
更新时间:2023-06-27 18:29:14 阅读: 评论:0

1. creep in/into sth 开始发⽣(或影响)As she became more tired, errors began to creep into her work. 由于越来越疲劳,他的⼯作开始出现差错。
2. tendon = sinew n. 筋腱,肌腱;sinew 关键环节,⼒量来源
3. flake off 剥落; fall apart 崩溃,⽡解
4. capitalize on 利⽤
5. regular shipments 定期运输
6. high tea 下午茶(英式)
7. wither on the vine (通常指因缺乏帮助或⽀持⽽)渐渐破灭,消失,未能实现
8. leave on one’s own devices 听任...⾃便;让...⾃⾏发展;⾃⽣⾃灭,听之任之 If you just leave the virus to its own devices, it will go way up like we’ve en in Italy.
9. ramp up 巩固,增加 We noticed China, they ramped up their testing really fast. 中国针对病⼈的检测
10. cut-throat competition 激烈竞争,恶性竞争
11. leave the rivals in the dust 将对⼿远远甩在⾝后
try过去分词12. for the time being 暂时
13. of late 最近; as of now 截⾄⽬前
14. on par with 与...同等⽔平;赶上;同步;⼀致
15. (hit) clo to home 触到痛处;说得太露⾻;感同⾝受 It was clo to home. I felt hurt.
16. in due cour 在适当的时候;及时地;顺次
17. bounce back 复苏,恢复原状
18. kick into gear 开始运作
19. break one’s back 拼命做,⾟苦⼯作 eg: Working as a consultant in this country will break your back.
20. get around to 抽出时间来做... 开始考虑做...
21. blow by blow 原原本本的,详细地描述事情经过 eg: a blow-by-blow description 详尽的描述;~ analysis详尽的分析;~ review 详尽的审查(没有hyphen作副词;有hyphen作名词)
女明星图片22. have no call for sth 没有理由做某事 There isn’t lots of call for small shops nowadays. 如今对⼩商店已没有多⼤需求了。= uncalled for
23. bring sth to a head 某事到了⾮做决定的紧要关头 eg: It brought to a head his addiction to cigarettes. He’s been tobacco-free ever since.
24. brush off 忽略;不予理睬 eg: She brushed off all bad reviews. 他对负⾯评价根本不理睬。
25. brush sb off 忽略某⼈ He keeps brushing me off. 把我的话当⽿旁风,不理睬我。
26. burning question 最亟待解决的问题
27. business as usual 照常;恢复正常 It will not be business as usual any time soon for the Japane people. ⽇本⼈民的⽣活近期内恐怕难以恢复。
28. carbon copy 复写纸;adj. ⾮常相似,⼀摸⼀样 eg: She is a carbon copy of her sister. 她姐俩长的⼀摸⼀样。
29. a ca in point 典型的例⼦ A ca in point was her believe in living here and now. ⼀个恰当的例⼦就是把他相信要活在当下。
30. cast in stone 最后的决定;板上定钉的决定 There are no rules cast in stone on how to order wines. 点酒没有什么固定的规则。
功率马力31. be caught in the middle 左右为难;被夹在中间
32. waking skeleton 瘦猴;瘦得像搓⾐板;⽪包⾻ as thins as six o’ clock (时针和分针上下⼀条线,⾮常形象)
33. wild goo cha 徒劳的搜索;劳⽽⽆功的事
34. a wild goo ⼤雁(不是野鹅)
35. ros and thorns 玫瑰与荆棘;⽢苦
36. all talk and no cider 只听楼梯响,不见⼈下来;⽹络 空⼝说⽩话
37. the blind leading the blind 盲⼈指引盲⼈;外⾏指导外⾏ eg: It was the blind leading the blind.
38. clean slate 尽弃前嫌;重新开始 eg: They decided to leave the past behind them and start with a clean slate.
39. clean the air 消除误会;澄清事实 eg: I prefer face-to-face conversation over e-mail.
40. churn out ⼤量炮制;粗制滥造的炮制
41. chip on one’s shoulder ⼼⾥有根刺;怀恨在⼼chip ⽊板 eg: My co-worker always has a chip on his shoulder becau the boss didn’t give hike a promotion.
42.  cold comfort 不起作⽤的安慰;⽆⽤的安慰 That was cold comfort. 这解决不了问题。
43. come a long way 取得飞跃进展
44. come clean 全盘招供;坦⽩交代 I’m the type of person who comes clean rather quickly.
45. come to grips with 与...争论;冲突;对付;认真对待 eg: I had a hard time coming to grips with the loss of my cat.
46. cook someone’s goo 使某⼈计划等挫败;使垮台 eg: The x scandal cooked his goo.
47. of all places (表⽰认为不可能或惊讶)在所有的地⽅中(偏偏就这个地⽅)
48. galloping global pandemic 蔓延全球的流⾏病
49. a rough ride 艰难的旅途; have much riding on sth 在某事上下赌注付款协议书范本
50. beyond onelf 极度兴奋;发狂 eg: They’re beside themlves with fear and worry.
51. cover one’s tracks 掩盖⾏踪;隐瞒证据
52. cross that bridge when one comes to it 船到桥头⾃然直 eg: They don’ They prefer to cross that bridge when they come to it. 但是不...等情况发⽣了再说)
53. wing it 到时候再说,随机应变
54. curry favor 讨好;奉承 curry 咖喱;curry favor with sb 拍马屁 eg: He always currying davor with the boss. Finally, he’s isolated in the office.
