Nitrogen-Doped Carbon-Modified Cobalt-Nanoparticle-Catalyzed Oxidative Cleavage of Lignin β-O-4 Model Compounds under Mild
期刊名称: ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
作者: Huihui Luo,Lianyue Wang,Guosong Li,Senn Shang,Shuang Gao
眉毛少年份: 2018年
期号: 第11期
关键词: Cobalt oxides;Model compounds;Heterogeneous catalyst;Oxidative cleavage;Lignin
首都英语怎么读>元宵节放鞭炮摘要:A noble-metal-freeCo-bad catalyst, derived from pyrolysis ofnatural vitamin B12 on activated carbon, is developed forthe first time for one-pot oxidative cleavage of lignin linkages tophenols and aromatic esters with molecular oxygen as the oxidant undermild reaction conditions. High yields of phe
nol were obtained, andno oxidative coupling of phenol was produced bad on the prentcobalt catalyst. Compared to the previous report, the prent catalystcan achieve the oxidative cleavage of β-O-4 ketones even atroom temperature using a dioxygen balloon. The heterogeneous catalystshows robust recyclability and can be conveniently recovered and reudup to eight times without an appreciable loss of catalytic activity.Moreover, this catalyst system can realize the bond cleavage of organosolvlignin. The