Mandatory Information指令性附录
(The Annexes contain information and requirements that are considered a part of the standard.)
Annex I Effective Throat
附录 I 有效焊缝厚度
Annex II Effective Throats of Fillet Welds in Skewed T-Joints
附录 II 斜T 形接头中角焊缝的有效焊缝厚度
Annex III Requirements for Impact Testing
附录 III 冲击试验要求
Annex IV WPS Requirements
附录 IV WPS 要求
Annex V Weld Quality Requirements for Tension Joints in Cyclically Loaded Structures
附录 V 周期性荷载结构中受拉接头焊缝质量要求
Annex VI Flatness of Girder Webs—Statically Loaded Structures
附录 VI 梁腹板的平正度——静荷载结构
Annex VII Flatness of Girder Webs—Cyclically Loaded Structures
附录 VII 梁腹板的平正度——周期荷载结构
Annex VIII Temperature-Moisture Content Charts
附录 VII 温度——湿度含量曲线图
Annex IX Manufacturers Stud Ba Qualification Requirements
附录 IX 螺柱制造商的螺柱焊接端评定要求
Annex X Qualification and Calibration of UT Units with Other Approved UT Reference Blocks
附录 X 以其他认可的对比试块对超声波探伤仪作鉴定和校准
Annex XI Guideline on Alternative Methods for Determining Preheat
附录 XI 决定预热温度的一些可用方法的指南
Annex XII Symbols for Tubular Connection Design
附录 XII 管材连接设计符号
Annex I
Effective Throat有效焊缝厚度
(This Annex is a part of AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2002, Structural Welding Code—Steel, and includes mandatory requirements for u with this standard.)(本附录是AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2002 钢结构焊接规范
General Note:通注:
The effective throat of a weld shall be defined as the minimum distance from the root of the joint to its face,with or without a deduction of1/8in.[3mm],less any convexity. 焊缝的有效焊缝厚度系指从接头的根部至焊缝面的最短距离,减或不减1/8 in. [3mm],撇开任何凸度不计。
Effective Throats of Fillet Welds in Skewed T-Joints
斜T 形接头中角焊缝的有效焊缝厚度
(This Annex is a part of AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2002, Structural Welding Code—Steel, and includes mandatory requirements for u in
this standard.)
Table II-1 is a tabulation showing equivalent leg size factors for the range of dihedral angles between 60° and 135°, assuming no root opening. Root opening(s) 1/16 in. [2 mm] or greater, but not exceeding 3/16 in.[5 mm], shall be added directly to the leg size. The required leg size for fillet welds in skewed joints shall be calculated using the equivalent leg size factor for correct dihedral angle, as shown in the example.
EXAMPLE (U.S. Customary Units) / (SI Units)
Given: Skewed T-joint, angle: 75°; root opening: 1/16 (0.063) in. [2mm]
Required: Strength equivalent to 90° fillet weld of size: 5/16 (0.313) in.[8mm]
Procedure: (1) Factor for 75° from Table II-1: 0.86
(2) Equivalent leg size, w, of skewed joint, without root opening:
w = 0.86 × 0.313 = 0.269 in.[6.9mm]
(3) With root opening of: 0.063 in.[2mm]
(4) Required leg size, w = 0.332 in.[8.9mm] of skewed fillet weld: [(2) + (3)]
(5) Rounding up to a practical dimension: w = 3/8 in.[9mm]
For fillet welds having equal measured legs (w n), the distance from the root of the joint to the face of the diagrammatic weld (t n) may be calculated as follows:
For root openings > 1/16 in. [2 mm] and ≤ 3/16 in. [5 mm], u
t n = (w n-R n) / 2sinψ/2
For root openings < 1/16 in. [2 mm], u
YahwehR n = 0 and t`n = t n
where the measured leg of such fillet weld (w n) is the perpendicular distance from the surface of the joint to the opposite toe, and (R) is the root opening, if any, between parts (e Figure 3.11). Acceptable root openings are defined in 5.22.1.
Table II-1 Equivalent Fillet Weld Leg Size Factors for Skewed T-Joints
斜T 形接头角焊缝等效焊脚尺寸系数
Dihedral angle 二面角,ψ60° 65° 70° 75° 80° 85° 90° 95°
Comparable fillet weld
size for same strength
0.71 0.76 0.81 0.86 0.91 0.96 1 1.03
Dihedral angle 二面角,ψ100° 105° 110° 115° 120° 125° 130° 135°
Comparable fillet weld
size for same strength
1.08 1.12 1.16 1.19 1.23 1.25 1.28 1.31
Requirements for CVN Testing 对CVN 试验的要求
(This Annex is a part of AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2002, Structural Welding Code—Steel, and includes mandatory requirements for u
with this standard.)
