A3 | 鉴权算法A3 | |
A3/8 | 实现A3和A8功能的单独算法 | |
A5/1 | 加密算法A5/1 | |
A5/2 | 加密算法A5/2 | |
A5/X | 加密算法A5/07 | |
A8 | 长生密钥的算法A8 | |
AB | Access Burst | 接入突发脉冲 |
AC | Access Class(C0 to C15) | 访问类别(从C0到C15) |
Application Context | 应用上下文 | |
ACC | Automatic Congestion Control | 自动拥塞控制 |
ACCH | Associated Control Channel | 随路控制信道 |
ACK | ACKnowledgement | 证实(用于信令) |
ACM | Accumulated Call Meter | 累计呼叫记录 |
Address Complete Message | 地址完全的消息 | |
ACU | Antenna Combining Unit | 天线合成单元 |
ADC | Administration Center | 管理中心 |
Analogue to Digital Converter | 模数转换器 | |
AND | Abbreviated Dialing Number | 缩位拨号 |
ADPCM | Adaptive Differential Pul Code Modulation | 自适应差分脉冲编码调制 |
AE | Application Entily | 应用实体 |
AEC | Acoustic echo control | 回音控制 |
AE | Additional elementary functions | 附加基本功能 |
AGCH | Access grant channel | 接如允可信道 |
Ai | Actions indictor | 动作指示器 |
AoC | Advice of charge | 费用建议 |
AoCC | Advice of charge charging supplementary rvice | 费用建议信息补充业务 |
AoCI | Advice of charge information Supplementary rvice | 费用建议信息补充业务 |
ASE | Application rvice element | 应用服务单元 |
ASN.1 | Abstract syntax notation one | 抽象语法表示1 |
ARFCN | Absolute radio frequency channel number | 绝对无线频率信道号 |
ARQ | Automatic request for retransmission | 自动重法请求 |
ATT(flag) | Attach | 附着(用于信令) |
AU | Access unite | 访问单元 |
AuC | Authentication center | 鉴权中心 |
AUT( H ) | Authentication | 鉴权 |
BA | BCCH allocation | BCCH 分配 |
BAIC | Barring of all incoming calls supplementary rvice | 限制所有呼入呼叫的补充业务 |
BAOC | Barring of all outgoing calls supplementary rvice | 限制所有呼出呼叫的补充业务 |
BCC | Ba transceiver station (BTC) color channel | 基站收发器代码 |
BCCH | Broadcast control channel | 广播控制信道 |
BCD | Binary coded decimal | 二进制编码的十进制 |
BCF | Ba station control function | 基站控制功能 |
BCIE | Bearer capability information | 载波容量信息单元 |
BER | Bit error rate | 误码率 |
BFI | Bad frame indication | 坏帧指示 |
BI | all barring of incoming call supplementary rvice | 所有的限制呼入呼出补充业务 |
BICRoam | Barring of incoming calls when roaming outside the room PLMN country supplement rvice | 在注册PLMN的国家之外限制呼入呼出的补充业务 |
BN | Bit number | 比特数 |
BO | All barring of outgoing call supplementary rvice | 所有限制呼入呼出的补充业务 |
BOIC | Barring of outgoing international calls supplementary rvice | 限制国际呼叫的补充业务 |
BOICexHC | Barring of outgoing international calls except tho directed to the home PLMN country supplementary rvice | 除了直接呼叫注册的PLMN 国家以外限制国际呼入呼出的补充业务 |
BS | Bearer rvice | 载波服务 |
BSG | Basic rvice (group) | 基本服务 |
Basic rvice group | 基本服务组 | |
BSC | Ba station controller | 基本控制器 |
BSIC | Ba transceiver station identity code | 基站识别码 |
BSICNCELL | BSIC of an adjacent cell | 相邻小区BSIC |
BSS | Ba station system | 基站子系统 |
BSSAP | Ba station system application part | 基站子系统应用部分 |
BSSMAP | Ba station system management application part | 基站子系统管理应用部分 |
BSSOMAP | Ba station system operation management application part | 基站子系统操作和维护应用部分 |
BTS | Ba transceiver station | 基站 |
C | Conditional | 有条件的 |
CA | Cell allocation | 小区分配 |
CAI | Charge advice information | 收费建议信息 |
