1910.1 | Purpo and scope. 1910.1目的和范围。 |
1910.2 | Definitions. 1910.2定义。 |
1910.3 | Petitions for the issuance, amendment, or repeal of a standard. |
1910.3请愿书之核发、修改或废止的一个标准。 | |
1910.4 | Amendments to this part. |
1910.5 | Applicability of standards. |
1910.6 | Incorporation by reference. |
1910.6 | Incorporation by reference. |
1910.7 | Definition and requirements for a nationally recognized testing laboratory. |
1910.8 | OMB control numbers under the Paperwork Reduction Act. |
1910.11 | Scope and purpo. |
1910.12 | Construction work. |
1910.15 | Shipyard employment. |
1910.16 | Longshoring and marine terminals. |
1910.17 | Effective dates. |
1910.18 | Changes in established Federal standards. |
1910.19 | Special provisions for air contaminants. |
1910.21 | Definitions. |
1910.22 | General requirements. |
1910.23 | Guarding floor and wall openings and holes. |
1910.24 | Fixed industrial stairs. |
1910.25 | Portable wood ladders. |
1910.26 | Portable metal ladders. |
1910.27 | Fixed ladders. |
1910.28 | Safety requirements for scaffolding. |
1910.29 | Manually propelled mobile ladder stands and scaffolds (towers). |
1910.30 | Other working surfaces. |
1910.33 | Table of contents. |
1910.34 | Coverage and definitions. |
1910.35 | Compliance with NFPA 101-2000, Life Safety Code. |
1910.36 | Design and construction requirements for exit routes. |
1910.37 | Maintenance, safeguards, and operational features for exit routes. |
1910.38 | Emergency action plans. |
1910.39 | Fire prevention plans. |
1910.66 | Powered platforms for building maintenance. |
1910.66 | Powered platforms for building maintenance. |
1910.67 | Vehicle-mounted elevating and rotating work platforms. |
1910.68 | Manlifts. |
1910.94 | Ventilation. |
1910.95 | Occupational noi exposure. |
1910.97 | Nonionizing radiation. |
1910.98 | Effective dates. |
1910.101 | Compresd gas (general requirements). |
1910.102 | Acetylene. |
1910.103 | Hydrogen. |
1910.104 | Oxygen. |
1910.105 | 婴儿吃奶时间Nitrous oxide. |
1910.106 | Flammable and combustible liquids. |
1910.107 | Spray finishing using flammable and combustible materials. |
1910.109 | Explosives and blasting agents. 1910.1目的和范围。 1910.2定义。 1910.3请愿书之核发、修改或废止的一个标准。 1910.4修改,这部分。 1910.5适用性的标准。 1910.6成立,以供参考。 1910.6成立,以供参考。 1910.7定义和要求测试实验室国家认可。 1910.8署长的书面材料控制编号下还原行为。 1910.11范围和目的。 1910.12建设工作。 1910.15船厂工作。 1910.16 longshoring和码头。 1910.17有效日期。 建立了1910.18改变联邦标准。 对空气污染物1910.19特别规定。 1910.21定义。 1910.22总体要求。 1910.23开口和保护地板和墙壁的洞。 1910.24固定工业楼梯。 1910.25便携式木梯子。 1910.26便携金属梯子。 1910.27固定的梯子。 安全要求,1910.28脚手架。 1910.29推动移动梯子站和手动支架(塔)。 其他工作1910.30表面。 1910.33表上的内容。 1910.34的覆盖面和定义。 1910.35 101-2000符合防火,生命安全的代码。 设计和施工要求1910.36退出方式。 1910.37维修、维护和操作功能,为投资退出方式。 1910.38紧急行动计划。 1910.39防火计划。 1910.66平台,供建筑物维修提供动力。 1910.66平台,供建筑物维修提供动力。 1910.67车载抬升和旋转工作平台。 manlifts 1910.68。 1910.94通风。 1910.95职业噪音暴露。 1910.97 nonionizing辐射。 1910.98有效日期。 1910.101压缩气体(一般要求)。 1910.102乙炔。 1910.103氢。 1910.104氧气。 1910.105氧化亚氮。 1910.106易燃和易燃液体。 1910.107喷雾完成使用易燃及可燃材料。 1910.109炸药和爆破的代理商。 |
1910.110 | Storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gas. |
1910.111 | Storage and handling of anhydrous ammonia. |
