益阳是几线城市A. The applicant should faithfully fill in the Application Form and prepare the following documents:
1. 非学历生/ Non-degree Students
①学历证书:本人最后学历证书的复印件或高中或大学在校学习证明/Academic diploma: A copy of the
applicant’s latest academic diploma or confirmation of enrollment in high school or university.
②申请者护照首页的复印件/A copy of the applicant’s passport(the page with applicant’s photo.).
Applicant if not lives in China, shall provide two copies of photocopy of PHYSICAL EXAMINATION RECORD FOR FOREIGNER (this form is printed by Chine Ministry of Health and Quarantine; applicant can get it from Chine Embassy). Applicant should follow strictly the required terms on PHYSICAL EXAMINATION RECORD FOR FOREIGNER to do physical examination. Any term failed to be examined, form without photo or without paging al on the photo will cau your PHYSICAL EXAMINATION RECORD FOR FOREIGNER invalid. Due to the valid period for PHYSICAL EXAMINATION RECORD FOR FOREIGNER is 6 months, applicant should confirm the time for physical examination accordingly.
2. 学历生/ Degree Students
①学历证书:本人最后学历证书的复印件或大学在校学习证明/Academic diploma: A copy of the applicant’s
乱棍打死猪八戒latest academic diploma or confirmation of enrollment in high school or university.
②成绩单:本人最后学历成绩单的复印件(经发证机关认证)/Academic record: The notarized copy of the academic records.
③两封推荐信(如申请博士研究生)/ Two recommendation/reference letters.(If applying for doctoral candidate.)
④申请者护照首页的复印件/A copy of the applicant’s passport (the page with applicant’s photo).
Applicant if not lives in China, shall provide two copies of photocopy of PHYSICAL EXAMINATION RECORD FOR FOREIGNER (this form is printed by Chine Ministry of Health and Quarantine; applicant can get it from Chine Embassy). Applicant should follow strictly the required terms on PHYSICAL EXAMINATION RECORD FOR FOREIGNER to do physical examination. Any term failed
东方红歌曲视频to be examined, form without photo or without paging al on the photo will cau your PHYSICAL EXAMINATION RECORD FOR FOREIGNER invalid. Due to the valid period for PHYSICAL EXAMINATION RECORD FOR FOREIGNER is 6 months, applicant should confirm the time for physical examination accordingly.
3. 凡在中国其他正规学校学习的人员申请来我校学习,还应提供/ More documents are required for tho who are
studying in another Chine institution:
①所在院校留学生办公室的转学同意信(必须加盖公章)/ A stamped approval letter from the Foreign Students’
电子经纬仪Office of the current hosting institution.
②在华有效签证或居留证复印件/ A copy of the valid visa or Residence Permit in China.
1036年B. 请于报名截止时间前将填写好的申请表和其他材料邮寄发送至:
B. Plea nd the filled Application Form and other required documents by surface mail to:
International Office Huaihua University 612 East Yingfeng Rd, Huaihua, Hunan, P. R. China ********
山水画入门电话/Tel:+86-******** 传真/Fax:+86-******** E-mail: hhxywsb@yahoo
梦见牙掉C. 收到您完整的申请材料,经审查合格后,我们将在两个月内寄发《入学通知书》和《来华签证申请表》
C. On receiving your complete application documents, we will nd you both the Admission Notice and Visa Application
for Study in China (JW202) within two months by surface mail。