CB | Cell broadcast | 小区广播 |
CBC | Cell broadcast center | 小区广播中心 |
CBCH | Cell broadcast channel | 小区广播信道 |
CBMI | Cell broadcast message identifier | 小区广播信息表示符 |
CC | Country code | 国家代码 |
Call control | 呼叫控制 | |
CCBS | Completion of calls to busy subscriber supplementary rvice | 对占线用户的完成呼叫的补充业务 |
CCCH | Common control channel | 公用控制信道 |
CCF | Conditional call forwarding | 条件呼叫转移 |
CCH | Control channel | 控制信道 |
CCITT | The international telegraph and telephone consultative committee | 国际电报电话质询委员会 |
CCM | current call meter | 当前呼叫纪录 |
CCP | Capability /configuration parameter | 容量/配置参数 |
CCPE | Control channel protocol entity | 控制信道协议实体 |
Cct | Circuit | 电路 |
CDUR | Chargeable DURation | 计费时间 |
CED | Call station identifier | 被呼叫的基站表示符 |
CEID | Central equipment identifier register | 中央设备寄存器 |
CEND | End of charge point | 计费点 |
CEPT | Conference of European post and telecommunication administration | 欧洲邮政和远程通信会议 |
CF 寸有所短 | Conversion facility | 变换设施 |
CFB | All call forwarding rvice | 所有的呼叫转移服务 |
Call forwarding on mobile subscriber busy supplementary rvice | 遇忙呼叫转移补充服务 | |
CFNRc | Call forwarding on mobile subscriber not reachable supplementary rvice | 不再服务区呼叫转移补充服务 |
CFNRy | Call forwarding on no reply supplementary rvice | 无应答呼叫转移补充服务 |
CFU | Call forwarding unconditional supplementary rvice | 无条件呼叫转移补充服务 |
CHP | Charging point | 计费点 |
CHV | Card holding verification information | 卡持有者验证信息 |
CI | Cell identity CUG index | 小区标示CUG索引 |
CIR | Carrier interference ratio | 载波干扰比 |
CKSN | Ciphering key quence number | 密钥序列码 |
CLI | Calling line identity | 呼叫线路标示 |
CLIP | Calling line identification prentation supplementary rvice | 呼叫线路标示显示补充业务 |
CLIR | Calling line identification restriction supplementary rvice | 呼叫线路标示限制补充业务 |
CM | Connection management | 连接管理 |
CMD | command | 命令 |
CMM | Channel mode modify | 信道模式更改 |
CNG | CalliNG tone | 呼叫音调 |
COLI | Connected line identity | 连接线路标示 |
COLP | Connected line identification prentation supplementary rvice | 连接的线路标示显示补充业务 |
COLR | Connected line identification restriction supplementary rvice | 连接的线路标示限制补充业务 |
COM | COmplete | 完成 |
CONNACK | CONNect acknowledgement | 连接确认 |
C/R | Command/respon field bit | 命令/相应比特 |
CRC | Cyclic redundancy check | 冗余循环校验 |
CRE | Call Reestablishment procedure | 呼叫重建立过程 |
CSPDN | Circuit switching public data network | 电路交换公众数据网 |
CT | Call transfer supplement rvice | 呼叫转移补充业务 | 司考报名入口
Channel test | 信道测试 | |
Channel type | 信道类型 | |
CTR | Common technical regulation | 通用技术规定 |
CUG | Clo ur group supplementary rvice | 闭合用户组补充业务 |
CW | Call waiting supplementary rvice | 呼叫等待补充业务 |
DAC | Digital to analogue converter | 数模转换 |
D B | Dummy burst | 填充突发脉冲 |
DCCH | Dedication control channel | 专用控制信道 |
DCE | Data circuit terminating equipment | 数据电路终端 |
DCF | Data communication function | 数据通信功能 |
DCM | Data conversion module | 数据转换模块 |
DCS1800 | Digital cellular system at 1800MHz | 1800MHz数字蜂窝系统,和900MHz 并称双频网 |
DET | Detach | 分离 |
DISC | Disconnect | 断开连接 |
DL | Data link(layer) | 数据链路层 |