1910.119 | Process safety management of highly hazardous chemicals. |
1910.120 | Hazardous waste operations and emergency respon. |
1910.122 | Table of contents. |
1910.123 | Dipping and coating operations: Coverage and definitions. |
1910.124 | General requirements for dipping and coating operations. |
1910.125 | Additional requirements for dipping and coating operations that u flammable or combustible liquids. |
1910.126 | Additional requirements for special dipping and coating operations. |
1910.132 | General requirements. |
1910.133 | Eye and face protection. |
1910.134 | Respiratory protection. |
1910.135 | Head protection. |
1910.136 | Foot protection. |
1910.137 | Electrical protective equipment. |
1910.138 | Hand protection. |
1910.141 | Sanitation. |
1910.142 | Temporary labor camps. |
1910.144 | Safety color code for marking physical hazards. |
1910.145 | 工贸家电网上商城 Specifications for accident prevention signs and tags. |
1910.146 | Permit-required confined spaces. |
1910.147 | The control of hazardous energy (lockout/tagout). |
1910.151 | Medical rvices and first aid. |
1910.155 | Scope, application and definitions applicable to this subpart. |
1910.156 | Fire brigades. |
1910.157 | Portable fire extinguishers. |
1910.158 | Standpipe and ho systems. |
1910.159 | Automatic sprinkler systems. |
1910.160 | Fixed extinguishing systems, general. |
1910.161 | Fixed extinguishing systems, dry chemical. |
1910.162 | Fixed extinguishing systems, gaous agent. |
1910.163 | Fixed extinguishing systems, water spray and foam. |
1910.164 | Fire detection systems. |
1910.165 | Employee alarm systems. |
1910.169 | Air receivers. |
1910.176 | Handling materials--general. |
1910.177 | Servicing multi-piece and single piece rim wheels. |
1910.178 | Powered industrial trucks. |
1910.179 | Overhead and gantry cranes. |
1910.180 | Crawler locomotive and truck cranes. |
1910.181 | Derricks. |
1910.183 | Helicopters. |
1910.184 | Slings. |
1910.211 | Definitions. 1910.110石油气的石油储存和处理的气体。 1910.111的储存、处理液氨。 1910.119过程高度危险化学品安全管理工作。 1910.120操作和应急响应的危险废物。 1910.122表上的内容。 1910.123浸渍和涂料操作:报道和定义。 1910.124总体要求浸渍和涂料操作。 1910.125额外的要求及涂层的操作使用浸渍易燃或易燃液体。 1910.126额外的需求为特殊浸渍和涂料操作。 1910.132总体要求。 1910.133眼部和面部的保护。 1910.134呼吸防护措施。 1910.135头部保护。 1910.136脚的保护。 1910.137电气防护设备。 1910.138手保护。 1910.141卫生设施。 1910.142临时劳工营。 1910.144安全的颜色代码用于标记物理性危害。 1910.145规格的事故预防标志和标签。 1910.146 permit-required有限空间。 1910.147控制危险能量(锁定操作)。 1910.151医疗服务和急救点。 1910.155范围、申请和定义适用于本subpart。 1910.156消防队。 1910.157手提灭火器。 1910.158立和软管系统。 1910.159自动喷水灭火系统。 1910.160固定灭火系统,将军。 1910.161固定灭火系统、干燥的化学物质。 1910.162固定灭火系统、气态的代理。 1910.163固定灭火系统、水喷淋和泡沫烫。 1910.164火灾探测系统。 1910.165员工报警系统。 1910.169空气瓶。 物料处理1910.176——一般。 1910.177维修multi-piece和单件边缘轮子。 1910.178动力工业卡车。 1910.179开销和龙门起重机。 履带起重机1910.180机车。 1910.181吊杆。 1910.183直升机。 1910.184吊索。 1910.211定义。 |
1910.212 | General requirements for all machines. |
1910.213 | Woodworking machinery requirements. |
1910.215 | Abrasive wheel machinery. |
1910.216 | Mills and calenders in the rubber and plastics industries. |
1910.217 | Mechanical power press. |
1910.218 | Forging machines. |
