Pre-Natal Injury, Homicide And The Draft Criminal
比如用英语怎么说生活方面怎么写期刊名称: Cambridge Law Journal
牡丹花怎样种植和养护作者: Jennifer Temkin
年份: 1986年
期号: 第3期
摘要:If a baby is born alive only to die some time afterwards from pre-natal injury, for what crime is the perpetrator liable? Coke considered that if the injury was caud after quickening by an attempted abortion or by a violent assault upon a pregnant woman, the answer to this question was murder, even if the defendant did not intend or foree death or rious injury to a fully-born child. The purpo
of this article is to evaluate Coke's rule together with the authority in support of it and to consider whether, if it still exists today, it ought to be incorporated in the propod Criminal Code.食管反流治疗