第13讲 阅读理解之6选5(二)

更新时间:2023-06-28 01:57:56 阅读: 评论:0

第十三讲  阅读理解之六选五(二)
    六选五是自主招生英语阅读理解中的新题型, 也是近几年华约联盟中的常考题型。 该题型突破了传统阅读理解读文章选正确选项(四选一)的做法, 而是在一篇文章中挖去五个句子,然后给出六个选项,考生要选出正确的选项填在原文的空白处, 使之成为完整通顺的语篇。这类题目对考生阅读能力提出了很高的要求,考生要对全文有一个整体细致的把握才能选出答案。较之词汇语法题,该题型没有过分地强调词汇量,而是更侧重于考查对文章的主要内容和通篇的逻辑关系的把握,掌握一定的解题方法与技巧是攻破这类题目的关键。
(1)拟小标题法:应对篇章内容过渡明显,层次清晰的题目        侧重于考查对文章脉络的把握
(2)标关键词法:应对篇章内容注重细节,话题发展缓慢的题目    侧重考查对文章逻辑关系的把握
(3)综合法:应对篇章内容兼有(1)和(2)的特点      侧重于考查综合阅读能力
一. 方法回顾
1. 定义:给每个选项拟一个小标题。在阅读文章的时候,对照每个选项的小标题,并按照文章发展的脉
2. 解题步骤:(1)阅读选项,拟小标题,并将其标在选项旁边
3. 注意问题:(1)先看选项奶瓶清洗,后读文章,带着小标题阅读文章。
1. 定义:阅读选项,标出关键词。在阅读文章的时候,定位主题词及重现词,解析衔接词
2. 解题步骤:(1)阅读选项,用不同的符号标出关键词,做到心中有数
3. 注意问题:(1)每类关键词不限于一个,可以有两个或多个;也不一定要有,可以是0个。
建筑工程实习报告之前提出拟小标题法和标关键词法意在为考生提供一个做题的思路,也有意地将做题过程分解开且步骤化,这是为了让考生熟悉一种答题方法,并将这种方法融入到自己的做题习惯中,但最终的目的是将各种方法融会贯通, 答题时灵活应变。(这就像学健美操,先学上身动作,再学下身动作, 最后实现手脚并用)。本讲就会实现这样一个综合与深化。
1. 定义:将拟小标题法和标关键词法综合运用,获得每个选项最有意义的信息。 可以总结为以下公式:
            综合法= 拟含有主题词的小标题(较简化)+ 最给力的关键词
左侧腰疼        云朵怎么画 作用多加留意。
Horror stories about the food industry have long been with us – ever since 1906, when Upton Sinclair’s landmark novel The Jungle told some ugly truths about how America produces its meat.In the century that followed, things got much better, and in some ways much wor.The U.S.agricultural industry can now produce unlimited quantities
of meat and grains at remarkably cheap prices.But it does so at a high cost to the environment, animals and humans.  1.            Add to the price tag the acceleration of global warming – our energy-intensive food system us 19% of U.S.fossil fuels, more than any other ctor of the economy.
And perhaps worst of all, our food is increasingly bad for us, even dangerous.  2.        A food system that generates cheap, filling food at the expen of healthier produce is also a major cau of America’s widespread obesity.At a time when the nation is clo to a civil war over health-care reform, obesity adds $147 billion a year to our doctor bills.“The way we farm now is destructive of the soil, the environment and us,” says Doug Gurian-Sherman, a nior scientist with the food and environment program at the Union of Concerned Scientists.
3.        Film documentaries like the highly critical Food Inc.and the work of investigative journalists like Eric Schlosr and Michael Pollan are repeating Sinclair’s work, awakening a sleeping public to the uncomfortable realities of how we eat.Change is also coming from the very top.First Lady Michelle Obama’s White Hou garden has so far yielded more than 225 lb of organic produce – and tons of powerful symbolism.  4.        Sustainable food is also more expensive than conventional food and harder to find.And while large companies like General Mills have opened organic divisions, there is worry that the very definition of sustainability will be ud by tho companies only for their own good.
But we can’t afford to remain in philosophizing about food.With the exhaustion of the soil, the impact of global warming and the inevitably rising price of oil – which will affect everything from fertilizer to supermarket electricity bills – our industrial style of food production will end sooner or later.  5.        Unless Americans radically rethink the way they grow and consume food, they face a future of damaged farmland, emptied-out countryside, terrifying germs, higher health costs – and tasteless diet.Sustainable food has an élitist reputation, but each of us depends on the soil, animals and plants – and as every farmer knows, if you don’t take care of your land, it can’t take care of you.(五校联考,2010)
A. Some Americans are paying attention to such warnings and working to transform the way the country eats –farmers who are raising sustainable food in ways that don’t bankrupt the earth.

本文发布于:2023-06-28 01:57:56,感谢您对本站的认可!



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