餐 饮 类
一、水果 FRUIT
西柚 grape fruit
梨 pear
葡萄 grape
凤梨 pineapple
西瓜 water melon
草莓 strawberry
橙子 orange
李子 plum
柠檬 lemon
芒果 mango
樱桃 cheery
杨桃 star fruit
番木瓜 papaya
椰子 coconut
哈密瓜 honey melon接吻方法
杏 apricot
猕猴桃kiwi fruit
番石榴 guava
荔枝 litchi
花生 peanut
杏仁 almond
瓜子melon eds
枣 date
栗子chest nut
核桃 walnut
腰果 cashew
无花果 fig
胡桃 walnut
醋栗 currant
榛子 haze nut
可可 cocoa
芦笋 asparagus
黄瓜 cucumber
茄子 eggplant
马铃薯 potato
番茄 tomato
胡萝卜 carrot
花菜 cauliflower
西兰菜 brockery
南瓜 pumpkin
卷心菜 cabbage
大蒜 garlic
葱 chive
辣椒 chili
生菜 lettuce
蘑菇 mushroom
西芹 celery
欧芹 parsley
洋葱 onion
韭菜 leek
萝卜 radish
芥末 horradish/wasabi
四、肉类 MEET
牛肉 beef
羊肉 lamb/mutter
猪肉 pork
鸡肉 chicken
火腿 ham
乳猪 sucking
香肠 sausage
腌肉 bacon
火鸡 turkey
鸽子 pigeon
蛇 snake
排骨 sparerib
田鸡 frog
鸭 duck
鹅 groo
牛尾 ox tail
三文鱼 salmon
吞拿鱼 tuna
秋刀鱼 marakerel
鳕鱼 god
小虾仁 shrimp
大虾 prawn
龙虾 lobster
桂花鱼 mandarin fish
明虾 king prawn
蟹 crab
甲鱼 turtle
六、汁酱 sauce and dressing
配热菜 sauce
黑椒汁 black pepper sauce
红酒汁 red wine sauce
蒜蓉汁 garlic sauce
蘑菇汁 mushroom sauce
(原)肉汁 gravy sauce
荷兰汁 hollandai
鞑靼汁 tartar sauce又名“它它汁”
金巴利 campa
配冷菜 dressing
千岛汁 thousand island dressing
意大利汁 Italian dressing
法汁 French dressing
油醋汁 oil and vinegar dressing
蛋黄酱 mayonnai
咯嗲汁 cocktail dressing
凯撒汁 Caesar dressing
盐 salt
胡椒 pepper
味精 MSG
醋 vinegar
酱油 soya sauce
辣椒籽 tobascco
辣椒酱 chili sauce
甜辣椒酱 sweat chili sauce
芝士粉 chee powder
现磨胡椒 fresh pepper
法式芥末 French mustard
大藏芥末 Dijon mustand
番茄沙丝 ketchup
红酒醋 red wine vinegar
椒盐 spiced sauce
芝麻 sames
橄榄油olive oil
软中华 Chung Hwa (Soft)
硬中华 Chung Hwa (Box)
玉溪 Yu Xi
厦门 Xia Men
红石狮二泉映月的作者 Shi Shi (Red)
红七匹狼 Sepwolves (Red)
七星(特醇) Mild Seven (Light)
三五(特醇) 555 (Light)
阿诗玛 Ashima
红塔山 Hong tea shan
万宝路 Marlbolo
1. May I have your order sir/madam?
2. Could you plea look at the menu first.
3. Anything el?有关元宵节的灯谜
4. May I repeat your order?
5. What would you like to order?
6. Would you like something to drink before dinner?
7. Do you want to order a glass of wine/a cup of tea/a cup of flesh fruit juice?
8. Do you want to order some appetizers?
9. Would you care for an aperitif (a cup of tea, a cup of fresh juice)?
10. Just pick whatever looks good to you.
11. Do you like the food containing fat(salt/sugar)?你是否介意油腻(盐份/糖份)的食物?
12. Do you like vegetarian dishes?
13. We need 30 minutes to prepare your order.
14. I recommend all our dishes, but our special dishes for
15. The specialty of our hotel are .....
16. Might I introduce today’s special to you?
17. Our chef’s recommendations are ......
18. Very good choices, sir/madam. Would you like anything el?
19. I’m sorry. We have run out of XXX tonight.
20. I’m sorry. It’s my fault.
21. How did you enjoy your meal? Have a nice day
Set Breakfast
Two Fresh Farm Eggs 双蛋自选
注意: 问蛋的做法、配什么料
②煮蛋:请问您要的煮蛋需要煮几分钟?(soft boiled 三分钟是软心煮蛋……半熟;hard boiled全熟﹛包括蛋黄)是7分钟或7分钟以上)牛肉馅饼的做法
英文:There are many kinds of cooking ways, for example: Scrambled, Pan-fried, Boiled, Poached and Plain omelette, which kind of cooking way would you like? ① Pan Fried: Would you like your fried egg sunny side up(one side) or over easy(two side)? ② Boiled egg: How many minutes would you like your egg? (soft boiled egg\ hard boiled egg)
Three Eggs Omelette 三蛋奄列
英文:We have Bacon, Ham, Chee, Mushroom and Sausage, which one would you like with your omelette?
Rice Porridge 白粥
What kind of Cole would you like? We have dry pork flakes、salted egg、prerved lettuce stem( dry bamboo shoot 、chio- siam、 deep fried jwisted dough sticks) and so on.
Cereals & Bread
Oatmeal 麦片
英文:There are many kinds of oatmeal, for example: Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies, and All Bran (Honey Nuts\Cocoa Rice\Grape Bran), which kind of oatmeal would you like?
Toast 多士