Over the moon环保图画
表示酸汤的做法extremely happy、plead,很常用的一个idiom。
E.g. I am feeling over the moon that Christmas is approaching.
E.g. They're going on holiday on Wednesday so they're all over the moon.
非正式英式俚语,表示满意的,开心的。既可以表达对某个事情开心,也可以形容对某个成就感到满意。程度更深一点的高兴,就用chuffed to bits。
E.g. He was chuffed with the new bike.
E.g. You enjoy the cider I recommended? I’m chuffed to bits.
Have a whale of a time
相当于have a great time、enjoy onelf, 表示玩得很开心。
E.g. We had a whale of a time on holiday.
E.g. I'm so happy. I’m buzzing!
后背疼痛怎么办E.g. I'm buzzing for Alan's party on Friday!
E.g. My phone won’t stop buzzing.
On top of the world
E.g. She was feeling on top of the world after receiving the offer of her dream university.
E.g. I am feeling on top of the world right now with my baby born.
生 气
Pisd off个人特长爱好
表示生气、不高兴、招人烦。这里需要解释下英式英语和美式英语的区别,美式英语中说someone is pisd,就是指这个人生气不高兴,但是这句话在英式英语里,指这个人喝醉了,而生气了是用someone is pisd off。
御殿场E.g. I was really pisd off when she stood me up yesterday.
E.g. Don’t talk like that. It will piss him off.