Vector II
Vector II
Owner’s Manual
1. Before starting, read the instructions carefully. 在开始前.仔细阅读说明书.
2. Verify all of the connections are in accordance to the drawings.
3. Verify the motor supply is connected correctly, faulty connection will
destroy the inverter. 确认马达的动力线连接正确.错误的连接会损坏变频器.
4. Check the device cover is properly installed.
5. High voltages are prent in this device. Switch the power off and after
the display turns off, wait 5 minutes before opening the cover.
6. Insulation resistance test with a megger requires special precautions.
7. Do not make any measurements inside the device when it is connected
to the main supply. 在系统中连接到主电源板的地方不要作任何测量
8. Do not touch the components on the circuit boards. Static voltage
discharge may cau damage or destroy the IC-circuits.
9. Check all ventilation holes are clear and uncovered.
10. Check that hot air coming from the brake resistors does not cau any
danger. 检查来自制动电阻的热空气不会引起任何危险.
11. Do not make any inspections unless the supply has been disconnected
by the main switch. 除非在总开关切断电源的情况下否则不能作任何检查
12. It is forbidden to u radiophones or portable phones near this device
with the doors open. 禁止在门被打开的设备附近使用无线和移动通信装置.
13. All the doors and covers must be clod during crane operation.
This manual is valid for D2H and D2C revisions 5.3. The relea number of this document is
D2HCOM53BEN. The parameter numbers are bad on the software version Pro1V030.
总则 (3)
技术数据 (3)
1.1 Technical
1.2 Type mark coding 类型标记 (4)
1.3 Basic
基本描述 (5)
坚决的意思主要部件 (7)
1.4 Main
功能描述 (8)
1.5 Functional
控制模式 (10)
1.6 Control
1.7 Mechanical brake control 机械制动控制 (14)
1.8 Motor control modes 马达的控制论方式 (15)
1.9 EMC (17)
1.9.1 Fulfilled
现行的EMC标准 (17)
启动步骤 (209)
目测 (209)
2.1 Visual
2.2 Checks before the first test run 检查以后的手次测试 (20)
2.3 Test run without load 空载测试 (21)
2.4 Test run with load 负载测试 (21)
2.5 After the test run测试以后 (22)
参数调整 (23)
3.1 Control keypad operation 控制显示屏操作 (23)
3.1.1 Navigation on the control keypad 控制显示屏演示 (25)
3.1.2 Value line editing 数值的编辑 (25)
密码 (26)
3.1.3 Passwords
3.1.4 Monitoring
监控 (287)
参数组 (298)
3.2 Parameter
部件 (309)
4.1 D2H spare parts list D2H的备品清单 (309)
4.2 D2C spare parts list D2C的备品清单 (30)
故障代码 (31)
5.1 Fault time data record 故障时间日期记录 (40)
故障记数器 (40)
5.2 Fault
服务 (42)
1.1 Technical data 技术数据
Power class 功率等级
002F 003F 004F 005F 007F 011F 015F 018F 022F 030F 037F 045F 055F 075F 090F 110F 132F Power (kVA) at 400V 功 率 4.5 5.5 7 9 13 17 22 29 33 40 50 60 75 100 120 150170Output current In(A)输出电流
6.5 8 10 13 18 24 32 42 48 60 75 90 110 150 180 210
Max. current 1min (A)最大电
10 12 15 20 27 36 48 63 72 90 113
165 225 270 315
Overloadability 过载能力
1.5 x In , 1min/10min Max. output voltage 最大输出电压
Equal to supply voltage Supply voltage 电源电压
380-500VAC Allowable voltage fluctuation 电压波动 +/- 10%
Nominal supply frequency 电源频率
50/60Hz +/- 5% Signal input levels 信号输入标准
Digital controls 数字控制
S1, S2, DIA3, DIA4, DIA5, DID1, DID2, DID3, DID4, DID5: 42 … 240VAC; 15mA Analog references 模拟参考值 AIN1: -10 … +10V and AIN2: 0 … 10V; 200k Ω; accuracy 0.5% Encoder feedback 脉冲编码器返馈 EA+/- and EB+/-; 0/24V; 3k Ω; floating differential inputs