DLCI | Data link connection identifier | 数据链路连接标示 |
DLD | Data link discriminator | 数据链路鉴别器 |
Dm | Control channel (isdn ) | 控制信道(用于isdn ) |
DMR | Digital mobile radio | 数字无线移动 |
DNIC | Data network identifier | 数据网标示 |
DP | Dial /dialed pul | 拨号脉冲 |
DRX | Discontinuous reception | 非连续的接受 |
DSE | Data switch exchange | 海豚湾观后感数据交换 |
DSI | Digital speech interpolation | 数字语音插值 |
DSSI | Digital subscriber signaling No.1 | 一号数字用户信令 |
DTAP | Direct transfer application part | 直接传送应用部分 |
DTE | Data terminal equipment | 数据终端 |
DTMF | Dual tone multi Frequency | 双音频 |
DTX | Discontinuous transmission | 非连续传送 |
EA | External alarms | 外部警告 |
EBSG | Elementary basic rvice group | 基本服务组 |
ECM | Error correction mode | 差错纠正模式 |
Ec/No | Ratio of energy per modulating bit to the noi spectral density | 每调制比特功率和噪声频谱密度的比率 |
ECT | Explicit call transfer supplementary rvice | 显示呼叫转移补充业务 |
EEL | Electric echo loss | 电力回波损耗 |
EIR | Equipment identity register | 设备标示寄存器 |
EL | Echo loss | 回波损耗 |
EMC | Electromagnetic compatibility | 电磁兼容性 |
EMI | Electromagnetic interference | 电磁干扰 |
Emlpp | Enhanced multilevel preecednce and preemption rvice | 增强多层优先服务 |
EMMI | Electrical man machine interface | 电力人机接口 |
EPROM | Erasable programmable read only memory | 可擦除的可编程只读存储器 |
ERP | Ear reference point | 听力产参考点 |
ERR | error | 错误 |
ETR | ETSI technical report | ETSI 的技术报告 |
ETS | European telecommunication standard | 欧洲电信标准 |
ETSI | European telecommunication standard institute | 欧洲电信标准协会 |
FA | Full allocation fax adaptor | 完全分配传真适配器 |
FAC | Final asmbly code | 最终集结码 |
FACCH | Fast associated control channel | 快速随路信道 |
FACCH/F | Fast associated control channel /full rate | 快速随路信道/权速率 |
FACCH/H | Fast associated control channel /half rate | 快速随路信道/半速率 |
FB | Frequency correction burst | 突发脉冲频率矫正 |
FCCH | Frequency correction channel | 频率矫正信道 |
FCS | Frame check quence | 帧检查序列 |
FDM | Frequency division multiplex | 频分多路复用 |
FDN | Fixed digital number | 固定拨号 |
FEC | Forwarding error correction | 前向纠错 |
FER | Frame erasure ratio | 帧消除比率 |
FH | Frequency hopping | 跳频 |
FN | Frame number | 帧号 |
FR | Full rate | 全速率 |
FTA | Final type approval | 最终型号标准 |
FTAM | File transfer ,access and manipulation | 文件传输访问和使用 |
FTN | Forwarded and number | 前转号码 |
GCR | Group call register | 呼叫组寄存器 |
GMSC | Gateway mobile rvice switching center | 移动业务交换中心网关 |
GMSK | Gaussian minimum shift keying modulation | 高斯整形滤波最小频移键控 |
GPA | Gsm plmn area | GSM PLMN 区域 |
GPRS | General packet radio rvice | 通用无线分组服务 |
GPRS | General power supply unite | 通用功率电源单元 |
GSA | Gsm system area | GSM系统区域 |
GSM | Global system for mobile communication | 全球移动通信系统 |
腾成语 GSM PLMN | Gsm public land mobile network | 公用陆地移动网络 |
GT | Global title | 全球标示 |
HDLC | High level data link control | 高层数据链路控制 |
HLC | High layer compatibility | 高层兼容性 |
HO | HANDOver | 切换 |
HOLD | Call hold supplementary rvice | 呼叫保持补充业务 |
HOLMN | Home PLMN | 归属PLMN |
HPU | Hand portable | 手持单元 |
HSN | Hopping quence number | 跳频序列数字 |
I | Information frame | 信息祯 |
