This General Specification is solely compiled for u on fire rvice installation in Government Buildings in Hong Kong.
This General Specification is copyrighted and all rights (including subquent amendments) are rerved.
It is hereby declared that the specification contained therein may not be pertinent or fully cover the fire rvice installations carried out by other Government Departments or private ctors. Prior connt by the Director of Architectural Services must be obtained for adoption of this General Specification for such installation of other nature or locations.
Section A1 Scope and Definition
Section A2 Statutory Obligations, Regulations and Specifications Section A3 Execution of Works
Section A4 Information Required from Tenderer
Section A5 Drawings and Manuals
Section B1 Pipeworks, Valves and Fittings
Section B2 Hydrant and Ho Reel System
Section B3 Automatic Sprinkler System
Section B4 Tanks and Pumps
Section B5 Gaous Extinguishing System
Section B6 Manual and Automatic Fire Alarm System
Section B7 Audio/Visual Advisory System
Section B8 Fire Alarm Control System
Section B9 Electrical Installation
Section B10 Portable Hand-operated Approved Appliances
Section B11 Miscellaneous
PART C - COMMISSIONING, TESTING AND MAINTENANCE Section C1 Commissioning and Acceptance Testing
Section C2 Maintenance during Maintenance Period and Final Testing
Section A1 - Scope and Definitions
A1.1 Scope of Specification
The Specification covers fire rvice installation including hydrant/horeel
system, sprinkler system, manual and automatic fire alarm system, audio/visual
advisory system, gas extinguishing system, portable appliances and all associated
electrical equipment and wiring carried out on behalf of the Architectural Services
Department of the Government of the HKSAR.
A1.2 Particular Specification and Drawings初心不变
The fire rvice installation shall comply in every respect with the conditions of
this Specification unless otherwi specified in the Particular Specification and
空格怎么打Drawings relating to a particular project, or modified by the written instructions of
the Architect.
A1.3 Scope of the Work
The Scope of the Work under this Specification and the Particular Specification
and Drawings relating to a particular project consists of the whole of the labour
and all materials necessary to form a complete installation and such
commissioning, adjustments, tests and maintenance as prescribed. It shall include
not only the major items of plant and equipment shown or specified but all the
incidental sundry components necessary for the complete execution of the works
and for the proper operation of the installation, including the necessary labour,
whether or not the sundry components are mentioned in detail in the Contract.
A1.4 Definitions, Interpretations and Abbreviations
In this Specification, the following words or expressions shall have meaning
hereby assigned to them except when the context otherwi requires:-
“Air Conditioning Contractor” means the person, firm or company contracting, or
sub-contracting to the Building Contractor, for the air conditioning and/or
ventilation installation, including his or their personal reprentative, successors
and permitted assigns.
“Approved” or “Accepted” means approved or accepted by the Architect.
“ANSI” means American National Standards Institute.
“Architect” means the person named in the Articles of Agreement as Architect or
such person(s) as may be authorized from time to time by the Employer and
notified in writing to the Contractor to act as the Architect for the purpo of the
Contract. The person named or authorized may be described either by name or as
the holder for the time being of a public office.
“ASTM” means American Society for Testing and Materials.
“BS” means British Standards, including British Standard Specifications and British Standard Codes of Practice, published by the British Standards Institution.
“BSB” means the Building Services Branch of the Architectural Services Department.
“BS EN” means European Standard adopted as British Standard.
“Building Contractor” means the person, firm or company who tender has been accepted by the Employer for building construction, including his or their personal reprentatives , successors and permitted assigns.
“CEN” means European Standards prepared by European Committee for Electro-technical Standardisation or European Committee for Electrotechnical Commission Publication.
“Contract” means the Articles of Agreement, the Tender and the acceptance thereof by the Employer, Drawings, General Conditions of Contract, Special Conditions of Contract if any, Specifications and priced Bills of Quantities or Schedule of Rates. (The word “Contract” may also mean sub-contract as the context requires.)
“Contractor” means the person, firm or company who tender for the fire rvice installation has been accepted by the Employer and includes the Contractor’s personal reprentative, successors and permitted assigns. (The word “Contractor” may also mean sub-contractor as the context requires.)
“Drawings” means the drawings referred to in the Contract and any modification of such drawings approved by the Architect and such other drawings as may be from time to time be furnished or approved in writing by the Architect. “Electrical Contractor” means the person, firm or company contracting, or sub-contracting to the Building Contractor, for the building electrical installation, including his or their personal reprentatives, successors and permitted assigns.
“Employer” means the Government of the HKSAR.
“FM” means the Factory Mutual, USA.
“FOC” means the Fire Offices’ Committee, UK.北京二本院校
“FSD” means the Fire Services Department.
“Guided Drawings” means the drawings prepared by the BSB to show detailed arrangements of the common standard installations.
“HKSAR” means Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
“IEC” means the International Electrotechnical Commission Publications.
“IEE Wiring Regulations” means the Regulations for Electrical Installations (BS 7671) published by the Institution of Electrical Engineers, UK.