J. Novak-Marcincin et al. Primjena tehnologija virtualne stvarnosti u simulaciji automatiziranih radnih mjesta
ISSN 1330-3651
UDC/UDK 004.94:65.011.56
网恋对象Jozef Novak-Marcincin, Peter Brazda, Miroslav Janak, Marek Kocisko
Preliminary notes
蔡礼旭With the advent of high-resolution graphics, high-speed computing, and ur interaction devices, virtual reality (VR) has emerged as a major new technology in recent years. An im
portant new concept introduced by many VR systems is immersion, which refers to the feeling of complete immersion in a three-dimensional computer-generated environment by means of ur-centered perspective achieved through tracking the ur. Main advantage of virtual reality application usage is the possibility of creation and simulation of new technological unit before its realization. This may contribute to increasing of safety and ergonomics and decreasing of economical aspects of new propod unit. Virtual model of propod workcell could reveal hidden errors who elimination in later stage of the new workcell creation should cau great difficulties.
Keywords: automated manufacturing workplace, simulation, virtual reality technology
Primjena tehnologija virtualne stvarnosti u simulaciji automatiziranih radnih mjesta
Prethodno priopćenje
S pojavom visoko razlučive grafike, brzog računanja, te dobre interakcije uređaja s korisnikom, tehnologija virtualne stvarnosti (VS) u posljednjih nekoliko godina je jedna od
glavnih tehnologija. Važan koncept koji predstavlja VS je sustav predočavanja, koji odnosi na osjećaj potpune uronjenosti u trodimenzijsk om računalno generiranom okruženju, pomoću koje iz korisničk e perspektive uvelike olakšava praćenje. Glavna prednost korištenja virtualne stvarnosti očituje kao mogućnost stvaranja i simuliranja novih tehnoloških jedinica prije njihove realizacije. Ovo može doprinijeti povećanju sigurnosti, povećanju ergonomije i smanjenju troškova. Virtualni model radnog mjesta mogao bi otkriti skrivene pogreške koje eliminiraju, a koje bi u kasnijoj fazi na tom radnom mjestu mogle uzrokovati velike poteškoće.
Ključne riječi: automatizirano proizvodno radno mjesto, simulacija, virtualna tehnologija
1 Introduction
Virtual reality may be a clone of physical (real) reality or a kind of clor not defined (cyber) space that has its own rules. In both of the cas a simulation of the environme
最火网游nt has to be done. In ca of newly defined cyberspace the task is relatively easy – we can invent new laws or u simplified physics. The real challenge is to simulate the rules of physics precily, becau they are very complex phenomena: dynamics of objects, electromagnetic forces, atomic forces, etc. For the human-computer interaction purpos a subt of them has to be considered. Newton's laws are the basis when simulating movements, collisions and force-interaction between objects. The simulation, collision detection and animation of autonomous objects, may be a very complex and time-consuming task, so other approaches must be applied than in standard (i.e. non-real time) animation. The simulation process that manages the behavior of the whole environment (including interaction between different urs) should be run in the "background"
– decoupled from the ur's interaction in order to support the full performance. The updates between the application parts are realized by means of asynchronous operations [2, 3].太原雪斋
With the advent of high-resolution graphics, high-speed computing, and ur interaction d
evices, virtual reality (VR) has emerged as a major new technology in recent years. An important new concept introduced by many VR systems is immersion, which refers to the feeling of complete immersion in a three-dimensional computer-generated environment by means of ur-centered perspective achieved through tracking the ur. Main advantage of virtual reality application usage is the possibility of creation and simulation of new technological unit before its realization. This may contribute to increasing
of safety and ergonomics and decreasing of economical aspects of new propod unit. Virtual model of propod workcell could reveal hidden errors who elimination in later stage of new workcell creation should cau great difficulties [6, 7].