Oracle® Fusion Applications
Quick Installation Guide
11g Relea 1 (
September 2011
This guide describes the provisioning of a new Oracle Fusion Applications
environment. It contains the following ctions:
■Section1, "What's New in This Guide for Relea"
■Section2, "Installation Overview"
■Section3, "Before You Begin"
■Section4, "Provisioning Prerequisites and System Requirements"
■Section5, "Creating a Provisioning Plan"
■Section6, "Provisioning a New Environment"
■Section7, "Deinstalling an Oracle Fusion Applications Environment"
■Section8, "Documentation Accessibility"
Refer to Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Guide for complete details.
1What's New in This Guide for Relea
For Relea, nothing in this guide has changed from the previous relea.
2Installation Overview
Oracle Fusion Applications is a deployment of application product offerings built on
a technology stack of Oracle Fusion Middleware components and connected to Oracle
Databa. Provisioning is the process of installing, configuring, and deploying Oracle
Fusion Applications product offerings and the supporting technology stack in an
Oracle Fusion Applications environment. To prepare for provisioning, you need:
■ A repository of installers required to provision a new applications environment.
■ A framework of scripts, tools, and utilities to orchestrate the provisioning process.
■Oracle Databa 11g ( for applications transactional data.
■Oracle Identity Management 11g components to manage ur identities.
The components installed, configured, and deployed during provisioning are:
■Oracle Fusion Applications provisioning configurations: The product offerings
in a configuration are the highest-level collection of functionality that can be
licend and implemented.
■Oracle Fusion Middleware components: The technology stack that Oracle Fusion科研计划书
Applications product offerings are built on.
■Oracle Business Intelligence components: Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence is configured and deployed during provisioning. Installation and configuration requirements for additional components are documented in Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications.
2.1Oracle Fusion Applications Directory Structure
The top-level directory for the Oracle Fusion Applications binaries is the applications ba. You specify a name for this directory at the time of provisioning. The ba directory contains two mount points: /net/mount1/appba (APPLICATIONS_ BASE) for binaries that remain read-only after provisioning, and /net/mount2 (APPLICATIONS_CONFIG) for instances that are configurable after provisioning. Unless stated otherwi, a home directory may contain one or more Oracle Fusion Middleware homes or Oracle Fusion Applications homes. For a more information, e "Provisioned Oracle Fusion Applications Home Directories" in Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide.
The APPLICATIONS_BASE/fusionapps/applications directory is the Oracle Fusion Applications Oracle home. It contains subdirectories that are specific to Oracle Fusion Applications. For example, the lcm directory is the life cycle management directory, which contains patching framework artifacts. The product family directory contains artifacts that are specific to a provisioning configuration.
Figure 1Oracle Fusion Applications Oracle Home
2.2Provisioning Roadmap
Table1 describes the order in which you need to perform provisioning tasks.
Table 1Provisioning Process Flow
Task Description
1. Verify system requirements and t up prerequisite components.Ensure that your system meets certain requirements for the installa-tion of Oracle Fusion Applications and Oracle Fusion Middleware components. See Section4.1
2. Prepare your environment.Your environment may require manual tasks to t certain parame-
ters. See "Preparing Your Applications Environment" in Oracle
Fusion Applications Installation Guide for details.
3. Download the provisioning repos-itory.Download the repository from Oracle E-Delivery or Oracle Store and extract the files to the download directory. The repository includes the framework installer (faprov). See Section
3Before You Begin
As you prepare to provisioning your new Oracle Fusion Applications environment, you should have made decisions about what your topology, including the product offerings to install, port allocations, and the hosts you will configure.
You must determine the system requirements and Oracle Databa requirements for your environment. For example, the requirements for a single-instance databa ud as a test system differ from tho of a multiple-instance databa ud for production. You must also have determined access privileges for the DBA or system administrator who will be responsible performing provisioning tasks. You must supply the directory locations, ur names, and passwords associated with the prerequisite installations of Oracle Databa and Oracle Identity Management components.
You can u this checklist as a guide for getting ready for provisioning.
4. Install the provisioning frame-work.
Run faprov to install the provisioning framework. See Section 4.3.5. Install Oracle Identity Manage-ment components.
You must install and configure the components and save the details to include in the provisioning plan. See Section 4.4.6. Install a transaction databa.Your new environment must connect to a previously installed Ora-cle Databa. Install the databa using the Provisioning Wizard or manually. See Section 4.5 and Section 4.6. Run the Oracle Fusion Applications Repository Creation Utility to create schemas and tablespaces.
7. Create a provisioning plan.Start the Provisioning Wizard and respond to the questions in the interview to create a provisioning plan. See Section 5.1.
