Step 1:通读全文,通读全文过程中确定文章体裁,确定文章主旨以及作者情感态度。
(能够体现作者情感态度的词:副词、形容词 )
Step 2:在通读全文过程中研读第一段。
Step 3:在通读全文过程中研读题目所在句,并在题目所在句查找你选的答案的线索。
Step 4:把你的答案代入文章检查,看上下文逻辑是否通顺、合理;若通顺合理则为正确答案。
1 排除法
2 运用词根词缀,通常情况前缀决定一个单词的感情态度;词根决定一个单词的意思;后缀决定一个单词的词性。
如: disadvantageous
开瑞坦说明书后缀— -ous,为形容词后缀
如:The war made himold反义词 parate from his families,which made him miss his families very much.
1)Then they made a map of where the treasure was or wrote down other clues(线索)that would help them or someone el
2)Then there is the true story about a man who had to travel overas for a year.
3)And then there was a woman who buried her savings, all in bank notes, in a waterproof(防水的)bag
4) And of cour, the are stories about people who bury things and either forget where they have buried them or lo the map. 海乙那
5)And there is an application fee(申请费) which helps to pay for running the HOST program.
6) As表示正如引导的定语从句:
①As you may have heard from my parents, I’m in China right now on a cultural exchange program.
We may also have problems with the tablets breaking, which would be very expensive to repair. This is in addition to the cost of buying the tablets in the first place.
The way做先行词的定语从句
1)What does Margaret think of the way food is rved in China?
2)Another interesting aspect of eating out is the way food is rved.
3)One thing that makes me confud is the way people pay for food at a restaurant.
4)肌酐偏低的原因The way you stand and act tells people a lot about you. When you’re talking with someone, stand up straight and look them in the eye.
1)Back home in America, the food portions are usually larger than tho I’ve en in China.
2)Then, using tablets in the classroom could reduce the time it takes for them to complete tasks. Additionally, there are endless tablet functions(功能)which could provide interesting teaching approaches
3)You could also comment on(评论)something you’ve done recently. O
1)I’m must encouraged to eat until I’m full and enjoy different kinds of food. Eating out in Asia is often a big social affair(社交活动).
2)Another problem is that, while many students can u tablets already, many of our teachers are not good at it and would need to be trained.
3)we often ask for parate(分开的)checks, so we each pay for our own meal.
One of the most obvious(明显的)cultural differences is the size of food portions in restaurants.
What’s the culture difference in the size of food portions between China and America?
1)A local primary school is considering using tablet computers(平板电脑)in all classrooms from next year.
2)The u of tablet computers(or simply“tablets”)in the classroom has become an increasingly popular choice in many primary schools across the country, including many in our local area.
3)Becau of their familiarity with computers and mobile phones, many of our students can type faster than they can write by hand.
For example, we could play computer games to teach Maths, or make simple flashes to show how magnets behave. Also, students could take photos outdoors and then u them to write tasks.
1) It is important that we consider this opportunity, but we must also be aware of the problems.
2) All in all, even though using tablets in the classroom may have many problems, it ems that it would be a wonderful opportunity for students and teachers at our school.
1)But here, if diners decide to pay parately, they typically don’t request parate checks. Instead, they give money to one person who pays the bill. People also don’t tip the rver. Instead, there is often a rvice charge added to the bill.
2) Some students may play with the tablets instead of focusing on their work.
Company staff in big cities, for example, frequently work sixty to venty hours a week.
Becau true workaholics(工作狂)would rather work than do anything el, and they ___75___ have no idea of how to relax, that is, they might not enjoy movies, sports, or other types of entertainment.