相对湿度(RH) | 0 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 |
木材干燥含水率% | 0 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 9 | 11 | 13 | 15 | 18 | 23 | 35 |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
如果你有一块2cm厚已风干的木材,此地户外的含水率为15%,你想估计在你车间30%的相对湿度(含水率为7%),其全暴露在空气条件下,它达到平衡含水率所用的时间。若L=1cm则由扩散方程可以得出t=1x106s,也就是11天。平衡含水率要求达到量是8%,所以在11天后你会得到8%的63%,即5%的低含水率,此时总含水率是10%。还有3%的含水率还有待于继续干燥,你可以在11天后再花时间去干燥。对于2cm厚的的木材,干燥完成用3周的时间应该是足够了。如果你的木材是4cm厚,需要3个月的时间,6cm 厚,需要7个月时间。参照文献,大多数气干木材的含水率以此范围内20%的速率变化。
dV=dMC rho
含水率% | 8 | 10 | desting 12 | 14 | 道路施工方案>红烧冬瓜 16 | 18 | 20三角式 |
兆欧姆 | 4800 | 630 | 120 | 33 | 11 | 4.5 | 2.1 |
| | | | | | | |
不要指望通过电测法测量含水率比测量绝对含水率准确度高2%以上,无论哪一个制造商这样宣称。(C.skaar在《Wood-Water Relations》(1988)一书中列举了影响这种测量方法的众多因素)几乎没有一个含水率测定仪的电阻范围高至能含盖一切含水率的电阻,除非是湿度非常大的木材。
Wood Moisture
Wood changes its size when its moisture content changes. The size change is different along each of the planes of wood growth - radial, tangential and lengthwi. So, it's important that woodworkers know when the moisture content of their wood has reached equilibrium with the workshop, so that its dimensions have ttled down.
What is the moisture content (MC) of wood compared to its dry weight? Typically 60% for green hardwoods, up to double that for softwoods. The moisture is in two forms - chemically bound and free. The first aim of asoning lumber is to degrade the chemical bonds to water, so that all that remains is free to move. This happens faster at higher temperatures, which is why kiln drying saves so much time. However, too-high kiln temperatures degrade wood, and most kiln drying is done as quickly as possible to produce cheap construction grade softwood. That's why kiln drying has a bad name amo
ng instrument makers.
Skilled kiln drying can actually produce better wood than air drying. When wood is air dried, the outside dries faster than the inside, and this results in residual stress in the wood. If the kiln humidity is controlled to match that of the wood throughout the process, and the high temperature is ud just to speed up the rate at which the chemical bonds are degraded and moisture equilibrium is reached, residual stress can be significantly reduced below tho of air dried wood. But, there is no way to know, just looking at a piece of wood.
Air Drying:
Wood moisture eventually comes to an equilibrium with air moisture, approximately to
relative humidity (RH) | 0 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 个性特征 90 | 100 |
MC % | 0 | 3 | 5 数据分析师简历 | 喜欢自言自语7 | 9 | 11 | 13 | 15 | 18 | 23 | 35 |
| | | | | | | | | | | 凌夷 |
At MC lower than the fiber saturation point (usually 35%), moisture change takes place by diffusion within the wood. The standard diffusion equation may be written as
t = L² / D
D = 1x10-6 cm²/s transver and radial, 1x10-5 cm²/s lengthwi,
L is the length along the direction of diffusion.
t is the time to 1/e of the moisture change, that is to 63% of the equilibrium change.
So, if you have a piece of asoned wood 2 cm thick that is at the 15% MC of typical outdoors storage here, and you want to estimate how fast it will come to equilibrium in your workshop at 30% RH (7% MC) if expod to air both sides, L = 1 cm and the diffusion equation gives t = 1x106 s, 11 days. The equilibrium MC change required is 8%, so in 11 days you can expect 63% of 8% = 5% lower MC, that is 10% total MC. That leaves 3% to go, and you can expect 63% of that 3% to take place over the next 11 days,
to 8% MC. So, 3 weeks should be enough time for 2 cm thick wood. If your wood is 4 cm thick, it will take 3 months, 6 cm thick, 7 months. According to the literature, most asoned temperate woods change moisture at a rate within ±20% of this.