古英语文献《盎格鲁-撒克逊编年史》(Anglo-Saxon Chronicle)第一次使用“维京人”来指称挪威海盗。公元793年,海盗在苏格兰东北部的林迪斯法恩(Lindisfarne)登陆,一路烧杀抢掠,“维京”(viking卤鸭掌的做法)在古英语里正是“强盗、抢劫犯”的意思。
▲ 8-11春水汇世纪维京人活动范围图,绿色区域为其定居点,蓝色线条为其打通的航路
管仲和鲍叔牙的故事根据成书于12世纪初叶的冰岛历史文献《冰岛人之书》(slendingabók)记载,率领第一批移民定居冰岛的是一位名叫英戈尔夫·阿尔纳松(Ingólfur Arnarson)的头领,他和他的家族部众们从挪威出发,最后在冰岛的西南海岸登陆,并在今天的雷克雅未克附近建起了居民点。阿尔纳松由此成为了第一个名副其实的冰岛人。
主板显卡插槽▲ 油画《登陆冰岛的维京人》(Normen landing in Iceland),由挪威画家Oscar Wergeland绘于1877年
在阿尔纳松之后,维京人向冰岛的迁移脚步没有停止,与《冰岛人之书》差不多写于同一时期的《定居者之书》(Landnámabók)显示,从870年到930年,初期的冰岛移民潮持续了大概60多年,总计有435人在冰岛扎下根来,其中的大部分人选择集中居住在岛的西南部和北部,这段时间在冰岛历史上被称作“定居者时代”(The age of ttlement)。
The Vikings were a large group living in the Nordic region in the Middle Ages. In fact, they are not a nation or a country, but a regional and cultural concept. In most cas, now the Viking we are talking about mainly referring to a group of Nor from Scandinavia.
Since the eighth century, due to the harsh living environment, Norwegians began to sail to a, take risks and ek wealth everywhere. Gradually, they became a planned war of aggression that could asmble hundreds of warships, the coastal areas of Europe were soon shrouded in the shadow of the Nordic pirates.
The ancient English document Anglo-Saxon Chronicle first ud the term "Viking" to refer to Norwegian pirates. In 793, pirates landed in Lindisfarne, northeastern Scotland, burning, killing and looting all the way. Viking means "robber " in ancient English.
Since the birth of the Vikings, who backyard is the a and their boots are the warships, they "invincible all over the Europe". The reason for this is undoubtedly due to the advanced shipbuilding technology of the Vikings, the exquisite forging technology of weapons, and their brave character in their blood.
By the end of the ninth century, the Vikings had established a strong "pirate empire" in the vast areas of Europe.
Under this background, Iceland, an island which far from the civilization, be ttled by Vikings until 874. In A.D. 874, the Vikings cho to move westward again, then brought Iceland under control.
According to the Icelandic historical document Slendingabok(斯兰丁格博客) written in the
early twelfth century, the first immigrants to ttle in Iceland were led by a leader named Inglfur Arnarson(英格鲁飞·阿尔纳松), who t out from Norway with his family and landed on the southwestern coast of Iceland, and built a resident near today's Reykjavik(雷克雅未克).
After Alason, the migration of the Vikings to Iceland did not stop. A book named Landnamabok(兰德那玛博客), written almost at the same time as the Slendingabok(斯兰丁格博客), showed that from 870 to 930, the initial Icelandic immigrants lasted for about 60 years. A total of 435 people ttled in Iceland. Most of them cho to live in the southwest and north of the island. This period is known in Icelandic history as the "age of ttlement".
欧洲历史上第一个议会——“阿耳庭”(Alingi/ parliament)是维京人创立的。
这次大会被称作“阿耳庭”(Alingi),会议制定颁布了冰岛最古老的法典《灰雁法典》(Grágás / Grey Goo),对此后冰岛的历史发展产生了十分深远的影响。
每个“庭”会安置一个头领(goar / chieftain),全岛36个头领便组成了冰岛最高权力机关——“阿耳庭”(Alingi / parliament)
围绕着“阿耳庭”,《灰雁法典》确立了一整套包含立法、行政、司法的制度设计,这套制度安排已经初步具备了一定的代议制民主元素,而一个松散的“冰岛共和国”(Icelandic Commonwealth)也就在这样的基础上诞生了。