(本附录是AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2002 钢结构焊接规范
钢结构焊接规范的一部分, 还包括用于这一规范的强制性要求。)
III1. General 概述
III1.1 The CVN test requirements and test procedures in this Annex shall apply only when specified in the contract drawings or specifications in conformance with 5.26.5(3)[d] and, and Table 3.1 of this code. While the requirements of this Annex do not address CVN testing of ba metals, it is assumed that the ba metals are suitable for applications where CVN testing of the WPS is required.
本附录中的CVN 试验要求和试验工艺,仅当在合同图纸或技术条件符合本规范5.26.5(3) [d] 和4.1.1.3 以及表3.1 的规定时才适用。而本附录的要求未论及母材的CVN 试验,那是假定在那些要求进行WPS 的CVN 试验的场合,母材适合使用 III1.2 The CVN test specimens shall be machined and tested in conformance with ASTM E 23, Standard Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials,for Type A Charpy (simple beam) Impact Specimen, or ASTM A 370, Standard Test Method and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products.
CVN 试样必须进行机械加工,并按下述标准进行试验:ASTM E 23 金属材料缺口试样冲击试验标准方法
金属材料缺口试样冲击试验标准方法,,A 型夏比
冲击试样,或ASTM A 370 钢制产品的力学性能试验的标准试验方法和规定
III2. Test Locations试验部位
III2.1 The test location for individual CVN test specimens, unless otherwi specified on contract drawings or specifications, shall be as shown in Figure III-1 and Table III-1.
运动使我快乐除了合同图纸或技术条件规定外,单个CVN 试样的试验部位必须如图III-1 和表III-1 所示。
III2.2 The positioning of the notch for all CVN test specimens shall be done by first machining the specimens from the test weld at the appropriate depth as shown in Figure III-1. The specimens should be made slightly overlength to allow for exact positioning of the notch. Next, the bars should be etched with a mild etchant such as 5% nital, to reveal the location of the weld fusion zone and HAZs. The centerline of the notch shall then be located in the specimens, as shown in Figure III-1.
所有CVN 试样缺口的定位:必须按图III-1 所示,首先从试验焊缝的适当深度机械加工取样。试样应稍微长些,以便
对缺口精确定位。其次,应当用弱酸譬如5%硝酸酒精溶液腐蚀棒料,以显露焊缝熔合区和热影响区(HAZ)的位置。然后必须在试样中确定缺口中心线的位置,如图III-1 所示。
III3. CVN Tests CVN试验
III3.1 There are two options for the number of CVN test specimens to be taken from a single test location: 从单个试验部位截取CVN 试样的数目有如下二种选择方案:
Option A—3 specimens 方案A——3 个试样
Option B—5 specimens 方案B——5 个试样
III3.2 CVN test specimens shall be machined from thesame welded test asmbly made to determine other weld joint properties (e Figure 4.7. 4.8, 4.10, or 4.11). Where the size of the welded test asmblies is not sufficient to satisfy all the mechanical testing specimen requirements, an additional welded test asmbly shall be performed. The CVN test specimens shall be machined from the welded test asmbly in which the tensile test specimens are machined.
CVN 试样必须从用以测焊接接头其他性能的同一焊接试件上以机械加工办法取样(见图4.7、4.8、4.10 或4.11)。当焊接试件的尺寸不够满足所有力学性能试样的要求时,必须制作补充的焊接试件。CVN 试样必须从机械加工取拉伸试样的焊接试件上以机械加工办法取样。
III3.3 When CVN testing is a requirement and a qualified WPS exists which satisfies all requirements except for CVN testing, it shall be necessary only to prepare an additional test weldment with sufficient material to provide the required CVN test specimens. The test plate shall be welded using that WPS, which conforms to the limits of Tables 4.1, 4.2, and 4.5, plus tho supplementary esntial variables applicable only to CVN testing (Table 4.6). A new or revid PQR shall be prepared and a new or revid WPS written to accommodate the qualification variables for CVN testing.
当要求进行CVN 试验,而且被评定的WPS 已满足了除CVN 试验以外的所有要求时,仅仅必须制备一块足够提供所需CVN 试样的补充焊件。这一试板必须采用如下的WPS 进行焊接:它要符合表4.1、4.2 和4.5 的限定,另外加上仅适用于CVN 试验那些补充基本变素(表4.6)。必须准备一新的或修订的PQR 以及一份新的或修订的书面WPS 以适应用于CVN 试验的评定变素。
III3.4 The longitudinal centerline of the specimens shall be transver to the weld axis and the ba notch shall be perpendicular (normal) to the surface unless otherwi specified in the contract drawings or specifications.
