Thailand is an independent country that lies in the heart of Southeast Asia.It is bordered to the north by Burma and Laos,to the east by Laos and Cambodia,to the south by the Gulf of Thailand and
Malaysia,and to the west by the Andaman Sea and the southern etremity of Burma.Its maritime boundaries include Vietnam in the Gulf of Thailand to the southeast and Indonesia and India in the Andaman Sea to the southwest.
The country is a kingdom,a constitutional monarchy with King Bhumibol Adulyadej,the ninth king of the Hou of Chakri,who has reigned since 1946,making him the worlds longest-rving current head of state and the longest-reigning monarch in Thai history.[6] The king is
offially titled Head of State,the Head of the Armed Forces,an Upholder of the Buddhist relion,and the Defender of all Faiths.
The largest city in Thailand is Bangkok,the capital,whh is also the countrys center of polital,mercial,industrial and cultural activities.
Thailand is the worlds 50th largest country in terms of total area (slightly smaller than Yemen and slightly larger than Spain),with a surface area of roimately 513,000 km2 (198,000 sq mi),and the 21st most-populous country,with roimately 64 million people.About 75 of the population is ethnally Thai,14 is of Chine orin,and 3 is ethnally Malay; the rest belong to minority groups including Mons,Khmers and various hill tribes.There are roimately 2.2 million legal and illegal migrants in Thailand.Thailand has also attracted a number of epatriates
from developed countries.The countrys offial language is Thai.It is primarily Buddhist,whh is practed by around 95 of all Thais.
Thailand eperienced rapid econom growth between 1985 and 1995 and
is a newly industrialized country with tourism,due to well-known tourist destinations such as Pattaya,Bangkok,Phuket,Chiang Mai and Ko Samui,and eports contributing signifantly to the economy.
If you have done it before, you are already addted.If you havent,then it is remarkably easy.Whatever: Koh Samui is your gateway to the best diving sites in the Gulf of Thailand.
Imane being weightless, suspended in a world of color and light.As in a dream you can fly anywhere, eploring a rainbow-hued garden.The ocean here is a fantasy land, and the wonderful thing is, that anyone can enter it.
Not a strong swimmer You dont have to be.Scared of sharks and other a monsters They will be more afraid of you.Dont want to be shown up as a land lubber Were all like that.
Professional diving instructors have to go through rigorous
training before they can qualify, and part of that includes putting people at their ea.
So, ready to take the plunge
Most of the diving schools on Samui will offer an introductory cour whh involves a swimming pool dive.This usually has an amazing effect on anyone who has any doubts, becau the very act of string on the equipment and diaring under the surface of even a hotel pool ves that esntial little spurt of confidence.
After that you are ready to ben eploring , and the sheer
diveability of Samui is what brings so many people here.The calm waters《晚春》古诗
with their gradual depths just off the beaches are almost designed for benners.Further out, at other island and rocky outcrops, there are other dive sites perfect for the nove and the eperienced diver.
Apart from Samui, Koh Pha-Ngan and the Ang Thong National Marine Park Archipelago offer great snorkeling sights.Many are easily accessible on a day-trip: the overnighters will include land acmodation, as few boats from Samui have sleeper facilities.
Koh Pha-Ngan is developing as a tourist resort and now offers some attractive beachfront acmodation.It takes just 45 minutes to reach the island by boat from Samui, and once you are there the easiest way to travel from beach to beach is by water tai: the rocky interior of the island is hard on walkers.
Off the beaches you will fine Coral reefs, but the nearby smaller islands do have clearer waters with better reefs.Koh Mah is generally rated the best, and its about 45 minutes from Pha-Ngan : a nely sloping reef here, with caves and creves forming homes for sners and sweetlips makes this a very pretty dive.Koh Tae Nok and Koh Tae Nai are also remended.
[R-p6]The are two islets just off Pha-Ngan,and the site is good for benners as the maimum depth is around 16 meters.There are some attractive coral mounts here, with sponges and a cucumber
关键工作s, and the sandy abed in between the islets is home to lizard and goby fish.
Hin Bai, or Sail Rock, is a dramat rocky outcropping about 2 1/2 hours from Samuis Chaweng Beach.You can dive here to depths of more than 30 metres, and one of the most distinctive features is the 12 underwater pinnacles with their rocky gorges.There is plenty of
brilliantly colored soft coral at this site, and it is also a mating
and spawning ground for groupers and sners.You may e the occasional whale shark whh feeds on the plankton clo to the surface.
[R-p7]Some two hours from Samui is Koh Wao, whh with its shallow water of a maimum 19 meters has partularly colorful coral grog in the warm sunlight.There is a partularly den population of coral fish here, plus butterfly and angel fish and sners.Antler corals are host to a anemone, and brain corals to starfish and big oysters.
Hin Nippon, or Jap Rock, is only 10 minutes from Koh Wao, and eperienced divers e here for the deeper dives of 30 meters or more.About half-way down are shoals of barracudas and yellow tails, and with a strong current prevailing big fish often swim in from the deep ocean to feed on plankton and other marine creatures.
Koh Tao is an up and ing dive center, follog clo on the heels of Samui as its infrastructure improves.You reach Koh Tao by boat in about five hours from Samui.Much of the beachfront acmodation is still fairly pretty bas, but is already benning to improve.
[R-p8]The islands name in Thai means Turtle Island and on a clear day you can e its distinctive humped shape 55 km away on Samui.Apart from its turtle-shape, it does in fact play host to a turtles who every year crawl up the beaches to lay their eggs in the sand.For divers, the island is far enough offshore to be away from riverine diments from the mainland, and the waters are eceptionally clear.Some of the best diving can be had at around 18 meters, an easy depth for noves, and there are many shallow sites for snorkelers.
[L-p9] Ao Leuk is just off the island and offers depths of up to 12 metres, a very relaing way to und after the journey from Samui.Some unusual rock formations can be en here, with clumps of sponges and
some a whips.Staghorn coral is home to schools of small white spotted daml fish.
For a night dive, Koh Nang Yuan is just 25 minutes from Koh
Tao.There is a sheltered bay on the eastern side of the islet whh is ideal with depths of up to12 meters.
[L-p10] In the light of your torch you will surpri nocturnal fish and crustaceans, and some of the shy fish whh spend the day deep in caves and creves and only e out at night.
Chumporn is also emerne as a dive center, with day dive programs to offshore islands located just one or two hours from the coast.
The dive sites surrounding the islands of Koh Ngam Noi and Koh Ngam Yai offer some very fortable depths of between 10 and 18 meters, and the a is very calm here.There are also some interesting swim-throught, hard and soft coral, and a huge variety of fish.The islands are famed for more than their diving sites: the caves and crannies here are home to the swifts who build tho nests so highly prized by lovers of Chine food the world over.
The outcrops of Hin Lak Ngan and Hin Pae offer ecellent dive sites with depths going to 25 metres or more.The rock walls are riddled with creves, holes and caves, and if you hover gently outside the you may be rewarded with a pair of eyes peeping curiously back at you.
It takes an eperienced skipper to find the Northern Pinnacles,Located about 40 minutes from Koh Tao, and only recently discovered.He steers by taking readings off distant landmarks, and it is rather like a treasure hunt.Once you have found the place, there is plenty of ecitement, and it is well worth the ecursion.Man-sized groupers,Spanish mackerel and eagle ray are all part of the marine life.You can swim through gorges and there is a cave at 25 meters whh, if you enter