中华人民共和国,北京,2012年9月25日:美国驻北京大使馆宣布“美国文化之旅”项目——The A merican C ultural C enter T ours (ACCT)。这是一个新动议,许多美国表
高校合作伙伴/美国文化中心项目是通过美国机构和他们的中国伙伴间现有的伙伴关系而形成的项目网和专门的美国中心。每个中心致力于通过接触材料、文化和学术推广,促进中国学生和公众更好地理解美国。这些中心努力表现美国文化、价值、政策和历史的深度和广度。 2010年以来已经建立了12家美国文化中心,7家新中心将在今年秋季公布。
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American C ultural C enter T ours (ACCT) M arks N ew C hapter o f S haring
American C ulture i n C hina
诺基亚3128Sep, 25, 2012, B eijing, T he P eople’s R epublic o f C hina: T he U nited S tates E mbassy i n Beijing a nnounces T he A merican C ultural C enter T ours (ACCT) P rogram, a n ew i nitiative t o bring A merican p erforming a rtists t o t our 12 A merican C ultural C enters b ad i n universities a cross C hina. T he p erformers w ill s erve a s c ultural a mbassadors t o f oster a more d iver a nd n uanced u nderstanding o f A merican c ulture. T he f irst g roup o f A CCT Program a rtists w ill t our C hina d uring t he 2012-‐2013 a cademic y ear.
The U nited S tates E mbassy i n B eijing h as a warded a g rant t o P ing P o
ng P roductions, a Beijing-‐bad c ultural e xchange o rganization, t o m anage a nd f acilitate t he A CCT P rogram.
Ping P ong P roductions h as a lready s ecured N avajo s ingers a nd d ancers, b luegrass musicians, a n A merican t heater r eview, a nd a n e nmble o f C hicago's l egendary j azz musicians a nd t ap d ancers t o s erve a s t he f irst A CCT P rogram a rtistic a mbassadors, a nd will e nsure t hat e ach o f t he 12 A merican C ultural C enters h osts a t l east o ne A CCT P rogram event i n t he c urrent a cademic y ear.
The a nd o ther a rtists w ill n ot o nly p erform, b ut w ill s trive t o f acilitate a ctive c ultural exchange t hrough w orkshops, g roup d iscussions, a nd u nique r egional p rograms d esigned by t he h ost c enters.
The U nited S tates E mbassy i n B eijing a nd P ing P ong p roductions a re p roud t o a nnounce the A CCT P rogram, a nd a nticipate t hat t he p rogram w ill p rovide n ew o pportunities f or meaningful c ultural e xchange.
About P ing P ong P roductions
Ping P ong P roductions i s a c atalyst t hat b rings C hina a nd t he w orld t ogether t hrough t he performing a rts. A s a rtistic a mbassadors, w e e ngage c ultures i n d iscour, s earching f or points o f c ooperation, m utual e xchange a nd u nderstanding.
Ping P ong P roductions (PPP) d evelops c ultural e xchange p rojects a nd f acilitates c reative collaborations b etween C hine a nd i nternational a rtists, s cholars a nd a udiences. W ith teams b ad i n C hina a nd t he U nited S tates, P PP h as e xtensive e xperience p roviding t he following s ervices:
PRODUCING p erformances, f estivals, c onferences a nd c reative g atherings. P PP i nitiates projects o r c ollaborates w ith p artners t o f acilitate t heir i deas. W e w ork w ith a rtists a t a ll stages o f t heir c areers t o p roduce n ew w orks, d evelop b rand i dentity, a nd i ntroduce t hem to n ew m arkets i n C hina o r a broad.
CONSULTING f or o rganizations a nd i ndividuals t o e nsure s uccessful p rojects 逆向思维怎么训练
b ringing artists t o C hina, s ending C hine a rtists a broad, a nd g enerating c ultural e xchange p rojects. As l eading e xperts i n t he C hine p erforming a rts m arket a nd i n c ultural e xchange, P PP team m embers f requently d eliver k eynote s peeches a nd p articipate i n p rofessional p anels around t he g lobe.
MANAGEMENT A ND P LANNING f or a ll a spects o f p roject d evelopment a nd e xecution, including g enerating c reative p rograms, s ourcing c ontent a nd c ollaborative p artners, handling t our l ogistics, p roviding c ontract n egotiation a nd b udget o versight, d eveloping fundraising a nd m arketing p lans, e tc.
For M ore I nformation a bout t he A CCT P rogram, v isit: h ttp://www.pingpongarts/projects/33/
About A merican C ultural C enters i n C hina
The U niversity P artnership / A merican C ulture C enters p rogram i s a n etwork o f p rograms and d edicated A merican c enters t hrough e xisting p artnerships b etween U.S. i nstitutions and t heir C hine p artners. E ach c enter i s d edicated t o p romoting g reater u nderstanding o f the U nited S tates a mong C h
ine s tudents a nd p ublic t hrough a ccess t o m aterials, c ultural and a cademic o utreach. T he c enters s trive t o r eprent t he d epth a nd b readth o f U.S. culture, v alues, p olices a nd h istory. 12 A merican C ulture C enters h ave b een e stablished since 2010, a nd s even m ore w ill b e a nnounced t his f all.