1 他笑得一脸皱纹。
2 猪肉太贵,他吃不起。
杞人忧天比喻什么4 矿井关闭以后,暴力事件接二连三。
5 随着中华人民共和国的参加,这个组织的精神面貌将焕然一新。
6 看到我们的喷气式飞机,听见隆隆的飞机声,令我特别神往。
1.Smile crumpled his face.
2.Pork has priced itlf out of his dish.
3. This lesson will take root in my mind.
4. Pit closure saw violent scenes.
5. A new spirit will dominate the organization with the People's Republic of China.
第一次拥抱6. The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing
I had never been more anxious in my life.I had just spent the last three endless hours trying to get to the airport so that I could travel home.Now,as I watched the bus driver t my luggage on the airport sidewalk,I realized that my anxiety had only just begun.
This was my first visit alone to the international terminal of the airport,and nothing was familiar.I could not make n of any of the signs.Where was the check-in counter? Where should I take my luggage? I had no idea where to go,feeling as if I were deaf and blind and stupid.I began to panic.What time was it? Where was my plane? I had to find help becau I could not be late!
I tried to ask a passing businessman for help,but my words all came out wrong.He just frowned and walked away.What had happened? I had been in this country for a whole mester,and I could not even remember how to ask for directions.This was awful! Another bus arrived at the terminal,and the pasngers came out carrying all sorts of lu
ggage.Here was my chance! I could follow them to the right place,and I would not have to say a word.
I dragged my enormous suitca behind me and followed the group.We finally reached the elevators.Oh,no! They all fit in it,but there was not enough room for me.I watched in despair as the elevator doors clod.I was abandoned again! I had no idea what to do next.I got on the elevator when it returned and stared at all the buttons.Which one could it be? I presd button 3,becau I thought I saw tho pasngers presd 3,though it was no more than a quick glance.The elevator slowly climbed up to the third floor and came to a stop.A high,unpleasant noi announced the opening of the doors,and I looked around shyly.
Paragraph 1铁观音口感:
Tears formed 三个颜色in my eyes as I saw the empty hall and realized that I would按图搜索 miss my plane.
Paragraph 2:
When I turned to thank him for all his help,he was gone.
Tears formed in my eyes as I saw the empty hall and realized that I would miss my plane.Just then an elderly airport employee walked towards me from the corner.He saw that I was lost and asked if he could help in any way.He gave me his handkerchief to dry my tears as I related my predicament.He smiled kindly,and patted my shoulder to ea my anxiety,before leading me down a long hallway.We walked up some stairs,turned a corner,and at last,there was the check-in counter! He led me past all the lines of people and pushed my luggage to the inspection counter.
When I turned to thank him for all his help,he was gone.I never got an opportunity to know that kind man’s name,but I would always remember his unexpected kindness.He helped me when I needed it most.Without his timely help,I would have certainly misd my plane,I can only hope that one day I will be able to do the same for another traveller who is suffering through a terrible journey.
Jenny was the only child in her home.She had a quarrel with her mother that afternoon and she ran out of the hou angrily.She couldn’t help weeping sorrowfully when she thought of the scolding from her mother.Having wandered aimlessly in the street for hours,she felt a little hungry and wished for something to eat,but it was not even possible for her,since she had nothing with her.She stood beside a stand for a while,watching the middle-aged ller busy doing his business.However,with no money in ha
nd,she sighed and had to leave.
The ller behind the stand noticed the young girl and asked,“藤萝花Hey,girl,you want to have the noodles?”
“Oh,but I don’t have money ” she replied.
“That’s nothing.I’ll treat you today,” said the man,“come in.”