关于旅游的英文文章阅读 关于旅游的英文文章阅读篇一 True Traveling The future history books might record that we were deprived of the u of our eyes. In our hurry to get from one place to another, we failed to e anything on the way. Air travel gives you a bird’s-eye view of the world – or even less if the wing of the aircraft happens to get in your way. When you travel by car or train a blurred image of the countryside constantlysmears the windows. Car drivers, in particular, are forever obsd with the urge to go on and on: they never want to stop. Is it the lure of the great motorways, or what And as for a travel, it hardly derves mention. It is perfectly summed up in the words of the old song: ‘I joined the navy to e the world, and what did I e I saw the a.’ The typical twentieth-century traveler is the man who always says “I’ve been there“. You mention the remotest, mostevocative place-names in the world and someone is bound to say "I’ve been there" meaning, "I drove through it at 100 miles an hour on the way to somewhere el. " When you travel at high sp
eeds, the prent means nothing: you live mainly in the future becau you spend most of your time looking forward to arriving at some other place. But actual arrival, when it is achieved, is meaningless. You want to move on again. By traveling like this, you suspend all experience;安管人员
the prent ceas to be a reality: you might just as well be dead. The traveler on foot, on the other hand, lives constantly in the prent. For him traveling and arriving are one and the same thing: he arrives somewhere with every step he makes. He experiences the prent moment with his eyes, his ears and the whole of his body. At the end of his journey he feels a delicious physical weariness. He knows that sound. Satisfying sleep will be his: the just reward of all true travellers. 真正的旅行 未来的历史书还会记载说,我们的眼睛也弃置不用了。在急 急忙忙 从一个地方赶往另一个地方的路上,我们什么都没看到。
航空旅行可以使你鸟 瞰世界——要是机翼恰好挡住了你的视线, 你就看得更少了。当你乘汽车或火 车旅行的时候,模糊不清的乡 村景象不停地映在车窗玻璃上。尤其是汽车司邓紫棋歌手
电热水器怎么用机, 他们的头脑永 远都被“向前,向前”的冲动占据着:他们从来都不要停下来。到 底 是由于漂亮车道的诱惑,还是别的什么至于海上旅行,简直 不值一提。有一首 老歌的歌词对海上旅行是一个完美的概括:‘哦 加入海军去看世界,我看到了什 么我看见了大海。”最典型的 四世纪旅行者总是说“我已经去过那儿了”。你提到 世界上最遥 远、最引人遇思的地名,比如埃尔多拉多、喀布尔、伊尔库茨克, 准 有人说“我去过那儿”——意思是:“我在去另外一个地方的路 上,以100英里的时速路过那儿。” 当你以很高的速度旅行时,“现在”就什么都不是:你主要生 活在未 来,因为你多半时间在盼望赶到别的一个地方去。但是当你真的到达了目的地, 你的到达也没有什么意义。你还要继续前行。像这样子旅行,你什么也没有经历;
你的现在并不是现实:跟死亡没有什么两样。另一方面,徒步旅行者却总是生活 在现在。
他在用自己的眼睛、耳朵和整个身体体验现在。在他旅途 的终点,他感到一种 愉悦的生理疲惫。他知道他会享受深沉而甜 蜜的睡眠:这是对一切真正旅行者 的酬报。
关于旅游的英文文章阅读篇二 Beijing Man Site 周口店——《北京人》遗址 Natural Feature 自然概况 On December 2nd 1929.a Chine paleoanthropologist named Pei Wenzhong discovered a complete skull of“Peking Man”on Dragon Bone Hill northwest of Zhoukoudian village,in the southwest suburbs of Beijing 1929年12月2日,我国人类考占学家裴文中先生在北京西南郊的周口 店龙骨山北坡一个大洞穴中,发现了’完整的北京猿人头盖骨。
Later,archaeologists unearthed 40-odd individually fossilized skeletons of“Peking Man",male,female,old and young,all at the same site. Zhoukoudian, therefore,became the most common site for human remains with the most abundant fossils in the world from the same period.The discovery pushed the history of Beijing"s civilization back to some 600 000 years. The fossilized remains prove that“Peking Man" was primitive man in an evolutionary process from ancient ape to modern man,and is the ancestor of the Chine nation. 后来,在这同一个地方,考古学家们又发现了40多具“北京人”的骨骼 化石,其中有男有女,有老有少。从此,周日店北京猿人遗址闻名于世,这里保 存着世界上数量最多的同一时期人类化石。“北京人”的发现将北京的历史向前推 进了约60万年。这
About 600 000 years ago,living on the plain here were tigers,leopards deer, bovines,and beavers.For safety against the animals and shelter, Peking Man cho the limestone caves. At that time,Peking Man had a lower and flat forehead, bold superciliary ridges,high cheekbones already walked straight-up,was capable of making tools,began production,and have his language. Then at 4 o"clock(pm)on December 2 of 1929, Pei Wen zhong,an anthropologist of China,discovered an intact skull of Peking Man,in a big cave on the north slope of Dragon Bone Hill at Zhoukoudian, and this Peking Man site was soon known globe wide 60万年前,这里平原辽阔,生长着虎、豹、鹿、牛、河狸等动物。为 了躲避风雨和野兽的侵袭,北京猿人便存石灰岩的洞穴中栖身.北京猿人前额低 平、眉骨粗壮、颧骨高凸,嘴巴前伸已能直立行走、制造工具、进行劳动,并有 了语言。
The discovery of Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian is regarded as the most valuable co
ntribution in the 20th century to paleoanthropology. It advanced human history for tens of thousands years earlier,and so far it is still the world"s most intact,the tichest,and the most convincing remains of the primitive mans activities, which strongly proves that“man originated from apes" and which provides the most precious first-hand evidences for the study of human origin and evolution as well as for reproducing the life of the earliest man. 周口店北京猿人遗址的发现,被认为是20世纪古人类学研究中最具价 值的贡献。它将人类历史的年代推前了数万年,并且至今仍是目前全球发现最完 整。最丰富、最具说服力的古人类活动遗存。它证实了“人是从猿变化而来的” 这一事实,为研究人类的起源及其发展,为再现早期人类的生活面貌,提供了极 为珍贵的第一手资料。
Apart from Peking Man Site ,around Zhoukoudian are also discovered about 20 other sites with fossils of New Cave IVian about ***** years ago and fossils of Upper Cave Man about 18 ()U0 years ago .as well as fossils of other vertebrates. Together they form a natural muum of the history of human beings and other living things. 除北京猿人遗址外,在周口店还发现了距今约10万年的“新洞人”化石 和约1.8万年前的“山顶洞人”化石以及其他脊椎动物化石遗址20多处,构成了一个天然的生物史和人类史“博物馆”。
Zhoukoudian is known world wide as the home of Peking Man. In 1953, Zhoukoudian Muum was open to the public,and the site was brought under the state protection as a key historic site by the State Council.In l98";,UNESCO inscribed the Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian in the World Heritage List as a cultural heritage of the world. 周口店以“中国猿人之家”闻名于世。1953年,周口店遗址博物馆对外 开放;1961年,周口店遗址被国务院列为全国重点文物保护单位;1987年,联合国 教科文组织将周口店“北京人”遗址作为文化遗产列人《世界遗产名录》。