Passage One
Young girls and women need to be protected from inducements to smoke. Tobacco is a multinational, multi-billion dollar industry. It is also an industry under threat; one quarter of its customers, in the long-term, have been killed by using its product and smoking is declining in many industrialized countries. To maintain profits, tobacco companies need to ensure that at least 2.7 million new smokers, usually young people, start smoking every year. Women have been clearly identified as a key target group for tobacco advertising in both the industrialized and developing worlds. Billions of US dollars each year are spent on promoting this lethal product specifically to women.
This strategy has been highlighted by veral tobacco journals which have carried articles on "targeting the female smokers" and suggesting that retailers should “look to the ladies”. Among 20 US magazines that received the most cigarette advertising revenue in 1985, eight were women's magazines. In the same year, a study on the cigarette advertisin
口渴的英语怎么说g policies of 53 British women's magazines showed that 64 percent of the magazines accepted cigarette advertising, which reprented an average of ven percent of total advertising revenue.
Rearch in industrialized countries has shown the subtle method ud to encourage girls to smoke. The impact of such method is likely to be even greater in developing countries, where young people are generally less knowledgeable about smoking hazards and may be more attracted by glamorous, affluent, desirable images of the female smoker. This is why World Health Organization (WHO), together with other national and international health agencies, has repeatedly called for national legislation banning all forms of tobacco promotion, and for an appropriate "high price" policy which would slow down the “enthusiasm” of young women for tobacco consumption.
Young girls and women have a right to be informed about the damage that smoking can do to their health. They also need to acquire skills to resist pressure to start smoking or to give it up. Several countries have developed integrated school health education pro
grams which have successfully reduced girls' smoking rates, but this education should not be restricted to what happens in school. There are many other examples of effective cessation programs in the workplace and primary health centers. Unfortunately, many women do not have the opportunity to be involved in such programs, and programs have generally been less successful with women than with men.
In order for women to become, and remain, non-smokers they need support. Environments need to be created which enable them to break free of this health damaging behavior, to make the healthy choices the best choices.
Questions 1-5 are bad on Passage One.
1. In paragraph one, why does the author say that the tobacco industry is under threat?
A. There are fewer smokers in the industrialized world.
B. The government is exerting stricter regulations.
C. Anti-smoking campaigns are on the ri.
D. It is constantly being sued.
2. According to the passage, in order to guarantee profit, the tobacco industry needs to ______.
A. u their advertising money more wily
B. enrich its varieties to attract people of all ages
C. counteract the influence of anti-smoking campaigns
D. get millions more people to take up smoking every year
3. “This strategy” in paragraph two refers to ______.
A. producing cigarettes appealing to women
米芾书法特点 B. promoting tobacco specially to women
C. inviting celebrities to endor cigarettes
D. advertising mainly in best-lling women's magazines
4. What can we learn about young people in developing countries?
A. They can hardly afford cigarettes.
B. They read many cigarette advertiments.
C. They ldom smoke imported cigarettes.
电脑连不上热点 D. They are less informed of smoking hazards.
5. Which of the following is true of the cessation programs mentioned in paragraph four?
A. They have reached their goals sooner than planned.
青城山前山 B. They have operated more successfully on campus.
C. They have produced better results with male smokers.
D. They have gained greater popularity in developing countries.
Passage Two
Any discussion of English conversation, like any English conversation, must begin with The Weather. And in this spirit of obrving traditional protocol, I shall quote Dr Johnson's famous comment that "When two English meet, their first talk is of the weather", and point out that this obrvation is as accurate now as it was over two hundred years ago.小孩蛀牙
This, however, is the point at which most commentators either stop, or try, and fail, to come up with a convincing explanation for the English “obssion” with the weather. They fail becau their premi is mistaken: they assume that our conversations about the weather are conversations about the weather. In other words, they assume that we talk about the weather becau we have a keen interest in the subject. Most of them then try to figure out what it is about the English weather that is so fascinating.影像科医生