Install Guide — Omega2 SPS
The purpo of this Install Guide document is to describe the installation procedure for the Omega2 Seismic Processing System (SPS) relea Omega 2008 External Client (2.6ext). The target audience for this document is the system administrator responsible for installing, maintaining, and supporting Omega2 installations.
If you have an existing Omega 2.5ext installation, the Omega2 Transition document should be ud in place of this document.
The order of prentation in this document follows the order of tasks to be completed. Firstly, the prerequisites for installing the Omega2 SPS are described, followed by the actual installation procedures. We start with the Oracle databa installation procedure followed by the installation of the Omega2 application software. Configuration of various Omega components is next, after which the Omega rvices can be started and acceptance tests can be run.
Copyright protection as an unpublished work is claimed by WesternGeco. The work was created in 2008. Should publication of the work occur, the following notice shall apply. "©2008 Westerngeco". This work contains valuable tradecrets; disclosure without written
儿童营养早餐authorization is prohibited.
2.0Pre-Installation Considerations
2.1System Account Requirements
2.2Operating Systems (OS) Requirements
2.3Disk Space Requirements
2.4Omega2 Service Hosts
2.5File Systems and Permissions
2.6Omega2 SPS Licen Requirements
2.7OCI (Omega Cluster Infrastructure) System Requirements
2.8Setting Up Secure Shell for Omega2
3.0Oracle Databa Software
3.1Determining the Version Number of the Installation Scripts
4.0Install Omega2 SPS
4.1Prepare to Install
我的哥4.2Run the Install Wizard
4.3Install Omega2 Commands and Services using the Setup Tool
4.3.1Setup Procedure for a New Installation
4.3.2Omega2 Services and Cron Tasks
4.3.3Automatic Setup Updates
聘任协议4.4Check the Install
5.0Post Installation Configuration
5.1Omega2 SPS Configuration Databa Setup
5.1.9Save and Clo the Configuration
5.1.10Re-run Setup Tool
5.2Prepare the Oracle Server Host
5.3Omega Project Model (OPM) Configuration
5.3.1Customize Oracle Ur Account and Password
5.3.2Start OPM Services
5.4Resource Databa Model (RDM) Configuration
5.4.2Create RDM Schema
5.4.3Start RDM Service
5.4.4Populate the RDM Databa
5.5Configure JSS Application
5.5.1How to Install JSS Scratch Disk Check for Omega2
5.6Configure MMS
5.7Start Additional System Services
5.8Scripts Run by Cron Tasks
5.9Run Installation Acceptance Tests
5.10Compare Configurations Between Different Installations
6.0Copy Configuration Files
1.0 Introduction
The Install Guide for Omega2 SPS describes the installation tasks related to the Omega2application software. This document covers u of the Omega2 Install Wizard and Omega2system configuration. It does not cover hardware system tup and configuration.
Prior to installing the Omega2 application software, the system administrator should check the hardware system configuration against the suggested WesternGeco Omega2 standards for a processing system. Wide divergence from WesternGeco systems guidelines may mean more difficult or incomplete support. WesternGeco Omega2 hardware system standards information is available upon request. Also, the system administrator should ensure that the Omega2 licen RPMs are installed.
Prior to installing the Omega2 application software, the system administrator should ensure that the hardware system configuration meets the Omega2 standards for a processing system and that the Omega2 licen RPMs are installed.
For an overview of new features and functionality in Omega 2.6ext, refer to the Transition to Omega 2.6ext document. For details of changes included in this relea e the SeisNews relea documen
t for Omega 2.6ext.
Throughout this document examples show the command login to indicate the ur ID that should run the command. U any appropriate login command (such as su ) and password to become the necessary ur.
Command lines and file names shown as examples u 2### to reprent the installation baline name. Substitute the actual installation name when entering commands or files (e.g.,omega2600ext command pg file).
1.0 Introduction
Install Guide — Omega2 SPS
冬至上坟2.0 Pre-Installation Considerations
Before commencing the installation of Omega2 SPS the following topics need to be considered and planned.•The person installing Omega2, referred to as the Omega Administrator, needs to have root access to all intended Omega2 systems.safe怎么读
•Omega System and Ur accounts need to be t up (e 2.1 System Account Requirements).•Third party software licens and Omega2 software licen need to be installed e 2.6Omega2 SPS Licen Requirements.
•Sufficient disk space needs to be available to install the application software (e 2.3 Disk Space Requirements).
•Hosts intended to run Omega2 rvices need to be identified (hostnames, ip-address) and need to be accessible from all other Omega2 systems within the LAN.
Secure Shell protocol needs to be configured (e 2.8 Setting Up Secure Shell for Omega2).
2.1 System Account Requirements
The Omega2 system accounts exist prior to the Omega2 SPS installation. System accounts must have a UMASK of 2 to be able to run jobs under the appropriate project. WesternGeco us and recommends u of the corresponding UID/GID numbers shown in the table.
Check that each account's $HOME directory shows the correct owner and permissions .Permissions
Group Name and GID UID Account One of the patterns:
omadmin 4000140001
drwxr-x–––drwxr-x––x or omstaff (historical)
As above for omadmin jssadmin 4000240002jssmgr As above for omadmin tpmgmt 4000340003tpmgr As above for omadmin corba 4000440004corba As above for omadmin
opm 40005
all except oracle are subject to review.
•omadmin may have a primary group name of omstaff (historical)
•jssmgr should be in group jssadmin (historical)
•tpmgr should be in group tpmgmt (historical)
•oracle MUST be in group dba
2.2 Operating Systems (OS) Requirements
The Omega2 SPS requires LINUX operating system software. The Omega2 software is completely scalable from LINUX workstations to large clusters of compute nodes.
看待英语Red Hat Enterpri Linux 4 (RHEL4) is the currently supported relea. Update 3 or later is required though it should be noted that both Updates 3 and 4 require a "HotFix" from RedHat to run Omega2. WesternGeco will supply the additional RPMs for the HotFix if requested. WesternGeco is not authorized by Red Hat to redistribute RHEL4; therefore WesternGeco will provide a list of the minimum t of required RPMs but will not actually supply the software itlf.
RedHat 9 is still supported on legacy 32-bit systems. However, note that this is the last Omega relea for such support.
2.3 Disk Space Requirements
To install the Omega2 application software a minimum of 2 Gb of disk space is required. However to accommodate the installation of Omega2 updates and new versions the recommendation is to allocate at least 10 Gb of disk space. Install a local copy of Omega2 on each ur's Engineering Work station (EWS); cluster nodes can u the Omega2 installation from an NFS mounted file system.