Part I Writing
My opinion oncertificate craze
The growingtendency among college students to get all kinds ofcertificates hasnow evolved intoacraze. Justrandomly ask a student what heor she is busily engaged indoing, quite possibly, you wouldgetthe answerthat he or she ispreparingfor a certificate of some kind. So,why’sthe craze?
The reason behind thisphenomenon is common—the enormous pressureoffinding a job.Faced with aharshjob market,most students havenochoice but to ek more certificatestoparlay their qualifications.Another factor is that diploma and cert ificatesstill weighs heavily in terms of signifyingone’sability.
Forthe sake ofincreasingtheir oddsof landing abetter job,the students arecompelledto run from one exam to anoth er.
ThoughI have anopen mind towardthe craze oncertificates, Isuggest thatstudents should bemore rationalwhenitcomes to certificates,since theydo not necessarilytell thei rability.Instead, they should be more involvedin learning an dcapability boosting, thus, opportunities wouldcome quite naturally.
The growing tendency …hasnowevolved into…
bebusily engaged in doing
战斗檄文The reason behind…ﻫharsh jobmarket
have nochoice butto…
parlay their qualificationsﻫsth.weighs heavily in terms of…increasingone’s odds of…ﻫbe involved in doing…
be compelled to do…
have an open mind toward…ﻫcapability boosting
1. 文章构造上,能看得出该同学试图采用议论文旳“三段式”(提出问题、分析问题、处理问题)。逻辑严谨,论证严密;句式体现灵活,用语较为地道。
2.微观语言点方面,有个主谓一致旳方面旳错误(diploma and certificates stil lweighs heavily);有些语句稍显啰嗦,比quite possibly, you wouldget th eanswerthat… 大可简化成you’d mostlikely be told that… 更好,意思没有丝毫减损,体现力反而增强许多;此外某些用语多反复,例如job多次出现;为了防止此类现象,文中旳the enormouspressure of finding a job 不妨改为the enormous pressure ofgetting employed。
Certificate craze
Recently the phenomenon of certificate crazehas become abig concern of thepublic.It is also a newcrazein the university,which seems like a routineactivity on campus, for ce rtificates doplay a vital rolewhenstudentslook for a decen tjob.
Admittedly, there are different purpos behind this phenomenon.Some people aim atcertificates becau of the employment p
ressure.Withthe admissionexpansion ofcolleges,agreatmany graduateshave tofacethefierce competition inthejob
作文可以写什么market. So it is thecertificates thatcan makethem more competitive. However, someothers consider all the diploma and certific atesimportant standardsbywhich aperson’s ability can bemeasu red.They spareno effort to get thecertificates for the sole purpos eof proving that they are qualified inacertainfield.Moreover, there are thosewhojust want to enrich their life bypreparing
for the certificates becau theyreallyenjoytheirprogress. From my point of vie
w, weshould be more rational when it comestocertificates,since certificates do not necessarily prove one’s ability. Being crazy in gettingcertifications blindlyisnothing butwasting time. To conclude,weshould focus onimproving ourability but notmerely getting a certificate.
The job markettodayis increasingly sophisticated, requiring workers to have specializedknowledge intheir fields. As a re sult,becoming certified is a trendamong today’sjob seeking youth.More and morepeople, students especially, lookato
btainingcertification as a means to getting a better job and, therefore, enjoying brighterfuture.
There are as many certificates asthere are fields of study. Lawyerswill take the LSAT, business majors willtake the GMAT to furthertheir study in the US,andthose who study a foreign language, like English, might take the TOEFL, TOEIC, or any numbe rof English certificationexams.
Isthisnecessary?Or, is the“certification craze” justa trend thatwill eventuallypass? Imylf haveobtained twodifferent certifications:one in Japane (N2)andanother in teachingEnglishasa foreign language(TEFL). Bothof the certifications have been beneficial in gettinggood jobs. Therefore, it is myopinionthat, trendor not, the resultsof becomingcertifiedare real and can be invaluable inopeningup future opportunities.
1. 逻辑构造上,本文大体也是按照“提出问题(考证热旳现象)”“分析问题(背后旳动力)”和“处理问题(个人旳观点)”旳构造展开。