1As medical knowledge __evolves_____, people’s beliefs change.
2She fell against our coffee table and got a large _bump_______ on her forehead.
3He wishes the government would be more __attentive______ to detail in their respon.
做梦梦到自己杀人4Grandma protested, but he ___curd_____ her and rudely pushed her aside.
5The police have ___launched_____ an investigation into the incident.
6 It is esntial that we ___tackle_____ this thorny problem.
7We cannot succeed in this __endeavor______ alone, but we can lead it.
8Young people are the most ___susceptible_____ to advertiments.
9Accept that some things you ___obss_____ about are out of your control.
10Neon lights gleamed________ in the deepening mists.
11Correct ideas are not __innate______ in the mind.云彩和风儿
12It rves you right. As a man sows, so does he ____reap____.
13They went for a ____stroll____ along the waterfront.
14The music faded down and a special news ___broadcast_____ began.
15The volume of scheduled flights is __straining______ the air traffic control system.
16Be sure not to let your social activities get _____in___ the way of your studies.
蜂胶4类人不能吃17My sister __t up______ her stereo in her bedroom.
18Plea do not hesitate ____to____ contact me if you have any questions.
19He told us that when the new car is launched __in______ the market, he would marry her.
20She was relieved to e his face __light up______ with a boyish grin.
1About Jane Goodall, which of the following is not correct?
She has rved on the board of the Human Rights Project since its founding in 1996.
2.To understand an interview, we should identify;.
the background information of the interviewer
3.About parenthetical expressions, which of the following is not correct?
They make the information more abstract and easier to understand.
4. From paragraph 1, we can get the information except for
It is her 55th-year study of wild chimpanzees.
5.In Paras.6-13, three methods of animal protection are mentioned, which of the following is not correct?Wildlife conrvation law
6..Which of the following is not one of the differences between human beings and chimpanzees?
one of kind, not of degree
7. Which of the following is not one of similarities between human beings and chimpanzees?.
From the moral perspective, they have feelings and a moral code.
8. In an academic cover letter, you need to demonstrate the following aspects except for
personal interests
9.There are usually four parts in a job application letter. They are
personal information, employment information, education and references
10. The major ctions in a job application letter are
header, salutation, Introduction, body, closing and signature.
11.In the body ction of a job application,you can do the following things.
Explain why you are interested in the job and why you make an excellent candidate for the position. Mention specific qualifications listed in the job posting, and explain how you meet tho qualifications
12.An application letter should be conci. To achieve conciness, we can
reduce phras to words, reduce propositional phras, omit unnecessary intensifiers and qualifiers, and remove unnecessary “there be” structure
13. In Jane’s chimpanzee project, which of the following is not mentioned?
14. Goodall is now a 76-year-old grandmother, but time has done nothing to _diminish_____ her energy.
15. We need to know the ___exact__ time the incident occurred.
16.It was found at the preci___ spot where she had left it.
17.With the development of modern technology, __smart___ phone has become quite popular all over the world due to their outstanding functions.
18.What makes one person more intelligent than another? What makes one person a genius, like the brilliant____ Albert Einstein, and another person a fool?
陈小功19. The reconstruction of __extinct___ species from fossil bones was often undertaken by muum workers.
20.We humans are __unique女孩子的屁股____, but we’re not as different as we ud to think.
1.Adolescence is the period of ____transition________ between childhood and manhood.
2.A nur moved to the life support machine and _flipped___ a switch
3.Remembering and using people’s names when talking to them will _pay dividends _党员个人评议__ in personal relationships.