Control features 控制特点
Control method 控制模式
Open loop or clod loop vector control Frequency control range 频率控制范围 0 ... 250Hz
Frequency command 频率命令
Potentiometer, motor potentiometer, 2-4-step controller or 0 ... 10V analog signal Limit switch functions 限位开关功能
蹴鞠>手机牌子Slowdown and stop limit inputs for both directions Speed control range 速度控制范围
Open loop vector control s N ... 100% (s N = motor nominal slip) Clod loop vector control 0 ... 100%
Speed accuracy 速度控制精度
Open loop vector control 1% of nominal speed at speed range 10 ... 100% 1/3 of motor nominal slip at speed below 10%
Clod loop vector control 0.01% of nominal speed
Extended speed range 扩展速度范围
100 ... 200% Braking torque 制动力距
150% Protections 保护
Stall prevention 失速预防
During acceleration and constant speed Motor overload protection 马达过栽保护 Thermistor bad temperature measurement
Overload protection 过栽保护
Fault is detected if the current momentarily exceeds 280% of rated current Undervoltage / blown fu 低压/烧保险 Fault is detected if DC voltage drops below 333V
Overvoltage protection 过压保护
君子素其位而行Fault is detected if DC voltage exceeds 911V Momentary power loss 片刻电源丢失
Immediate fault stop Inverter overtemperature 变频器过热
端详的意思Temperature nsor on the heat sink Mechanical brake 机械制动
Circuit breaker Braking transistor 可控电制动
Electronic supervision for the braking chopper and for the braking resistor Ground fault 接地故障
Provided by electronic circuitry Overspeed/stall,超速/失速/速度差异检查 speed difference supervision Independent measurement using pul wheel or encoder
Ambient conditions 外界条件
Ambient temperature 外界温度 -10°C ... +55°C (14°F ... 131°F) for ED ≤60% Storage temperature 储藏温度 -40°C ... +60°C (-31°F ... 140°F) dry
Humidity 湿度
<95%RH (no condensation) Altitude 海拔
Maximum 1000m at In. Above 1000m: In reduces 1% per each 100m. Above 3000m: consult factory.
Vibration 振动
Operation: maximum displacement amplitude 3mm at 2-9Hz. Maximum acceleration amplitude 0.5g (5m/s²) at 9-200Hz
Conforms to LV and EMC directives.
1.2 Type mark coding 变频器型号标识
D2H and D2C can be summarized as "crane motor control systems, which controls the speed by changing the frequency of supply voltage of a squirrel cage motor". A stepless speed adjustment can be achieved by this method. D2H 和D2C 可以概括为一种通过改变鼠笼马达电压的频率来控制马达速度的起重机控制方式.通过这种方式可以实现一个无级调速机构.
Type marking is shown below. 型号标识如下:
Control voltage 控制电Y 42VAC, 50/60Hz V Device name 系统名字 D2H
Power rating class 功率等级
002 – 132
D2H 007 F Supply voltage 供电电压 F 380 - 500VAC, 50/60Hz 压 P 48VAC, 50/60Hz
T 115VAC, 50/60Hz V 230VAC, 50/60Hz 53 Revision code 版本代码
The latest revision may differ 最新的版本可能有差异
D2H 007 F V 53 A 0 0 1 0
Braking type 制动类型 A External resistor 外接电阻 B Internal resistor (included only D2C up to 015F) 内
接电阻 A
Mounting 安装
0 Standard panel 标准格式 0
Emission level 散热等级 0 Unlimited (non EU-area or non-grounded network) 无限制 N Limited (EU-area, grounded network) 有限制 0
Boards 速度检测板
0 Standard 标准配置 1 Standard with speed supervision 带有速度检测的标准配置 2 Profibus 总线控制 3 Profibus with speed supervision 带有速度检测的总线控制 8 Relay 继电器控制 9 Relay with speed supervision 带有速度检测的继电器控制 1
Special 特别选择 0 None 无
L Varnished boards 油漆色卡 0