1910.219 | Mechanical power-transmission apparatus. |
1910.241 | Definitions. |
1910.242 | Hand and portable powered tools and equipment, general. |
1910.243 | Guarding of portable powered tools. |
1910.244 | Other portable tools and equipment. |
1910.251 | Definitions. |
1910.252 | General requirements. |
1910.253 | Oxygen-fuel gas welding and cutting. |
1910.254 | Arc welding and cutting. |
1910.255 | Resistance welding. |
1910.261 | Pulp, paper, and paperboard mills. |
1910.262 | Textiles. |
1910.263 | Bakery equipment. |
1910.264 | Laundry machinery and operations. |
1910.265 | Sawmills. |
1910.266 | Logging operations. |
1910.268 | Telecommunications. |
1910.269 | Electric power generation, transmission, and distribution. |
1910.272 | Grain handling facilities. |
1910.301 | Introduction. |
1910.302 | Electric utilization systems. |
1910.302 | Electric utilization systems. |
1910.303 | General requirements. |
1910.303 | General. |
1910.304 | Wiring design and protection. |
1910.304 | Wiring design and protection. |
1910.305 | Wiring methods, components, and equipment for general u. |
1910.305 | Wiring methods, components, and equipment for general u. |
1910.306 | Specific purpo equipment and installations. |
1910.306 | Specific purpo equipment and installations. |
1910.307 | Hazardous (classified) locations. |
1910.307 | Hazardous (classified) locations. |
1910.308 | Special systems. |
1910.308 | Special systems. |
1910.331 | Scope. |
1910.332 | Training. |
1910.333 | Selection and u of work practices. |
1910.334 | U of equipment. |
1910.335 | Safeguards for personnel protection. |
1910.399 | Definitions applicable to this subpart. |
1910.399 | Definitions applicable to this subpart. |
1910.401 | Scope and application. |
1910.402 | Definitions. |
1910.410 | Qualifications of dive team. |
云南美食1910.420 | 氨基比林 Safe practices manual. |
1910.421 | Pre-dive procedures. |
1910.422 | Procedures during dive. |
1910.423 | Post-dive procedures. |
1910.424 | SCUBA diving. |
1910.425 | Surface-supplied air diving. |
1910.426 | Mixed-gas diving. |
1910.427 | Liveboating. |
1910.430 | Equipment. |
1910.440 | Recordkeeping requirements. 1910.212总体要求所有的机器。 1910.213木工机械的要求。 1910.215研磨轮机械。 1910.216轧机和江阴在橡胶和塑料行业。 1910.217动力机械压力机。 1910.218锻造的机器。 1910.219机械power-transmission装置。 1910.241定义。 1910.242和便携式动力手工具和设备,将军。 1910.243严守便携式动力工具。 1910.244其他便携工具和设备。 1910.251定义。 1910.252总体要求。 1910.253 oxygen-fuel气体焊接与切割。 1910.254电弧焊接与切割。 1910.255电阻焊。 1910.261纸浆、纸张和纸板林立。 1910.262纺织品。 1910.263烘焙设备。 1910.264洗衣房机器和操作。 1910.265锯木厂。 1910.266测井作业。如何保护个人信息 1910.268电信。 1910.269发电、输电及分布。 1910.272粮食处理设施。 1910.301介绍。 1910.302电动利用系统。 1910.302电动利用系统。 1910.303总体要求。 1910.303将军。 1910.304接线的设计和保护。 1910.304接线的设计和保护。 1910.305布线方法、组件和设备为一般使用。 1910.305布线方法、组件和设备为一般使用。 设备、设施1910.306特定的目的。 设备、设施1910.306特定的目的。 1910.307危险(分类)的位置。 1910.307危险(分类)的位置。 1910.308特殊的系统。 1910.308特殊的系统。 1910.331范围。 1910.332培训。 选择和使用1910.333工作实践。 1910.334设备的使用。 保障措施1910.335人员保护。 1910.399定义适用于本subpart。 1910.399定义适用于本subpart。 1910.401范围和应用。 1910.402定义。 1910.410潜水队员资格。 1910.420安全实践手册。 |
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