1.How can an azimuth or bearing be indicated by signal flags?
The letter A + three numerals
2.The accuracy of an Inmarsat-E positioning-system is:
3.Why shall a duly qualified officer supervi any potential polluting operation?
To avoid pollution.
4.On board they want to make a DSC-call with a foreign coast-station. It is an urgent call. Preferably choo:
The national DSC-call frequencies of the coast-station concerned
纯洁的反义词5.When loading, it is recommended not to drop iron ore cargo from a height into cargo hold bottom becau this can cau:
幻灭茅盾Damage to the tank top and double bottom internals
6.The word SATCOM is spelled conform the international phonetic alphabet:
Sierra, Alfa, Tango, Charlie, Oscar, Mike
7.When accurate draft readings are required, it is recommended to read both port and starboard drafts. This is becau:
The vesl may appear up right but may have a slight list causing difference in the starboard actual drafts
8.What features of the vesl hull, equipment and cargo caus error on a vesl’s standard magnetic compass?
Permanent and induced magnetism found in steel or iron on-board
9.When loading coal on a Bulk Carrier, the vesl should be provided with
Means for measuring cargo temperatures
10.Cargo sweat is generally caud when
Warm and moist air is introduced into a cooler cargo hold
11.According to Rule 35 of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions what sound signal is made by a vesl not under command when in or near an area of restricted visibility?
One prolonged blast, followed by two short blasts, at intervals of not more than two minutes.
12.The term cargo sweat refers to
Condensation of moisture directly onto the cargo.
13.The proper operation of an Inmarsat C-terminal can be tested by:处女双子
Doing a “link test”
14.Which statement best describes how an ENC chart gives advice on sounding data quality?
The chart has a Zone of Confidence function
15.During a bomb arch, which of the following is an important principle to follow?
Do not touch any suspicious packages.
16.How mush liferaft capacity should be provided on a conventional cargo ship of more than 85 meters in length?
100% of the complement if it can be readily launched on either side of the ship. If it cannot be readily launched on either side, 100% must be proved on each side
17.What would the Master require of the Chief Office?
The Master would required the Chief Officer to organize a lifeboat drill
18. How many pyrotechnic signals to be in each lifeboat?应对突发事件
4 Rocket parachute flares/6 hand flares/ 2 buoyant smoke signals
19. If a vesl is in very shallow water, using the rudder, is more or less space required to turn it compared to being in deep water?
Need more space than deep water.
20. To withstand flooding of any one cargo hold, a bulk carrier constructed after 1 July 1999 can be loaded to:
The Summer load line
21. What is a contingency plan for ship?
Plan for safety preparedness
22. A bulk carrier is loading to complete at a draught of 10.00m when in salt water. She is currently floating in dock water and the Dock Water Allowance (DWA)is 80mm. Her maximum draught at completion should be
10.08 metres
23. The recommended way to stow steel wire rod coils on a bulk carrier is
With their cores aligned fore and aft.
24. What quantity of rerve fuel is to be available for diel driven fire pumps outside of the main machinery space?
Sufficient amount for fifteen hours operation at full capacity
25. “On area A1 the function” “Transmission of ship to shore distress alerts” “is mainly bad on:”
The u of VHF DSC
26. One can check the functioning of the SART by:
Activating the SART and checking the effect on the radar screen数高楼
27. What does this character indicate, ‘by 12’, when en on an ECDIS display showing official ENC charts?
Navigation buoy number 12
28. A message is nd by the Inmart C-t. The land earth station will:
Only nd a positive delivery notification (PDN) to the nder if the nder requested, so in the nd menu
福建分数线29. What kind of measure is the division of the vesl in upright areas by using thermic and parations?
It is both a prevention and protection measure
30. It is common practice for all bulk carriers to be trimmed and levelled on completion of loading, so as to: