授课题目:Unit 1 Understanding Culture and Intercultural Communication | 怀孕多久会想吐|||
教学时数: | 折戟沉沙是什么意思8学时 | 授课类型: | 个人保证书模板■ 理论、实践课 | nvnu
人消瘦 教学目的、要求: 1. To get a general idea of the concepts of “culture”, “cultural difference”, “communication” and “intercultural communication”; 打碟dj2. To understand the meaning of intercultural communication, its history of the development. 3. To rai students’ awareness of the importance of politeness and appropriateness in intercultural communication. | |||
教学重点: 1. The meaning of intercultural communication, its history of the development. 2. T he importance of politeness and appropriateness in intercultural communication. 3. T he concepts of “culture. 教学难点: The concepts of “culture”. | |||
老师xXX教学方法和手段: 主要采用交际法,任务法和讲授法的结合,既重视形式和结构,更要重视内容和功能,培养学生的能力要兼顾语言形式、结构及语言表达的内容 与功能。在具体教学方法上不拘一格,灵活多样。 极端交际练习主要为引导学生分role-play和prentation等活动达到练习的目的; 整体把握上结合使用归纳法和演绎法,既可在归纳中演绎,又可在演绎 之后再归纳;坚持教师为主导,学生为主体,充分调动学生学习的积极性和主动性。 | |||
参考资料: 1. CCTV “希望英语”节目. 2.《跨文化交际》, 顾曰国,外语教学与研究出版社,1997年. 3. 《跨文化商务沟通案例教程》,庄恩平,上海外语教育出版社,2004. | |||
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