除非在合同图纸或技术条件中另有规定,否则试样的纵向中心线须垂直于焊缝轴线,并且缺口基线必须垂直于表面。 III3.5 The standard 10 × 10 mm specimen shall be ud where the test material thickness is 7/16 in. [11 mm] or greater. Sub-sized specimens shall be ud where the test material thickness is less than 7/16 in. [11 mm], or where the extraction of full-sized specimens is not possible due to the shape of the weldment. When sub-sized specimens are required, they shall be made to one of the dimensions shown in Table III-2. (Note: the largest possible specimens shall be machined from the qualification test piece.)
当试验材料厚度≥7/16 in. [11mm] 时,必须采用标准的10×10mm 试样。当试验材料厚度小于7/16 in. [
11mm]、或由于焊件形状的缘故而不可能截取标准试样时,则必须使用小尺寸试样。当需要用小尺寸试样时,试样必须加工成如表III-2 所示尺寸中的一种。(注:必须从评定试件中用机械加工方法尽可能地取最大尺寸的试样。)
醉了青春III3.6 The CVN test temperature shall be specified in the contract drawings or specifications.
CVN 试验温度必须在合同图纸或技术条件中规定。
III3.7 When sub-sized specimens are required, and the width of the specimen across the notch is less than 80% of the ba metal thickness, the test temperature shall be reduced in conformance with Table III-2, unless otherwi specified in the contract drawings or specifications.
当需要小尺寸试样、以及当穿过试样缺口的宽度小于母材厚度的80%时,试验温度必须按表III-2 降低,合同图纸或技术条件另有规定者除外。
III4. Test Requirements 试验要求
III4.1 Test requirements for welds between ba metals with specified minimum yield strengths of 50 ksi [345 MPa] or less shall not be less than the minimum requirements in Table III-1, unless otherwi specified. Test requirements for welds between ba metals with a specified minimum yiel
d strength greater than 50 ksi [345 MPa] shall be specified in the contract drawings or specifications. The requirements may include, but are not limited to, absorbed energy, percent ductile fracture appearance, and lateral expansion values.
除另有规定外,最低规定屈服强度≤50 ksi [345MPa]的母材间焊缝的试验要求,严禁低于表III-1 的最低要求。对最低规定屈服强度>50 ksi [345MPa]的母材间焊缝的试验要求,必须在合同图纸或技术条件中规定。这些要求可以包括、但不限于:吸收的能量,塑性断口百分比和侧向膨胀值。
III4.2 The acceptance criteria for each test shall be specified in contract drawings or specifications, and shall consist of the following: 每一试验的合格判据必须在合同图纸或技术条件中规定,并且必须由下述要求组成:
(1) Minimum individual value—the value in which no one specimen may be below, and
(2) Minimum average value—the value in which the arithmetic mean of three specimens shall equal or exceed. Unless specified otherwi, in contract drawings or specifications, the acceptance values for the CVN test requirements described in III4.1 for welds between ba metals with a specified minimum yield strength of 50 ksi [345 MPa] or less, are shown in Table III-1.
电脑散热器声音很大怎么办最小平均值——三个试样的算术平均值必须等于或超过此值。除在合同图纸或技术条件中另有规定,III4.1 所述最低规定屈服强度≤50 ksi [345MPa]的母材间焊缝的CVN 试验的验收合格值,按表III-1 所示。
III4.3 If Option B (e III3.1) is chon, the specimens with the highest and lowest values shall be discarded, leaving 3 specimens for evaluation. For both Option A and the 3 remaining specimens of Option B, 2 of the 3 values for the specimens shall equal or exceed the specified minimum average value. One of the three may be lower than the specified minimum average value, but not lower than the specified minimum individual value, and the average of the three shall not be less than the minimum specified average value.
如果选择方案B(见III3.1),则最高值和最低值的试样必须弃去,留下3 个试样用以评定。对于方案A 和方案B 留下的3 个试样这两种情况都是:3 个数值中之2 个必须等于或超过规定的最小平均值。3 个数值之1 可以低于规定的最低平均值,但不得低于规定的最低单个值,并且3 个数值的平均值严禁低于规定的最低平均值。
III5. Retest 重新试验
III5.1 When the requirements in III4.2 and III4.3 are not met, one retest may be performed. Each indi
vidual value of the remaining three specimens shall equal or exceed the minimum specified average value. Retest specimens shall be removed from the original test weldment(s). If specimens cannot be provided from the weldments, a new test weldment shall be performed and all mechanical tests required by this code shall be performed.
