
更新时间:2023-06-25 11:15:15 阅读: 评论:0

iabrasives 爱锐词典—磨料磨具外贸⼈⾃⼰的在线词典,敬请期待!
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想要先了解⼀下,磨料磨具外贸⼈不可不知的15类实⽤切磨抛⾏业英语词汇的童鞋,请微信号内回复 15类,即可获得这篇分类明确,中英对照的清新实⽤⼤礼包哟!⼀起来学习吧!
WOR  wear-out rate磨损率
waterproof abrasive cloth 耐⽔砂布
waterproof abrasive cloth belts 耐⽔布砂带
樱花图片壁纸waterproof abrasive paper 耐⽔砂纸
waterproof abrasive paper belts 耐⽔纸砂带
waterproof bond  耐⽔粘结剂
wheel relieved and recesd both side
wheel relieved and recesd same side
wheel recesd one side 单⾯凹砂轮
五年级上册数学第一单元测试卷wheel recesd two side 双⾯凹砂轮
worm grinding wheel  蜗杆砂轮
worm grinding machine  蜗杆磨床
worm milling machine 蜗杆铣床
wormwheel hobbing machine 蜗杆滚齿机
wurtzite boron nitride  WBN纤维锌矿型氮化硼
wurtzite structure 纤维锌矿型结构,
亦称 hexagonal ZnS structure六⽅ZnS型结构
hexagonal ZnS structure  六⽅ZnS型结构
wrong grit  不正常磨粒,不好的磨粒
wrapping material 包装材料
workpiece blank  ⼯件⽑坯
workpiece burn during grinding  (⼯件)磨削烧伤workpiece burning  ⼯件烧伤
社会文化workpiece diameter  ⼯件直径
workpiece magazine  ⼯件库
workpiece material  ⼯件材质
workpiece peripheral speed ⼯件圆周速度workpiece quality ⼯件质量
workpiece rotational frequency ⼯件转速workpiece roughness ⼯件表⾯粗糙度workpiece tenmperature  ⼯件温度workpiece transfer device ⼯件输送带workpiece waviness  ⼯件波纹度
workpiece wear ⼯件磨损
wreathing  浆痕,流纹
woven  编织的,织成的
woven glass fabric 玻璃纤维布
woven screen  编织筛⽹
woven wire cloth  编织布⽹
woven wire mesh ⾦属筛⽹
worn surface 磨损⾯
workrest 托架
workpiece ⼯件
workmanship defect  制造⼯艺缺陷
working life 使⽤寿命
working life of furnace 庐龄
special purpo wheels 专⽤砂轮
straight cup wheel  杯形砂轮
straight wheel  平形砂轮
substrate  基体
super abrasive ction  超硬磨料层
super finishing stick  超精油⽯
taper cup wheel  碗形砂轮
tapered wheel  斜边砂轮
thin grinding wheel  薄⽚砂轮
threaded inrt disk 螺栓紧固平形砂轮
true density  真密度
truncated cone abrasive sleeves  截锥砂套tumbling chip abrasives  滚抛磨块unbalance  不平衡
unbalance value  不平衡值
vitrified bond  陶瓷结合剂
volume density  体积密度
water absorption  吸⽔率
working angle ⼯作⾓
working condition  ⼯作条件,使⽤条件working curve ⼯作曲线云南茶文化
working cycle  ⼯作循环
working drawing  施⼯图
working durability  耐⽤度
working dynamic load ⼯作动负荷working efficiency  负荷率
working electric current  ⼯作电流working engagement ⼯作吃⼑量working face ⼯作⾯
working motion  ⼯作运动
working of a furnace  炉况
working of metal  ⾦属加⼯
working point  作业点
working pressure of honing stone
working principle ⼯作原理
working speed of mill  磨机⼯作转速working station  加⼯⼯位
working stroke  ⼯作⾏程,⼯作冲程working temperature ⼯作温度
working travel  ⼯作⾏程
working voltage ⼯作电压workingholding pallet  随⾏夹具workhead  头架,床头
workable moisture 适合湿度
workability  可加⼯性,实⽤性
workability agent  增塑剂
workability index  可加⼯性指数workability range 可加⼯范围
work-wheel interface  ⼯件-砂轮界⾯
work tank 电解⼯作箱
work tank dimension(电解)⼯作箱尺⼨work spindle ⼯件主轴
work spindle speed  ⼯件转速
work head  ⼯作头,⼯作主轴箱
work head travel  ⼯作头⾏程
work arbor  ⼯件⼼轴
work holding arbor  ⼯件⼼轴
work cycle  ⼯作循环
work function  功函,[物] 功函数
work holder  ⼯作隔板,⼯作夹盘
woollen  ⽑织品
wollen disc  ⽑毡
woodpeck-feed  分级进给
wooden  ⽊制的,⽊质的
wooden hammer ⽊槌
wooden mallet  ⽊槌
wood flour  ⽊屑,⽊粉
有事烧纸withstanding grinding temperature 耐磨削⾼温wire snagging  线材修磨
withdrawal process 拉下脱模法
wire drawing  拉丝,拔丝
wire drawing die 拉丝模
wire die  拉丝模
wire travelling speed  ⾛丝速度
process reliability  ⼯艺可靠性
wire drive device ⾛丝装置
wire screen ⾦属丝⽹筛
wiping  磨损,微磨损
wiping action 微磨损作⽤
width 宽度
width and length combination 宽度和长度组合width of cut 切削宽度
discharge opening 卸料⼝,排料⼝
width of discharge opening 排料⼝宽度
feed opening  给料⼝
width of feed opening  给料⼝宽度
width of jaws  钳⼝宽度
width of thread  螺纹宽度
wide abrasive belt  宽砂带
WAXS: wide angle X-ray scattering
wide grinding wheel  宽砂轮
wide meshed  粗筛孔的
wide slot  宽槽
项目策划书wide wheel grinding 宽砂轮磨削
wide cross-ction shuttle kiln 宽截⾯梭式窑wide Bickley shuttle kiln 贝克利宽梭式窑whitening stone 磨⽯,⼑匠⽤磨⽯
white-hard clay ⽩硬⼟
white aluminum oxide crude  ⽩刚⽟块
white aluminum oxide wheel  ⽩刚⽟砂轮
white corundum ⽩刚⽟
white bauxite ⽩铝⼟矿
white damp=carbon monoxide  ⽩⽡斯,⼀氧化碳white drying  全⼲燥(⼲燥⾄⽩坯程度)
white etching area (磨削)⽩⾊浸蚀⾯积
white flame heat ⽩热
white friable aluminum oxide 脆性⽩刚⽟
white graphite ⽩⽯墨,
亦称Hbn (hexagonal boron nitride)六⽅氮化硼hexagonal boron nitride 六⽅氮化硼
white zinc 氧化锌
whisker crystal  晶须,须状晶体
whisker technology  晶须⼯艺学

本文发布于:2023-06-25 11:15:15,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:砂轮   宽度   磨料   磨具   蜗杆
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