A (41 个)
1. a great drain on sth 对……巨大的消耗
The cost of his children’s education is a great drain on his money. 他孩子的教育费用造成他极大的负担。
2.account for 说明,解释
夏天的雨How do you account for his change of attitude? 你怎样来解释他态度的变化?
f 指控……, 谴责……
I don't think anyone can accu him of not being frank. 我看谁也不能说他不坦率。
4.act as 担任;充当
We must appoint sb to act as cretary. 我们得指定一个人当秘书。
People who can e sometimes act just as foolishly. 有时候,眼睛看得见的人也做出同样的蠢事。
5.adapt (...)to... 使适应
You should adapt yourlf to the new environment. 你应该适应新环境。
Young animals adapt quickly to a new environment. 幼小动物很快就适应新的环境。
6.add to 增添
This lesson adds to the value of the book. 这一课增加了这本书的价值。
7.add up to 合计达
For a hit show, profits can add up to millions of dollars. —场热门演岀的利润可达数百万美
8.adjust (...) to (使)适应
My eyes haven't adjusted to the dark yet. 我的眼睛还没有适应黑暗。
Some animals adjust themlves to their environment by instinct. 有些动物会本能地适应环境。
9.admit ... to/into 准许……进入
有关杏花的诗句He opened the door and admitted me into the hou. 他把门打开让我进屋。
This ticket will admit one adult to the show. 这张票将允许一个成年人入场
10.agree on就……取得一致
We couldn't agree on a date/when to meet. 关于日期[什么时候见面],我们未能取得一致意见。
11.agree to同意某人观点、意见
I find it impossible to agree to your terms. 我无法接受你的条件。
12. 同意……的意见;适合
That shows she did not quite agree with me. 这表示她不同意我的意见。
London does not agree with me; I like Paris better. 伦敦对我不适宜,我更喜欢巴黎。
We managed to fulfill the task ahead of time. 我们总算提前完成了任务。
A great painter is usually ahead of his time. 伟大的画家总是走在时代的前头。
14. aim at 瞄准,争取
The factory must aim at increasing production [incread production]. 工厂必须致力于增加生产。
15. appeal to呼吁;吸引
Does the idea of working abroad appeal to you? 你对去国外工作感兴趣吗?
She appealed to a higher court. 她向上级法院上诉。
16. apply for 申请
They apply the permission to u the tennis court. 他们申请借用这个网球场。
17.apply ... to... 把……应用于……
In this way they can better apply the theory to practice. 这样他们就能更好地把理论运用到实践中去。
18.approve of 赞成
I don't approve of your way of looking at things. 我不赞成你看事情的方法。
19.as a matter of fact 事实上
As a matter of fact, everything has developed as we wanted. 事实上,情况的发展和我们
20.as a result 作为结果;因此
As a result, he was given an excellent job. 结果他得到了一份好工作。
He was late as a result of the snow. 他因下雪而迟到。
21.as a whole 作为整体,就整体来看
We should analyze the problem as a whole. 我们应该把问题作为一个整体来分析。
22.as far as 就…而言,远到……,到……程度(表示程度,范围)
Our campus comes up as far as the river. 我们的校园一直延伸到河边。
As far as I know, he will be away for three months. 据我所知,他将离开三个月。
His parents supported him as far as they could. 他父母竭尽全力抚养他。
23.as usual 照常
Everything went on as usual as though nothing had happened. 一切照常进行,好像什么事也没有发生。
24.ask a favor of 请……帮个忙
There’s just one last favor I need to ask of you. 还有最后一件事要你帮忙。
25.ask about 查问,打听
Can I ask about your attitude to intelligence test? 请问您对智力测验有什么看法?
26.ask after 问候
27.associate A with B 把A 和B 联系起来举头望明月打一中药名
What do you associate with such a heavy snow? 对这样一场大雪你有什么联想?
of 向……保证
I can assure you of my determination to fulfil our task ahead of schedule. 我可以向你发誓决心提前完成任务。
29.at a loss 茫然不知所措
The man looked surprid and somewhat at a loss. 那人看起来非常吃惊,也有点手足无措。
She was at a loss what she should do. 她不知该怎么办好。
30.at all costs / at the cost of 不惜一切代价
We are determined to defend our motherland at all costs. 我们决心不惜任何代价保卫祖国。
The fox escaped from the trap at the cost of a leg. 狐狸虽逃出了陷阱,但却失去了一条腿。
31.at first sight 乍一看
John fell in love with her at first sight. 约翰对她一见钟情。
32.at one time 一度
At one time, they ud to mine coal in the valley. 从前他们在这些峡谷中采煤。
33.at prent 现在,目前
We are deadly short of staff at prent. 目前我们极缺职员。
34.at the cost of 以……为代价
The young policeman saved the child at the cost of his own life.
35.at the mercy of 任由…摆布
They were lost at the a, at the mercy of the wind and weather. 他们在海上迷了路,任凭风和天气的摆布。The barbecue was at the mercy of the weather. 烧烤活动搞不搞完全
36. at the moment此刻,目前;那时,当时
Our chief concern at the moment is the weather. 眼前我们最关心的事是天气。
37. at the risk of one's life 冒着生命危险
They were determined to get there even at the risk of their life. 即使要冒生命危险,他们也决心要到那里去。
38. at times 有时