江苏省淮安市新马高级中学2022 届高考总复习资料要点解说完型填
解文中所表达的人物、时间、地址、事件,即who, when, where, what。
比如: Wh i a mand B conviction C conent D command 命令, 指令; 掌握, 运用能力。
3 Our reearch ha focued on a drug which i o _____ a to be abe to change brain chemitr年轻人脑子反应迟钝的原因>蛋糕手绘
A mittee 3 =urrender to , give in 折服 , 投诚: After being defeated, the ubmitted to the enem 战胜后 , 他们向仇敌投诚了。
8 No one ha _____ been abe to trace the author of the ing earier in time or order
先前 , 起初 ; Thi i better than an oution mon
A nothing but
B anthing but
C above a than
[ 答案 ] B anthing but
老版红楼梦[ 说明 ] anthing but =far from being 根本不 ; The bo new the bad broen the rue, and
the were anthing but hamand of Engih anguage 他已精晓英语。achieve, vt 获得胜利、成功等 , 实现目标、目的等。 attain, vt 达到目的等 , 获得成就等:1 I hoe from the _____ of maturit
A fufiment
B achievement
C etabihment宝剑怎么画
D accome on
[ 答案 ] C carr on [ 说明 ]carr on 持续 , 参看Ⅲ ,28 。
45 I eft for the office earier than uua thi morning _____ traffic am
A in ine with
B in cae of
C for the ae of
D at the ri of
[ 答案 ] B in cae of
[ 说明 ] in cae of 参看Ⅲ ,94 说明。 In ine with =in agreement with 与一致 , 切合: Hi action were not in ine with hi ine with 作表语。 In ine with hitor and ocia evoution ociaim i ine with 指引地短语作状语 , 意为“依据”。 For the ae of 为了起见。 At the ae of 冒的风险。
46 The finance miniter ha not been o _____ ince he raied tae to uch a high eve
A e
B outet
C income
D oute 结局 income 收入。 oute a nure _____ from a deire to hee ree = He i certain to 作形式主语 , that 指引主语从句时 , 主句中表语只好用certain, 不能用 ure
62 Man new _____ wi be omon or habitua; th done reguar 做法 , 老例: It i m e out
in _____
A oe out 此处意为 =decare oneef 表示态度 , 所以 come out in ming Antarctic _____
A ecurion为什么猫要绝育
B eecution
C etraction
D ee 假定, 假定 , 担当。 aembe会合 ; 装置。