IA | Incoming access | 呼人接入 |
IAM | Initial address message | 初始地址消息 |
IC | Interlock code | 互琐码 |
ICB | Incoming call barred | 限制呼入呼叫 |
ICC | Inte grated circuit card | 集成电路卡 |
IC | Interlock code | 优先互琐码 |
ICM | Incall modification | 呼入呼叫更改 |
ID | Identification/identity/identifer | 标示 |
IDN | Integrated digital network | 综合数字网 |
IE | Signaling information element | 信息单元 |
IEI | Information element identifier | 信息单元表示 |
IETS | Interim European telecommunication standart | 临时欧洲电信标准 |
IMEI | international mobile station equipment identity | 国际移动台设备表示 |
IMSI | International mobile subscriber identity | 国际移动用户标示 |
IN | Interrogting node | 询问节点 |
ISC | International switch center | 国际交换中心 |
ISDN | Integrated rvice digital network | 综合业务数字网 |
ISO | International organization for standardzation | 国际标准化组织 |
ISUP | Isdn ur part (of signal system No.7) | ISDN用户部分 |
ITC | Information transfer capability | 信息传送容量 |
IWF | Interworking functions | 互连功能 |
IWMSC | Interworking MSC | 送元二使互连的MSC |
IWU | Interworking Uinte | 互连的单元 |
Kc | Ciphering key | 密钥 |
Ki | Individual subscriber authentication | 用户鉴权密钥 |
L3 | Layer 3 | 第三层 |
LA | Location area | 位置区域 |
LAC | Location area code | 位置区域码 |
LAI | Location area identity | 位置区域标示 |
LAN | Local area network | 本地网 |
LAPB | Link access protocol balanced | 平衡的链路接入协议 |
LAPDm | Link access protocol on the channel | 在Dm信道上的链路接入协议 |
LCN | Local communication network | 本地通信网 |
LE | Local exchange | 本地交换 |
LLC | Low layer compatibility | 低层兼容性 |
LMSI | Local mobile station identity | 本地移动台标示 |
LNA | Low number digled | 低噪声放大器 |
LND | Last number dialed | 上次拨叫号码 |
LPLMN | Local PLMN | 本地PLMN |
LR | Location register | 插花艺术课程 位置积存器 |
LTE | Local terminal emulator | 本地终端模拟器 |
LU | Local units | 本地单元 |
LV | 内账Length and value | 长度和含义 |
M | Mandatory | 必备的 |
MA | Mobile allocation | 移动分配 |
MACN | Mobile allocation | 移动分配信道号 |
MAF | Mobile allocation channel number | 移动附加功能 |
MAH | Mobile access hunting supplementary rvice | 移动搜寻补充功能 |
MAI | Mobile allocation index | 移动分配索引 |
MAIO | Mobile allocation index offt | 移动分配索引偏移 |
MAP | Mobile allocation part | 移动应用部分(用于MSC间的信令) |
MCC | Mobile country code | 移动国家代码 |
MCI | Malicious call identification supplementary rvice | 恶意呼叫识别补充业务 |
MD | Mediation device | 中介设备 |
MDL | Mobile management data link | 管理数据链路 |
ME | Mobile equipment | 维护实体 |
MEF | Maintenance entity functions | 维护实体功能 |
MF | Multiframe | 复祯 |
MHS | Message handling system | 消息处理系统 |
MIC | Mobile interface controller | 移动接口控制 |
MLSE | Maximum likelihood system | 最大自然序列估计 |
MM | Man machine | 人机 |
Mobility management | 移动性管理 | |
MME | Mobility management entity | 移动性管理实体 |
MMI | Man machine interface | 人机接口 |
MNC | Mobile network code | 移动网络代码 |
MO | Mobile originated call | 移动主叫 |
MoU | Memorandum of understanding | 谅解备忘录 |
MPH | Mobile management physical | 管理物理 |
MPTY | Multiparty supplementary rvice | 多方通话补充业务 |
MRP | Mouth reference point | 口参考点 |
MS | Mobile station | 移动台 |
MSC | Mobile rvice switch center | 移动交换台 |
