1. Blossom:表示花朵开放的状态,也用来形容春天的到来,如“The cherry trees are blossoming.”
2. Bloom:与blossom类似,也指花朵的开放状态,如“The garden is in full bloom.”
3. Flourish:表示茂盛、繁荣的状态,可以用来形容花园或植物的状况,如“The flowers are flourishing in the sunny weather.”疯狂购物
除杂原则 4. Thrive:表示茁壮成长、蓬勃发展的状态,也可以用来描述花朵的状态,如“The ros are thriving in the well-drained soil.”
5. Burst into bloom:字面意思是“突然盛开”,形容花朵一夜之间绽放的壮观景象,如“The garden burst into bloom after a night of rain.”
6. Abloom:意为“开花的”,通常用来形容花园、公园等地方的盛开景象,如“The park is a
查理一世bloom with colorful flowers.”
过去式和过去分词 7. Radiant:指光彩照人、灿烂夺目的状态,可以用来形容花朵的美丽和光芒,如“The sunflowers are radiant in the summer sun.”
快乐的同桌 8. Luscious:表示丰盈多汁、娇艳欲滴的状态,用来形容某些花卉的颜色和质感,如“The peonies are luscious with their deep pink petals.”。