当不符合III4.2 和III4.3 的要求时,可以重新进行一次试验。留下的3 个试样的每一单个值必须等于或超过规定的最低平均值。重新试验的试样必须取自原焊接试件。如果不能从这些焊接试件中取得试样,则必须制作新的焊件且必须进行本规范所要求的所有力学性能试验。
III6. Reporting 报告
III6.1 All CVN test measured values required by this code, contract documents, or specifications shall be reported on the PQR.
本规范、合同图纸或技术条件要求的所有CVN 试验测量值必须记录在PQR 上。
Table III-1 CVN Test Requirements CVN 试验要求(e III3)
Welding Process1 焊接方法
Number of
0ft-lbf [J]
0ft-lbf [J]
Shear Area
3 (Note 3) 10*10 20[27] 15[20] (Note 6) (Note 6)
Fusion Line熔合线
+1 mm
3 (Note 3) 10*10 20[27] 15[20] (Note 6) (Note 6)
Fusion Line熔合线
+5 mm
3 (Note 3) 10*10 20[27] 15[20] (Note 6) (Note 6)
Notes: 注:
1. A WPS which combines FCAW-S with another welding process shall be specifically tested to assu
re CVN test criteria are met at the interface between the weld deposits. 结合FCAW-S 和其他焊接方法的WPS 必须进行规定的试验以保证在两种熔敷的焊缝金属交界面处符合CVN 试验判据要求。
2. The alternate number of specimens allowed per test location is five. The highest and lowest values shall be discarded to minimize some of the scatter normally associated with CVN testing of welds and HAZs.
替代的试样数允许每试验部位取5 个试样。其中最高值和最低值必须弃去,以便将焊缝和HAZ 的CVN 试验的离散度降至最低限度。
3. Test temperatures shall be specified in contract documents or specifications. When sub-sized specimens are required, and the width of the specimens across the notch is less than 80% of the ba metal thickness, the test temperature shall be reduced in conformance with Table III-2.
必须在合同文件或技术条件中规定试验温度。当要求小尺寸试样、且横过缺口的试样宽度小于母材厚度的80%时,则试验温度必须按表III-2 降低。
4. Full size specimens shall be ud when test material is 7/16 in. [11 mm] or thicker. Sub-sized specimens shall be ud when test material thickness is less than
7/16 in [11 mm], or when weldment geometry prohibits the removal of full sized samples.
当试验材料≥7/16 in. [11mm] 时,必须用正规尺寸试样。当试验材料厚度<7/16 in. [11mm]、或当焊件几何形状限制了正规尺寸试样的截取时,必须使用小尺寸试样。
5. Applicable in welds between ba materials with a specified minimum yield strength (SMYS) of 50 ksi [345 MPa] or less. Acceptance criteria for welds between materials exceeding SYMS of 50 ksi [345 MPa] shall be specified in the contract documents or specifications.
适用于最低规定屈服强度(SMYS)≤50 ksi [345MPa]的母材间的焊缝。最低规定屈取强度超过50 ksi [345MPa] 的材料之间的焊缝的合格判据必须在合同文件或技术条件中规定。
6. Values for percent shear and lateral expansion shall be recorded when specified in the contract documents or specifications.
Table III-2 CVN Test Temperature Reduction CVN 试验温度降低值 (e III3.5) For sub-sized CVN test specimens where the width across the notch is less than 80% of the ba metal thickness.
用于当横过缺口处的宽度小于母材厚度80%的小尺寸CVN 试样
Specimen Size 试样尺寸 mm Test Temperature Reduction Below the Specified Test Temperature 低于规定试验温度的试验温度降低值 °F[°C]
10*10 0[0]
10*9 0[0]
10*8 0[0]
10*7.5 5[2.8]
10*7 8[4.5]
10*6.7 10[5.6]
10*6 15[8.4]
10*5 20[11.1]
10*4 30[16.8]
10*3.3 35[19.4]
10*3 40[22.4]
10*2.5 50[27.8]
Example: 举例:
If design drawings or specifications indicate that CVN tests shall be performed at 32°F [0°C] and 10 mm × 5 mm sub-sized specimens are ud; the actual test temperature would be 12°F [–11°C].
如果设计图纸或技术条件表明CVN 试验必须在32°F [0°C]进行,且使用10mm×5mm 小尺寸试样时,实际试验温度则为12°F [-11°C]。
General Note: 通注;
The reduction in the minimum acceptance energy values for sub-sized specimens shall be determined in conformance with ASTM A 370a-97, Table 9.
用于小尺寸试样的最小合格能量值的降低量必须按ASTM A 370a-97,表9 确定。