MSCM | Mobile station class mark | 移动台类别标志 |
MSCU | Mobile station control unite | 移动台控制单元 |
MSISDN | Mobile station ISDN | 移动台号码 |
MSRN | Mobile station roaming number | 移动台漫游号码 |
MT | Mobile terminated | 移动被叫 |
MT | Mobile termination | 移动终端 |
MTBF | Mean time between failure | 平均无故障时间 |
MTC | Mobile terminate call | 移动被叫 |
MTM | Mobile to mobile | 移动台到移动台的呼叫 |
MTP | Mark up | 消息传输部分 |
MU | Multi ur mobile station | 标记 |
MUMS | Multiur mobile station | 多用户移动台 |
N/W | Network | 网络 |
NB | Normal brust | 正常突发脉冲 |
NBIN | A parameter in the hopping quence | 一个跳频序列中的参书 |
NCC | Network PLMN color code | 网络代码 |
NCELL | Neighboring cell | 当前小区的邻小区 |
NDC | National destination code | 本国目的代码 |
NDUB | Network determined ur busy | 由网络确定用户忙 |
NE | Network element | 网络单元 |
NEF | Network element function | 网络单元功能 |
NF | Network function | 网络功能 |
NIC | Network independent clocking | 与网络无关的定时 |
NM | Network management | 网络管理 |
NMC | Network management center | 网络管理中心 |
NMSI | National mobile station identification number | 本国移动的标示号 |
NPI | Number plan identifier | 号码规划表示 |
NSAP | Network rvice access point | 网络业务接入点 |
NT | No transparent | 网络终端 |
NTABB | New type approval advisory | 新类型批准部门 |
NUA | Network ur access | 网络用户接口 |
NUI | Network ur identification | 网络用户标识 |
NUP | National ur part | 本国用户标准 |
O | Optional | 可选的 |
OA | Outgoing access | 呼出接入 |
O&M | Outgoing & maintenance | 操作和维护 |
OACSU | Off air call tup | 不占用空中信道的呼叫建立 |
OCB | Outgoing calls barred within the CUG | CUG中限制呼出呼叫 |
OD | Optional for operators to implement for their aim | 运营商为实现不同的目的的可选部分 |
OLR | Overall loudness rating | 锋值音量比率 |
OMC | Operations and maintenance center | 操作和维护中心 |
OML | Operations and maintenance link | 操作和维护链路 |
OMS-B | Operations and maintenance system for the BBS | 对BBS的操作和维护 |
OS | Operation system | 操作系统 |
OSI | Open system interconnection | 开放系统互连模型 |
OSI RM | OSI reference model | OSI参考模式 |
PABX | Private automatic branch exchange | 专用自动交换机 |
PAD | Packet asmble /disasmbly | 分组集结 |
PCH | Paging channel | 寻呼信道 |
PCM | Pul code modulation | 脉冲编码调制 |
PD | Protocol discriminator | 协议鉴别器 |
PDN | Public data network | 公用数据网 |
PH | Packet handle | 分组处理 |
PHI | Packet handle interface | 分组处理接口 |
PI | Prentation indicator | 显示指示 |
PICS | Protocol implementation conformance statement | 协议实现一致性申明 |
PIN | Personal identification code | 个人识别码 |
PLXT | Protocol implementation extra information for testing | 用于测试的协议实现附加信息 |
PLMN | Public lands mobile network | 公用陆地移动网络 |
PP | Performance management | 性能管理 |
POI | Point of interconnection | 和PSDN互连点 |
PP | Point to point | 点到点 |
PPCC | Peripheral processor for CCSS 7 | 对CCCS7的外围处理器 |
PPLD | Peripheral processor for LOAD | 对LOAD的外围处理器 |
PREF CUG | Preferential CUG | 优先的CUG |
PS | Location probability | 位置可能性 |
PSPDN | Packet switched public data network | 分组交换公用数据网 |
PSTN | Packet switched telephone network | 公用电话交换网 |
PUCT | Price per unit currency table | 每单元价格表 |
PUK | PIN unblock key | PIN解锁密码 |
PW | Pass word | 密码 |
