1 对于贵公司的衬衣,我们非常感兴趣,若蒙贵公司寄上商品目录,包括销售及支付条件,将不胜感激。We are particularly interestd in your shirts and should be glad if ou would nd us your trade catalogue and terms of trade and payment.
2 最近,本公司的许多顾客表现出对贵公司的女士紧身上衣感兴趣,并且询及他们的品质,若贵公司寄来样品和报价单,将甚为感激。Several of our customers have recently expresd interest in your ladiesˊ tights and enquired about their quality. We should be glad if you could nd us samples and quotatons.
依然的反义词3 微信零钱看到贵公司的广告后,我方对你们的新产品很感兴趣。请报到东京含运费,保费的价格,并告知最早的交货日期,付款条件以及定期采购的折扣。We have en your advertiment and are interested in your product. Plea quote us CIF Tokyo for the supply of the article ,and let us have your earlist delivery date, your terms of payment and discounts for regular purchas.
4 如贵公司所报价格可与其他公司竞争,本公司极欲向你方大量订购。We should like to place large orders with you provided the prices you quote are very competitive.
5 敬谢贵公司6月5日来函,询问有关紧身上衣事项。现将你所需的详细资料,配有插图的目录和价格单附寄给你。We thank you for your enquiry 5 June about the subject tights. We are enclosing our illustrated catalogue and price list giving the details you ask for.
6 我们的产品世界各地均有销售,并受顾客完全信任。所以,我们确信,无论是货物的品质,还是技术均能获得贵方赞许。Our products have been sold throughout the world to the fullest satisfaction of our customers.therefore, we are sure that both quality and workmanship would meet with your approval.
7 另邮寄可供现货的三种样品,这三种茶叶颇受海外客户欢迎。We are nding you by parate post three kinds of tea samples which can be suppiled from stock . the kinds of tea are very popular with foreign customers.
1 现按你方要求报盘如下,以我方最后确认为准。At your request ,we are offering you as follows ,subject to our final confirmation.
2 上述报盘无约束力。The quotation is not binding upon us.
3 此报盘为实盘,以你方在本月底前复到有效。This offer is firm,subject to your reply reaching us before the end of this mooth.
4 关于标题项下的货物,随信函去形式发票18号一式两份。请注意我方报盘有效期至4月21日。As ragards the captioned goods,we are enclosing our pro forma invoic No.18 in duplicate. Plea note that our offer is valid until 21st April.
5 很遗憾,我们的价格与你方还盘之间的差距太大。英语四级词组Much to our regret, the gap between your counter offer and our quotation is too large.
6 你方必须降价2%左右,否则没有成交的可能。You have to bring down your price by 2%,ro there will be no possibility of concluding the business.
7 我们的报价相当合理,已为你地其他客户所接受。Our price is rather teasonable and is widely accepted by other customers in your region.
8 你方报盘与现行市场价不符。Your quotation is out of line with the prevailing market price.
9 因我方的价格已降到极限,所以无法满足你方进一步降价的要求。Our price has been cut down to the lowest level and we cannot entertain your request for further reduction.
10 谢谢你方还盘,但我方觉得价格太低了,所以无法接受。We appreciate your counter offer but find it too low to accept.
1 The foregoing information is given in confidence and for your private u only and without any responsibility on the part of this bank.上述情况是在保密的情况下提供,仅供你们使用,本银行对此不负责。
2 For information as to our standing we refer you to our bankers,the Bank of China关于我们的资信情况请向我们的银行——中国银行查询。
3 we regret our inability to inform you anything positive concerning the firm mentioned.很抱歉我们无法就该商行提供任何确切情况。
4.In reply to your enquiry of November 24 concerning the firm in question,we would recommend a policy of caution.兹复你方11月24去头皮屑的方法日来函,我们建议你们谨慎对待该公司。
5.In local commercial circle ,he is regarded as a substantial trader with a clean record.在本地商界,他被视为记录清白的殷实商人。
6.Since this is the first transaction between us ,we would like to ask you to inform us of the name and address of your bank so as to enable us to apply for reference.因为这是我们之间的首次交易,所以请提供与你们有业务往来银行的名称和地址,以便我们征信。
7.The firm you enquire about has always met its commitments satisfactorily.你们多征询的商行总是令人满意地履行承诺。
8.As the firm is inexperienced in business we advi caution in transaction with them.该商行缺乏经验,我们建议在业务往来中谨慎对待。
1 We feel sure that you will be interested in the new electic heater which is very shortly to be placed on the market.我们相信你们对即将投放市场的新型电热器会感兴趣。
2 It is not our intention to rush you into a decision ,but as this article is in great demand ,we would advi you to avail yourlves of our offer in your own interest.我们无意催促你们作出决定,但由于该商品要求甚盛,为你们的利益着想建议你们利用这次报盘。
3 When you have compared our prices with tho of the other firms, we are confident that you will appreciate the exceptional values we offer.将我们的报价与其他公司比较后,相信你们会赞赏我们所提供的货物物美价廉。
4 Our trade is so large that our stocks have to be constantly replaced,so you may rest assured that everything we offer you is new and of the latest style.六年级上册英语第一单元由于我们的贸易量非常