55. cut both ways ⼀件事情有利有弊;双刃剑 eg: Being an only child has cut both ways. 作为独⽣⼦
56. damage control 破坏;损坏;采取措施将造成的损害降到最低 eg: He was sorry and nt flowers. That’s damage control.
57. damn with faint prai 名褒实贬;⽤轻微的赞扬进⾏贬低 eg: She damned me with faint prai even though I’ve tried my best to impress her.
58. diamond in the rough 未经雕琢的璞⽟;⾮常有潜⼒的⼈和物
59. do the trick 取得想要的成果;获得成功的窍门 eg: staking your dog for a run in the morning will do the trick.
60. eke out 节约使⽤;勉强度⽇;竭⼒维持 eg: He was able to eke our a few more car sales. 他竭尽全⼒多卖⼏辆车。
61. the end of the line 尽头;极限(再做努⼒也⽆⽤的时刻或阶段)eg: The popularity of emails may mean the end of the line for a lot of post offices.
骚狐狸62. let sth rip 使全速前进 let growth rip
63. make up leeway 摆脱逆境;弥补损失的时间
64. perk up 昂⾸翘尾;活跃起来;振作精神 = ginger up
65. in full swing 活跃;蓬勃⾼涨
66. go out of one’s way 特地;不怕⿇烦
67. big-ticket items ⼤件消费商品
68. overall picture 总体形势;总体情况;概貌
69. on end 连续地
70. take the full (for sb) 为某⼈承担责任;待⼈受罪
71. put a spoke in one’ wheel 破坏阻挠某⼈计划 spoke 辐条
72. go through the mill / put sb through the mill使陷于困境;与某⼈为难  mill磨粉机
73. whip sb into shape 训练,严格管教
74. hop off 起飞;离开
75. steal / hog the limelight 把公众的注意⼒吸引过来
76. in the nick of time 及时;恰好
基础素描77. crash cour 速成课;填鸭式课程 = cram cour
78. pumped with adrenalin 打鸡⾎(adrenalin 肾上腺素)
79. keep afloat 摆脱债务,经济上周转的开
80. push one’s luck 得⼨进尺
81. e through 识破,看穿;帮助度过难关 to e us through the crisis
82. hive n. 蜂巢;(⽐喻)充满繁忙⼈群的场所;v. hive sth off to sth 把⼀部分分离出来,卖掉公司的⼀部分 eg: The IT Department is being hived off into a new company.
83. woe betide sb / woe to sb 某⼈将会遭殃,就要倒霉 eg: Woe betide anyone who gets in her way.
84. give (sb) the boot 解雇某⼈;boot n.鞋⼦;v.踢;the boot/shoe is in the other foot 形势已经完全不同了;to boot 另外,加之(旧)
85. on the grounds that 由于,根据
86. dig in one’s heel 固执⼰见,局部让步
87. have a nodding acquaintance with sb / sth 和...有点头之交;对...略知⼀⼆
88. a nod and a wink / a nod is as good as a wink ⼀点就懂;⼼有灵犀⼀点通
89. glass ceiling 玻璃天花板(社会企业中,⼥性或少数民族晋升到⾼级职位的障碍)
90. flex your muscles 显⽰实⼒,炫耀⼒量(警告或威胁)muscle-flexing
91. ram (sth) home 反复灌输...直⾄信服;迫使接受;强调...以使⼈接受 ram home an idea; eg: The loss of all his belongings rammed home the need to insure against fire. 他的家产丧失殆尽,这使他痛感⽕灾保险必不可少。
92. with all one’s might 竭尽全⼒;全⼒以赴
93. We will never stand aloof and shun our friends when they are in trouble. And we will never pick and choo not attach any strings when extending a helping hand. stand aloof袖⼿旁观,shun our friends 避⽽远之 attach strings 夹带私利,pick and choo 挑三拣四
94. with strings attached 附加条件 eg: They immediately agreed to donate 1000US dollars, no string attached. 他们⽴刻同意捐献1000美⾦,不求回报。
95. 我们不输出中国模式,也从未要求谁“抄中国作业” We have never exported the Chine model to anyone, nor asked anyone to copy China’s methods.
96. be in the same boat 出于同样的困境 The Virus put all of us in the same boat. And do not rock the boat. 捣乱;破坏良好的现状;使遇到危险
97. drive home 开车送回家;把…敲⼊;使⼈理解
98. win plaudits 赢得喝彩
99. clo ranks (尤其是受到批评时)抱团;携⼿合作
100. clo the book on sth 放弃某事;半途⽽废; clo your mind to sth 对...不考虑;置若罔闻;at /
from clo quarters 很近,⾮常靠近;clo, but no cigar 很接近了,但是还是输了;猜的差不多,但是不完全对;a clo call / shave 侥幸避免事故;幸免于难;a clo thing 成败机会个半;clo to home 中要害使某⼈不安,尴尬
101. bridge the gulf / gap / divide between A and B 消除A和B的隔阂/鸿沟/分歧;abridge 删减;删除(书记,剧本)
102. rack your brains 冥思苦想;绞尽脑汁; tacked by 饱受...;rack up累计达到...;in the rack 倍感压⼒,焦虑万分,痛苦不堪;go to rack and ruin 变得⼀团糟;off the rack 现成的 = off the peg 成品的,现成的 = off-the-shelf
103. cash in [美俚] 死去 eg: He is spurring from cancer and going to cash in. 他患了癌症,快要死了

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