QA | Q adapter | Q 接口适配器 |
QAF | Q adapter functions Q | Q 接口适配器功能 |
QOS | Quality of rvice | 业务质量 |
RA | Random mode request information field | 随机模式请求信息区域 |
RAB | Random access brust | 突发脉冲随机接入 |
RACH | Random access channel | 随机接入信道 |
RAND | Random number | 随机数 |
RBER | Residual bit error ratio | 剩余误比特率 |
RDI | Restricted digital information | 限制的数值信息 |
REC | Recommendation | 建议 |
REJ | e Rejection | 拒绝 |
REL | Relea | 释放 |
REQ | Request | 请求 |
RF | Radio frequency | 射频 |
RFCI | Radio frequency channel | 无线频率信道 |
RFCH | Radio frequency channel | 无线频率信道 |
RFN | Reduced TDMA frame number | 缩减TDMA信道 |
RFU | Rerved for future u | 为将来保留 |
RLP | Radio link protocol | 无线链路协议 |
RLR | Receiver loudness rating | 接受音量比率 |
RMS | Root mean square | 均量值 |
RNTABLE | Table of 128 integer in the hopping quence | 跳频序列中的128个整数表 |
ROSE | Remote operation rvice element | 远程超做业务单元 |
RR | Radio resource | 无线资源 |
RSE | Radio system entity | 无线系统实体 |
RSL | Radio signaling link | 无线信令链路 |
RSZI | Regional subscription zone identity | 区域的预约区域标识 |
RTE | Remote terminal emulator | 远端终端模拟器 |
RX | Receiver signal level | 接受的信号强度 |
RXAMOD | Received antenna module | 接受的无线摸快 |
RXMUCO | Receiver multi coupler | 接受多路耦合器 |
RXQUAL | Received signal quality | 接受的信号质量 |
S/W | Software | 软件 |
SABM | Set asynchronous balanced mode | 置异步平衡模式 |
SACCH | Slow associated control channel | 慢速随路控制信道 |
SACCHG/4 | Slow associated control channel/sdcch/4 | 慢速随路控制信道/SDCCH4 |
SACCH/8 | Slow associated control channel/sdcch/8 | 慢速随路控制信道/SDCCH8 |
SACCH/T | Slow associated control channel/traffic channel | 慢速随路控制信道/业务信道 |
SACCH/TF | Slow associated control channel/traffic channel full rate | 慢速随路控制信道/全速业务 |
SAP | Slow associated control channel/traffic channel half rate | 业务接入点 |
SAPI | Service access point indicator | 业务接入点指示 |
SB | Synchronization | 同步突发脉冲 |
SC | Service center | 接入中心 |
Service code | 接入代码 | |
SCCP | Signaling connection control part | 信令连接控制部分 |
SCH | Synchronization channel | 同步信道 |
SDCCH | Standalone dedicated control channel | 独立专用信道 |
SDL | Specification description | 说明与描述语言 |
SDT | SDL development tool | SDL开发工具 |
SDU | Service data unit | 业务数据单元 |
SE | Support entity | 支持实体 |
SEF | Support entity functions | 支持实体功能 |
SFH | Slow frequency hopping | 慢速跳频 |
SI | Screening indication | 屏蔽 |
SIM | Subscriber identity | 业务互作用 |
SLR | Send loudness rating | 发送音量比率 |
SLTM | Signaling link test message | 信令链路测试消息 |
SMAP | System management | 系统管理应用程序 |
SM | Security management | 安全 |
SME | Short message entity | 短消息实体 |
SMG | Special mobile group | 短消息组 |
SMISE | Special management information rvice element | 专用管理信息业务 |
SMS | Short message rvice | 短消息业务 |
SMSCB | Short message rvice cell broad cast | 短消息业务小区广播 |
SMSSC | Short message rvice center | 短消息业务中心 |
SMS/PP | Short message rvice/point to point | 短消息业务/点到点 |
SMT | Short message terminal | 短消息终端 |
SN | Subscriber number | 用户号码 |
SNR | Serial number R | 序列好 |
SOA | Suppress outgoing access | 抑制呼出接入 |
SP | Service provider | 业务提供商 |
