skipping rope 跳绳
merry-go-round 转马
bubber band skipping 跳皮筋
teeter-totter;esaw 跷跷板欧玛灯光
playing birdie;kicking shuttlecock 踢毽子
catapult;sling shot 弹弓
沙甲鱼marbles 弹珠
swing 荡秋千
frisbee 飞盘
hide-and-ek;blind man's buff 捉迷藏
dropping handkerchief 丢手绢
palying leg-fight 她的要求斗鸡(每个人抬起一只脚的)
hopscotch 跳房子
cat's cradle 翻绳
kite flying 放风筝
toy bricks ;building blocks 积木一出好戏影评
slide 滑滑梯
clapping games (你拍一,我拍一)
iron hoop 滚铁环
fox and chickens; eagle-chicken catching老鹰捉小鸡
whipping tops 打陀螺
jackstone 抓子儿
dodge ball 奢侈品牌有哪些;ball tag 闪避球
play a game of tag 玩捉人游戏(你跑,我追)
picking up sticks 捡棒子
leapfrog ;frog jump 跳绳游戏
beanbag game丢沙包
Hide-and-ek or hide-and-go-ek (or, in Scotland, hidey) is a variant of the game tag, in which a number of players conceal themlves in the environment, to be found by one or more "ekers". Numerous variants of the game can be found worldwide.
[edit] Gameplay
The game starts with all players in a central location, indoors or out. One player is given the designation of "it". There are two portions to the game: the hiding, where
all the players except "it" locate a place in which to hide, and the eking, where "it" attempts to locate as many of the players as possible. The overall objective is to remain undiscovered by "it".
The hiding portion of the game begins with "it" using a method to avoid eing the other players hiding, and counting out loud for a predetermined number of conds, often with the aid of a word that takes about one cond to say (e.g., "one-Mississippi, "). During the count, other players locate a place to hide. When the counting is completed, the "it" player usually announces the start of the eking portion by shouting a phra such as "Ready or not, here I come!". "It" then begins a arch for the hiding players.
When all players have been found or caught, the next game's "it" is usually the first player to be found. Alternatively, the players can agree that the last person to be discovered or tagged will become the next "it".
Occasionally, the "it" may call out "Ollie Ollie Oxen Free" to say that he has given u
p, and the players leave their hiding places.
[edit] Variants
In some variations players may move to other hiding spots while "it" isn't looking, and tho who can remain hidden the longest are considered to be the best players.
家风家教心得体会In a more active variant, hide and ek can be combined with the game of tag. Instead of "it" simply spotting players, he or she has to tag them instead to get them out. Hiders can make a dash for 'Home Ba', which is usually a landmark next to where whoever is "it" counts off. Touching the ba area makes a hider safe, and the aim of the game is to touch ba without being tagged; this game was, and may still be known as Pom Pom Home by school children in Berkshire (UK), which may be a variant of Pom Pom Runaway, as outlined below.
Another form similar to the above game involves tagged players becoming another
"it". Rather than having a ba, the aim is simply to survive as long as possible without being tagged, and the last one to not be tagged is the winner.
A derivative game is called Sardines. In this variant, only one person hides and the others must then find the person that's hiding and hide with them. The last person to find the group that's hiding is the lor. If playing indoors, turning the lights off may make it easier to hide large groups of people. A. M. Burrage calls this version of the game 'Smee' in his 1931 ghost story of the same name.[1]
Another name to call it is Yaki 123, where there is a home ba in which the person who is it guards but has to also look for the players, the hiders try and make their way to the home ba either undetected or if en by the person who is it must get to homeba before them and call out Yaki 123. The hiders who are victorious have to stay near homeba til the end of the game, but they can also help the other hiders by distracting the person who it is.