
更新时间:2023-06-27 01:39:47 阅读: 评论:0

一、 TRANSLATION(总题数:6,分数:12.00)
正确答案:(正确答案:Technology and talents, which ud to be the dynamos for economic growth, have now become powerless; consumption, instead, is the true driving force for the economy. Without consumption, production and intermediate activities, such as marketing, transportation and resource supply, would lo their meaning. However, promoting consumption is not an easy task. Spending money obtained by easy credit from a government stimulation package has proved inflationary, debt-ridden and unsustainable. Improving social curity, health care, retirement system and so on, would be a comprehensive approach to eliminate people's worries, enabling and encouraging them to consume.)校园风采
解析:解析:1.本文选自短文《“消费”的难题》,专业术语较多,应注意相关术语的准确翻译。原文短句较多,句式零散,译文应根据文章的逻辑关系进行整合。 2.第一句,对于“过去,……;现在,不同了”的句式,不一定要采用in the past,...now is quite different...等译法,可将其意融合在较为平叙的表达中,把“在于……”的介宾结构转换成主谓结构更符合英文表达习惯。“根本动力”可用dynamos或driving force来表达。“现在,
不同了”是指技术和人才并不像过去那样能强有力地推动经济增长,可用powerless表达。 3.“没有消费,生产何用?以及一系列的中间环节……意义”这里是用反问语气强调消费的重要性。翻译时不妨以叙述形式译出。“一系列的中间环节”是指和生产和消费有关的环节,破折号后是对这些环节的举例,可用intermediate activities,such as…表达。 4.“若靠放宽信贷条件……持续的”,表面看上去是一假设句,但实际上只是对这种情况的说明,不一定要用英文的假设语式if、supposing等,不妨用动名词短语Spending money作主语表达得更为直白和肯定,句子译作spending money obtained by easy credit from a government stimulation package has provedinflationary,debt-driven and unsustainable。“引起通货膨胀,入不敷出,是不可持续的”是动词结构,翻译时可转换词性,全部转换成形容词,并列译为inflationary,debt-ridden and unsustainable,显得铿锵有力,简洁明了。 5.“最根本的”不一定是the most fundamental cau,此处是指涵盖社保、医疗和保险在内的综合举措,不妨译为the comprehensive approach。“使其没有后顾之忧”可译为to eliminate people's worries。“于是他们才能消费,才敢消费”是指采取以上措施的结果,直接用现在分词短语后置作目的状语,译为enablingand encouraging them to consume,显得简单明了。
索隆名言正确答案:(正确答案:The a was so clo to me, waves beating the shore, one splash after another. The surging tides, running like waves of roaring trains, were approaching me from all directions. The shocking nsation, coming over my eyes, ears and body, emed to be about to devour a person instantly. Sitting on the half decadent cement block fence, I saw the darkening sky turning from blushing red to orange and then to dim gray. On the surface of the a was a flashing plate, which I first thought was the reflection of the sinking sun, only to realize later that was the rising moon falling on the a. The sky was still a bit bright light. The evening moon is wed into the surface betwe
en the sky and the a, which looked like a picture painted by an artist who deliberately ud some kind of mixed white colour.)
成王败寇什么意思解析:解析:1.本文选自台湾旅行作家赖钰婷所著的《小地方》,全文共有六句话,用词优美,有很多的明喻、隐喻、排比。翻译时应注意保持原文的语言风格。 2.第一句为描写景色,出现“海水”“浪”“水花”三个事物,“那么近”“打上岸”“飞溅起”三个动作,翻译时可采用现在分词短语和介词短语作伴随状语。本句缺失一个主语,因为全文均是从作者的角度观看海景,译文应补全主语“我”。“海水那么近”是指“海水离我那么近”,可译为the a is so clo to me。 3.第二句同样是描写海景,“海潮汹涌……如各路驶来的轰隆火车”强调的是海潮奔涌的这个动作像火车呼啸而过一样,可译为running like waves of roaring trains。后半句重点在海潮带来的感官体验,可以单独拆开来翻译为一个独立的句子。“那视觉,听觉,触觉的震撼”是指这一情景给我的眼睛、耳朵以及身体带来的震撼,可译为The shocking nsation coming over my eyes,ears and body。 4.第三句同样也省略了主语“我”,在翻译时应当补上。“天色将暗之际由晕红转橘橙而灰蒙”有几个颜色的递变,可参考译作the darkening sky turning from blushing red to orange and then to dim gray。 5.第四句看到映在海面上的一轮光盘,作者有两次思考,两次辨识,如按原语序译为两句,
句子逻辑结构则较为松散,故译文使用倒装句,将原文的地点“在海面上”前置,“一轮光盘”置于句末,方便与下文衔接。“我以为那是即将隐落的夕阳”处理为which引导的定语从句,修饰a flashing plate。“转念一想,不对,那可是初升的月亮。”则用only to的结构引出。实际上“光盘”是“即将隐落的夕阳”与“初升的月亮”的倒影,翻译时需补充出来,前者译为the reflection of the sinking sun,后者用the rising moon falling on the a表达,既避免了重复,也富有诗意。 6.“朦胧亮光”可译作a bit bright light. 7.最后一句把月光比喻成画家用白色颜料在天空中画的一幅图案。“镶嵌”建议使用w来表达。“像是谁刻意调了白色颜料画上的图案”翻译时可用后置定语来表达。参考译作looked like a picture painted by anartist who deliberately ud some kind of mixed white colour。

本文发布于:2023-06-27 01:39:47,感谢您对本站的认可!



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