8. Provision a new environment.Specify the location of the provisioning plan and run the Provision-ing Wizard to install, configure, and deploy product offerings. You must run the wizard from the command line to install in a multi-ple-host environment. See Section 6.2 and Section 6.3.
9. Complete the required postinstal-lation tasks.
The result of a successful installation is a fully operational applica-tions environment. However, you may be asked to perform some manual tasks. See Section 6.4. Table 2Provisioning Checklist
Information Needed Notes
Resources System requirements Requirements for hardware, software, mini-mum disk space and memory, required sys-tem libraries, packages, and patches.Oracle Fusion Applications system requirements and supported plat-forms documentation. See also Ora-cle Fusion Applications relea notes.
Certified platforms Supported on Linux x86-64, Microsoft Win-dows x64 (64-Bit), Oracle Solaris, and IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit).Oracle Fusion Applications system requirements and supported plat-forms documentation. See also Ora-cle Fusion Applications relea notes.
Oracle Databa con-figuration Determine if you need a single- or multi-ple-instance databa. Once installed, save the details for u when you create a provi-sioning plan.
Section 4.5 and Section 4.6Oracle Identity Man-agement configura-tion Install the Identity Management compo-nents and save the details for u when cre-ating a provisioning plan. Alternatively, create a properties file, which can supply default values during plan creation.Section 4.4
Table 1(Cont.)Provisioning Process Flow
3.1Starting the Provisioning Wizard
Make a note of the commands necessary to start the Provisioning Wizard:白骨精独胆
1.Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the JDK location in the
provisioning repository. For example:
export JAVA_HOME =repository_location /jdk6
export PATH =$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
t JAVA_HOME =repository_location \jdk6
2.Run the following command on the primordial host:
cd framework_location /provisioning/bin
framework_location \provisioning\bin
4Provisioning Prerequisites and System Requirements
This relea of Oracle Fusion Applications relies on certified versions of Oracle Fusion Applications system requirements and supported platforms documentation for details about hardware and software, minimum disk space and memory requirements,
required system libraries, packages, or patches, and minimum databa requirements. Oracle Fusio
n Applications relea notes may contain additional information.
Software licens Determine which product configurations you have licend and where you want to download the provisioning repository of installers.
Oracle E-Delivery: Oracle Store: Type of web tier host
Determine if you want the web tier to be installed on the shared file system or on a host t up as a demilitarized zone."Setting Up a Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) for the Web Tier" in Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Guide .Provisioning plan details Provisioning configurations, Node Manager credentials, installation locations, databa connections, schema passwords, host names, ports, and details for common components, such as web tier, virtual hosts, and web proxies.
Section 6.2Functional tup
After provisioning, your functional experts must prepare individual offerings for u.Oracle Fusion Applications Common Implementation Guide Table 2(Cont.)Provisioning Checklist
Information Needed
升旗手事迹介绍Notes Resources
4.1Environment Setup Tasks
You may also need to perform some environment tup tasks before you begin. See "Preparing Your Applications Environment" in Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Guide.
4.2Creating the Provisioning Repository
Go / or the Oracle Store at
< and lect the Product Media Pack you have licend. Download the provisioning repository of installers to a location of your choice. The repository contains all the installers required for provisioning a new environment. Download the repository, for example, with Oracle E-Delivery, as follows:
1.Complete the Export Validation process by entering basic identification
information on the online form.
2.On the Media Pack Search page, specify the product pack and platform to identify
the media pack you want to download. If you do not know the name of the
product pack, you can arch for it using the licen list.
3.Choo the appropriate media pack from the arch results and download the
provisioning repository (in zipped format). You can download the repository to a location of your choice.青岛海
4.Extract the contents of all the zipped files to the same target directory. The
动漫少女图片directory must be on a networked drive or shared disk so that it will be accessible to all the hosts in your new environment. By default, the unzip process places the installers in repository_location/installers.
Note: Be sure to create the repository location name so that unzipping the files does not run into the Windows MAX_PATH limitation.
4.3Installing the Provisioning Framework
The Oracle Fusion Applications Provisioning installer (faprov) was delivered with the other installers in the provisioning repository. It installs the provisioning framework, which includes the Provisioning
Wizard, a command line interface, and utilities, files, templates, build scripts, and other utilities required for provisioning. Run faprov from the directory where you downloaded the provisioning repository, for example, repository_location/installers/faprov/Disk1. U this command:
(UNIX) runInstaller
This installs framework components in any location you specify, for example, framework_location/provisioning.
4.3.1Provisioning Installer Screens and Instructions
To install the provisioning framework:
1.Specify Inventory Directory Screen (UNIX)
If this is your first Oracle installation on this host, you must specify the location of the I nventory Directory. It is ud by the installer to keep track of all Oracle
products installed on this host. In the Operating System Group Name field, lect