Teaching Plan for English Pronunciation Practice 《英语语音》课程教学教案 Unit 1 Basic Concepts: Syllables, Stress & Rhythm Unit 2 Consonants: Stops Unit 3 Consonants: Fricatives and Affricates Unit 4 Consonants: Nasals, Approximants & Literal(s) Unit 5 Vowels: Front Vowels & Central Vowels Unit 6 Vowels: Back Vowels Unit 7 Vowels: Diphthongs Unit8 Stresd Syllables & Unstresd Syllables Unit 9 Stresd Words & Unstresd Words in a Sentence Unit 10 Strong Forms and Weak Forms Unit 11 Linking Unit 12 Rhythm of English Speech Unit 13 Types of Intonation in English Unit 14 Intonation Units of English Unit 15 Functions & Us of English Intonation 概论 English Phonemes Study 英语音素学习 1. Some concepts about phonology: 几个语音学的概念 1)letters: words spelling symbols. 字母:词语的拼写符号。
2) phonetic elements (phoneme1): voice elements in speaking. 音素:语音的要素。
3) phonetic symbols: pronunciation symbols. 音标:拼读符号。 4)phonetic site (phone
me2): the area a phonetic element is uttered in the mouth. 音位:音素在口腔的发音区域。
5)phonetic site variety (allophones): different forms of the same phonetic element at different stages of the same phonetic site area. 音位变体:同一音素在同一音位的发音区域不同段位上的不同表现形式。
2.Classification of English vowels 英语元音的分类: 长音 短音 音位 长音 短音 音位 长音 短音 音位 [ i: ] [ i ] 1 [ə:] [ә ] 4 [ u: ] [ u ] 6 [ e ] 2 [Λ] 5 [:] [ ] 7 [ æ ] 3 [ɑ:] 8 前元音(不圆唇) 中元音(不圆唇) 后元音(圆唇) 发音特点:在前、中、后各组元音内,按照音位从前往后,开口由小变大;
Moving vowels运动音 / 变化音(双元音):
[ai] sky, die [au] now, loud [iə] dear, hear [ei] make, say [əu] low, go [εә] care, there 江得胜
[] boy, oil [uә] sure, poor 合口音(向前音) 圆唇音 向中音 发音特点:以[ai]为例,从[a:]开始发音,音位向前移动,中间经过若干音位,到终点[i]处收拢,整个过程连贯紧凑,浑然一体,音位比普通话“爱”字的韵母ai 更前,开口稍小。
3.Single vowels (cardinal vowels) uttering practice 单元音发音练习 4.Moving vowels (gliding vowels or diphtongs) uttering practice 运动音发音练习 5.Similar vowels comparation 近似音发音区别练习 [e] bed met t let pet [æ] bad mad sad lad pat [Λ] but must suck love pub [] box mop soft lost pop [ɑ:] bar mark star last past 6.the vocal organs (发音器官):
vocal cords 声带, uvula 小舌, palate 腭,tongue 舌头, tongue blade 舌边, lips 唇, teeth 牙齿, alveolar 齿龈, the nasal cavity 鼻腔, the oral cavity 口腔,pharynx 咽, larynx 喉 The consonants elements study 辅音音素学习 I.the constructure of the English consonants 英语辅音构成 1.(1)清辅音:发音时声带不振动的辅音;
2. 爆破音plosive consonants: [p] [t] [k]; [b] [d] [g]; 摩擦音fricative consonants: [s] [f] [θ] [∫]; [z] [v] [ð] []; [h] [r] 鼻音nasal consonants: [m] [n] [ŋ]; 舌边音(旁流音)lateral consonants: [ l ]; 半元音 mi-vowels: [ j ] [w]; 破擦音affricate consonants: [ts] [t∫] [dz] [d] [ tr ] [ dr ]. II. phonetic practice 发音练习 III.hard points explaination 难点解说: [∫]:shy, show, sharp;
湿地景观汉语拼音 sh ( 施)→ x (西):先定好发“施”的翘舌动作,在上齿后部发出“西”音,然后去除“xi”的韵母。
晚步>丹凤眼的女人 [ ]:pleasure,usual 汉语拼音r(日) →y(衣) [t∫]:change, teach 汉语拼音ch( 吃)→q(七);
芋艿的做法 [d ]:charge, danger 汉语拼音zh(智)→j(机) IV. English tongue twister practice 英语绕口令练习: 1. She lls the shells at the a-shore, and the shells she lls are a-shells, I’m sure. ’Cau she lls the shells on the a-shore, the shells she lls ar写景的好词
e a-shells for sure. 2. Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers. If Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers, how many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick? VI. interesting numbers recilting practice 趣味数字背诵练习:用“流水诵记法”背诵一百位圆周率小数 目的:通过这一练习,使学生体验语音节律和联想对记忆的强化和整合作用,使较长的记忆单元变为一个有机的整体,熟练后可达到一气呵成的功效。一口气背完一百位圆周率小数最快仅7秒。
π=3.1415926 535897932 834626433 38297502884 19716939 9375105 8209749 445923078 1640628 6208998 6280348 253421170679… 英语音标教学中非拉丁字母的符号如何输入? 方法一、插入字符。在word 中,不同字体的字符容量是不同的,Microsoft Rererance Sans Serif等字体包含了非拉丁字母的其他国际音标符号。输入方法如下:使用“插入”→“符号” →“字体”选择: