胎儿成长四十周自述(Forty weeks of fetal growth)三维立体画图片
Are you ready to be your mother, do you know what changes your body will experience in the cour of pregnancy in October? How will your baby grow? Read Yun's pregnancy week - not only does it record her physical experience in the 40 weeks of pregnancy, but also the knowledge of baby development from the doctors!
Fifth weeks pregnant my holiday late veral days, what does it mean? I found the test paper I bought a long time ago. My husband and I sat in the tub of barley on the side, staring at the test paper. It emed to start to change, and we held each other's hands and held our breath. A very shallow, very shallow blue line is gradually emerging, the color is also getting deeper and deeper. I can't believe it - I'm really pregnant!! The excitement made my whole body tighten, and suddenly I was afraid again. We went to the hospital again, and the doctor said, "I've been pregnant for 5 weeks.". 5 weeks? Sperm and eggs meet in my body, and then they divide into countless cells - yes, doctors say, they are called blastocysts. They grow in my womb and become embryos. Although I had just known the existence of this little life, the doctor said that my baby's nervous system, blood vesls and heart had already formed. His little heart has been beating in my body since twenty-fifth days ago. Oh, my god.
Sixth weeks pregnant, I always want to urinate. I have a pear so big uterus (doctor said), but my baby is just a small pear. But is this the small pear oppress bladder. I don't sleep well all night. I always run to the toilet. Every day, when I put my hand on my stomach and think of my baby - I was so excited, but I couldn't help worrying. Being a mother was really a big
step on my life - thankfully, I had 9 months to adapt to such a huge change. I can hardly believe that one day I will really hold this little thing in my arms and gently hold his little hand. I've been imagining what tho little hands would look like, and I know they're now in my belly.
I was totally exhausted after venth weeks of pregnancy. It's said that the first three months of pregnancy are going to be very tired, and the main organs of the baby are formed during this period. I felt this exhaustion. Maybe it's becau the baby's spine is forming, so he's constantly going to absorb a lot of folic acid through my body, so that the bones can grow strong. I'm not in very good mood. But it's long been expected, becau my hormones change a lot. There's only one advantage - my breasts are more full than before. I'm happy, becau I've never been a full woman. But they are also more fragile than ever before, and the veins of the veins of the blue vein that are visible through the skin stretch out, and the husband says it's like maps. As for the baby, I asked the doctor, he's growing up now, and his eyelids are forming (though it's going to be long before his eyes open).
His nostrils and his digestive system are also growing.
Eighth Sunday of pregnancy! I hate it!! I started to feel nauous. The book says that the morning is disgusting, and somehow I always have this feeling in the afternoon. Fortunately, I haven't vomited yet, but I feel very uncomfortable. Forcing yourlf to eat a few slices of bread can relieve a little bit of naua. Of cour, closing my eyes and imagining my lovely baby can make me forget for a while. His face - intuition tells me that "he" must be a boy - is forming.
Who will he be like? The doctor told me that he was 2.5 centimeters long, and his head was unusually large compared with the body. So, in my imagination, he is a small ahor, happy roaming in my body.
Ninth weeks of pregnancy. Now, don't call my baby an embryo anymore. He has been officially declared a small fetus. His liver has begun to make blood cells, and the umbilical cord is in the process of forming. I feel dizzy sometimes, but the doctor says, "don't worry, becau during this period, becau of the hormones, the blood pressure drops.".
After tenth weeks of pregnancy, my baby has been working regularly - although I still don't feel it. In his water world, the little fellow swims like a fish, and he has webbed feet like a duck. I'm craving ice
cream very much - it's said that this strong desire is also caud by hormonal changes. And becau it's always disgusting, eating something cool ems to make me feel better. Yesterday afternoon, I cretly opened the refrigerator and took out the ice cream cake, and I caught it by the barley coming back from work. Naturally, I gained a lot of weight, and all the clothes felt tight.
After eleventh weeks of pregnancy, my little baby should have grown as big as a big strawberry now. My feeling of naua ems to have lightened a lot. The baby's neck began to form, so that his head was not as connected as before.
For Twelfth weeks of pregnancy, this is the end of the first pha of pregnancy, and the likelihood of miscarriage is also reduced. It wasn't until this week that I told my friends about
my pregnancy, and everybody was very excited. I went to the hospital today for a fluoroscopy, and when I saw the baby's blurry shape on the screen of the X-ray instrument, I couldn't help tears - what a perfect baby, even though it was only 7.5 centimeters long. His xual organs have also begun to develop, but do not e whether it is a boy or a girl.
Thirteenth weeks of pregnancy, I believe my little strawberries are now as big as oranges, and my stomach can also e a slight process - though there's nothing el to e through the clothes.
I almost didn't feel nauous anymore, and I became quite energetic. I have a strange sheen on my hair, and the skin becomes smooth and soft. The placenta has been formed in my body, it controls the production of hormones and is responsible for providing nutrition for babies. The baby's legs are more powerful, but becau the fat layer has not yet generated, he is just a skinny little guy. But his mother, on the contrary, I felt like some fermented steamed bread. The doctor warned me not to wear tight jeans, becau it will affect blood circulation, cau varico veins and swelling.
Fourteenth weeks pregnant! I heard his heart beat today!! The doctor put a microphone like instrument on my belly and listened to the other end. That sounds like a hor breathing - and it's 150 times a minute. I can't believe it's twice as fast as my own heart beat. The doctor said he was as big as my fist. My nipples and areola have shown deep brown color. I didn't expect breasts to change that much.
笛子英语Fifteenth of Zhou Baobao's skin is still transparent, and there is a faint red. If I can e him through my body, I can e his
大漠沙如雪燕山月似钩blood vesls. The color of my skin ems to be deeper than before, especially the small spots on my face. A friend told me that she had butterflies like spots on her face when she was pregnant, but I didn't em to have one. I also know that the baby's bones are beginning to become stronger.
After sixteenth weeks of pregnancy, the baby is 17 centimeters long, and all kinds of hair are growing, including eyelashes, and I hope he has long eyelashes and beautiful eyebrows. His body is covered with a layer of fine soft hair, but hair will gradually disappear with his growth. I think it's sister's child birth, ears full of hair, one or two weeks after the disappearance. I'm almost out of my waist. I had a full physical examination. In the bed, I'm like a little baby. When the doctor put a needle into my blood, I suddenly thought: children, I endure the pain?
红嘴唇图片Seventeenth weeks pregnant, the doctor said this time, the baby hand can hold it, and has his own unique fingerprint. I thought about my grapefruit size baby, thinking about his fingerprints. What a wonder. I began to feel back pain, becau my ligament was softer than before.
黑龙江高考改革Now, I have to be careful whether I take things or sit up.
Eighteenth weeks pregnant, I felt him, definitely him. Like a bubble in my stomach. I was in the subway, and it made me so excited that I almost hugged the strange man around me. Fortunately, he was reading the newspaper, did not notice my gaffe. Like the first look, the first time I heard the fetal heart, the feeling of that moment became a monument in the