Signaling Point | 信令点 | |
SPC | Signaling point code | 信令点代码 |
Suppress Preferential CUG | 抑制优先的CUG | |
SRES | Signed RESpon | 鉴权响应数 |
SS | Supplementary rvice system simulator | 补充业务 |
System Simulator | 系统模拟器 | |
SSC | Supplementary rvice control string | 补充业务控制串 |
SSN | Subsystem NO 7 | 子系统号码 |
SS7/SS#7 | Signaling system NO 7 | 七号信令 |
STMR | Side tone masking rating | 侧音屏蔽比率 |
STP | Signaling transfer | 信令传输点 |
SVN | Software version | 软件版本好 |
SWM | Software management | 软件管理 |
T | Timer | 时钟 |
TA | Terminal Adaptor | 终端适配器 |
Time advance | 时间提前量 | |
TAC | Type approval Code | 类型批准代码 |
TAF | Terminal adaptation Function | 终端适配功能 |
TBR | Technical basis for regulation | 规定的技术基础 |
TC | Transaction capabilities | 处理能力 |
TCAP | Transaction capabilities application part | 事物处理能力的应用部分 |
TCH | Traffic channel | 业务信道 |
TCH/F | A full rate tch | 全速业务信道 |
TCH/F2.4 | A full rate tch/2,4 k | 全速业务信道(<=2.4k bit) |
TCH/F4.8 | A full rate tch /4.8k | 全速业务信道(4.8k) |
TCH/F9.6 | A full rate tch/9.6k | 全速业务信道(9.6k) |
TCH/FS | A full rate speech ch | 全速 语音信道 |
TCH/HS | A half rate tch | 半速 语音信道 |
TCI | Tranceiver control interface | 收发信机控制接口 |
TCTR | Technical committee technical report | 技术委员会技术报告 |
TDMA | Time division multiple access | 时分多址 |
TE | Terminal equipment | 终端设备 |
TEI | Terminal endpoint identifier | 终端点标识 |
TFA | Transfer allowed | 允许传送 |
TFP | Transfer allowed | 禁止窜送 |
TI | Transaction identifier | 事物处理标识 |
TLV | Type length and value | 类型长度和含义 |
TM | Test management | 测试管理 |
TMN | Telecommunication management network | 电信管理网 |
TMSI | Temporary mobile subscriber identity | 临时移动用户号码 |
TN | Timeslot number | 时隙号 |
TON | Type of number | 数字类型 |
TRAU | Trans coding and rate adaption unit | 码型转换和速率适配单元 |
TRX | Transceiver | 收发信机 |
TS | Time slot | 时隙 |
Tchnical Specification | 技术标准 | |
TSC | Training quence code | 训练序列代码 |
TSDI | Transceiver speech &data interface | 收发信机语音和数据接口 |
TTCN | Tree and tabular combined notation | 数表结合表示 |
TUP | Telephone ur part | 电话用户部分 |
TV | Type sand value | 类型和含义 |
UDI | Unrestricted digital information | 无限制的数字信息 |
UDUB | Ur determined ur busy | 有用户决定的用户忙 |
UI | Unmumbered information | 无序信息 |
UPCMI | Uniform PCM interface | 统一的PCM接口 |
UPD中班公开课 | Up to date | 最新的 |
USSD | Unstructured supplementary rvice data | 未组织的补充业务数据 |
UUS | Ur to ur signaling supplementary rvice | 用户到用户的信令补充 |
V | Value only | 含义 |
VAD | Voice activity deteection | 语音激活检测 |
VAP | Video tex access point | 可视数据接入点 |
VBS | Voice broadcast rvice | 语音广播业务 |
VGCS | Voice group call rvice | 语音组呼叫业务 |
VLR | Visitor location register | 接入位置寄存器 |
VMSC | Visited MSC | 被访问的MSC |
VPLMN | Visited PLMN | 被接入的MSC |
VSC | VideoTEX rvice center | 可视数据业务中心 |
VSWR | Voltage standing wave ratio | 电压驻波比 |
VSD | Send state variable | 发送状态变量 |
VTX | The components dedicated to videotex rvice | 专门用于可视数据的组件 |
WARC | World adminstrative radio conference | 世界无线电行政大会 |
WS | Word ststion | 工作站 |
WPA | Wrong password attempts | 密码错误 |
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