disappointed 失望的 worried 担心的
confud 糊涂的linger amazed 吃惊的 upt 心烦的
sobbing抽泣 weeping 哭泣, 流泪 laughing 大笑
hesitating 犹豫
kindly温和地, 亲切地 gently 温和地,慈祥地 hopefully 大庆油城论坛怀有希望地
rudely 粗鲁地 happily 高兴地 uncomfortably 不自在地
gratefully 感激地 heartily 尽情地,坚定地 proudly 自豪地,傲慢地
You’ve made such 你已经取得了这么大的进步,而且......
The problem 问题是......
You were very good with ... 你很擅长...... (be good with sth. 在......有技巧/娴熟)
Remember (never) to ... 记住(不)要......
All in all,you did 总的来说,你做的很好......
I think you just need more practice. 我想你只是需要更多的练习。
Pygmalion was a very gifted artist. He spent a long time making a stone statue of a beautiful woman. It was so beautiful that he couldn’t help loving it and wanted it to be his wife. He went to the Greek Goddess Aphrodite to ask her to bring the statue to life. As a result of his prayers, his wish is granted and the statue is made into a real woman. The two marry and live happily ever after.
The Greek myth was a popular subject for Victorian era English playwrights. Bad on the classical myth, Bernard Shaw wrote a famous play Pygmalion.
grant 批准 era 时代,历史时期(Victorian era 维多利亚时代)
playwright 剧作家 classical 古典的 myth 神话
George Bernard Shaw 萧伯纳
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), Irish dramatist, literary critic, a socialist spokesma
n, and a leading figure in the 20th century theatre. Shaw was a freethinker, defender of women’s rights, and advocate of equality of income. In 1925 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. Shaw accepted the honour but refud the money. He was a very humorous playwright.
Irish 爱尔兰的 dramatist 剧作家 literary critic 文学评论家 spokesman 发言人
theater 戏剧界 advocate 提倡 humorous 富有幽默感的
My Fair Lady《窈窕淑女》
It is an adaptation of the play “Pygmalion”.
It is a musical made in 1956.
It was apple系统filmed in 1964. The film was a huge success, winning eight Oscars.
adaptation 改写本,改编,适应 musical 音乐的,音乐喜剧
The same theme 同一主题
Theme of the Greek story (希腊故事的主题):
Pygmalion, an artist, creates a statue from stone and makes it have a new life.
Theme of the play by Shaw (萧伯纳戏剧的主题):
Higgins, a phonetics, creates a new girl Eliza from the lower class to the upper class by teaching her English.
Description of each character 人物描写
1. anxious (焦虑的), emotional (易动感情的十九英语怎么写), ambitious (有抱负的), enthusiastic (热情的)
书迷2. impatient (急躁的), rude (粗鲁的), proud (傲慢的), superior (有优越感的), lf-important (妄自尊大的)
3. kind (仁慈的), polite (有教养的), generous (慷慨的), eager (热切的), confident (有信心的), optimistic (乐观的)
【高清课堂:Pygnalion 语言应用】
Pygmalion effect
The term Pygmalion effect refers broadly to the effects of interpersonal expectations, that is, the finding that what one person expects of another can come to rve as a lf-fulfilling prophecy.
糯米馒头Pygmalion effect 皮格马利翁效应 broadly 概括地
interpersonal 人与人之间的 lf-fulfilling 自我实现的,本身自然会实现的
prophecy预言 impact 冲击(力),影响
reinforce 增强
Pygmalion effect in the classroom
In 1965 Robert Ronthal, professor of social psychology at Harvard University, and his colleague, conducted an experiment in a public elementary school, telling teachers that certain children could be expected to be “genius,” bad on the students’ results on the Harvard Test of Inflected Acquisition. In fact, the test was nonexistent and tho children designated as “genius” were chon at random. What Ronthal and Jacobson hoped to determine by this experiment was the degree (if any) to which changes in teacher expectation produce changes in student achievement.