rem 远方(remote)
rsd 捲门(roller shutter door)qq好友恢复网站
reqd 要求(required)
res 电阻器(resistor)
rev 校正(revision)
rf 无线电频率(radio frequency)
rm 室(room)
rmc 铁路维护电路(rail way maintenance circuit)
rmt 远端多工终端机(remote multiplex terminal)
相依为命陈小春roc 铁路行车电路(railway operation circuit)
rpm 每分转数(revolutions per minute)
rsc 钢导线管(rigid steel conduit)
rt 防雨(rain tight)
rtd 热阻温度侦测器(resistance temperature detector)
rx 接收器 / 接收(receiver / receive)
recpt 插座(receptacle)
rv 降压起动器(reduced voltage starter)
s 秒(cond)
sb 备用(standby)
scc 短路容量(short circuit capacity)
ct 断面 / 尺规(ction / ctor)
q 序列(quence)
sf 叶片(split flap)
sfb 叶片板(split flap board)
sfc 叶片控制器(split flap controller)
sh 分路(shunt)
shld 遮蔽(shield)
sld 密封设施(aling device)
sim 近似(similar)
sm 掛装(surface mounted)
s/n 讯号杂音比(signal to noi ratio)
sol 螺管(solenoid)
sp 备用品(spare)
spec 规格 / 规范(specification)
spkr 扬声器(speaker)
spdt 单极双投(single pole double throw)
spst 单极单投(single pole single throw)
spm 同步及并联模组(synchronizing and paralleling module)
ss 同步开关(synchronizing switch)
st 短延时(short time delay)
sta 站(station)
水的诗歌std 标準(standard)
sub 分站 / 变电站(substation)
supv 监督(supervisory)
sw 开关(switch)
swr 开关器(switcher)
swbo 开关箱(switch board)
swgr 开关设备(switch gear)
sym 图例(symbol)
symm 对称(symmetrical)
sync 同步化(synchronize)
会展旅游sys 系统(system)
t1,t2 发射器(编号)(transmitter number of)
tb 端子板(terminal board)
tbx 端子箱(terminal box)
tc 跳脱线圈(trip coil)
tx 传送器 / 发射机(transmitter)
typ 代表同样(typical)
twr 塔(tower)
tids 列车资讯显示系统(train information display system)
tdm 分时多工(time division multiplex)
tcv 温度控制阀(temperature control valve)
td 行车调度(train dispatching)
tdc 延时闭路(time delay closing)
tdo 延时开路(time delay opening)
tdr 延时电驛(time delay relay)
tel,t 电话(telephone)
telecom 电信(telecommunications)
temp 温度(temperature)
term 端子(terminal)
thh 电信手孔(telecommunications hand-hole)
thru 管槽(through)
tm 电视监视机(television monitor)
tmh 电信人孔(telecommunications manhole)
toc 混凝土顶部(top of concrete)
tpc 中国台湾电力公司(Chine Taiwan power company)
tpst 三极单投(triple pole single throw)
trt 列车无线电话系统(train radio telephone system)
tv 电视(television)
ucp 单元控制盘(unit control panel)
uf 地板下(under floor)
ug 地下(under ground)
uhf 超高频(ultra high frequency)
uon 除另有註明者外(unless otherwi noted)
ups 不断电系统(uninterruptible power supply)
日语日记uv 欠电压(under voltage)
uv 微伏(micro volt)
v 伏特(volt)
va 伏安(volt ampere)
vac 交流电压(volt alternating current)
vcss 语音通讯交换系统(voice communications switching system)
vda 视讯分配放大器(video distribution amplifier)
vdc 直流电压 / 视讯显示控制(volts direct current / video display control)
vdt 视讯显示终端机(video display terminal)
vent 通风(ventilation)
vert 垂直(vertical)
vf 音频(voice frequency)
vhf 超高频(very high frequency)
vid 视讯(video)
vm 电压表(voltmeter)
vs 电压切换(voltmeter switch)
vsc 可变速控制器(variable speed controller)
vswr 电压驻波比(voltage standing wave ratio)
vt 防烟汽(vaportight)
vtr 录影机(video tape recorder)
w/ 含…/及…(with)
w 瓦特 / 线(watt / wire)
w/o 不含…(without)
wp 不受气候影响(weatherproof)
wt 防水(watertight)
xlp 交连聚氯乙烯(cross linked polyethylene)
xmit 发送(transmit)
xfmr 变压器(transformer)
xmtr 发射器(transmitter)