六义Why humans have evolved to drink milk
Dairy milk has competition. Alternative “milks” made from plants like soya or almonds are increasingly popular. The alternatives are often vegan-friendly and can be suitable for people who are allergic to milk, or intolerant of it. The runner-up in the 2018 ries of The Apprentice (UK) ran a flavoured nut milk business.
乳制品有了竞争对手,由大豆、杏仁等植物制成的替代“牛奶”越来越受欢迎。这些替代品通常适合素食主义者,以及对牛奶过敏或者乳糖不耐受的人。2018年,英国版《学徒》(The Apprentice)节目的亚军,就经营着调味坚果奶生意。
But the ri of alternative milks is just the latest twist in the saga of humanity’s relationship with animal milk. This relationship dates back thousands of years, and it has had a lot of ups and downs.
When you think about it, milk is a weird thing to drink. It’s a liquid made by a cow or other animal to feed its young; we have to squirt it out of the cow’s udders to obtain it.
In many cultures it is almost unheard of. Back in 2000, China launched a nationwide campaign to encourage people to consume more milk and dairy products for health reasons – a campaign that had to overcome the deep suspicions of many older Chine people. Chee, which is esntially milk that has been allowed to go off, can still make many Chine people feel sick.
Set against the 300,000-year history of our species, drinking milk is quite a new habit. Before about 10,000 years ago or so, hardly anybody drank milk, and then only on rare occasions. The first people to drink milk regularly were early farmers and pastoralists in western Europe – some of the first humans to live with domesticated animals, including cows. Today, drinking milk is common practice in northern Europe, North America, and a patchwork of other places.
Baby food
There is a biological reason why drinking animal milk is odd.
Milk contains a type of sugar called lacto, which is distinct from the sugars found in fruit and other sweet foods. When we are babies, our bodies make a special enzyme called lacta that allows us to digest the lacto in our mother’s milk. But after we are weaned in early childhood, for many people this stops. Without lacta, we cannot properly digest the lacto in milk. As a result, if an adult drinks a lot of milk they may experience flatulence, painful cramps and even diarrhoea. (It’s worth noting that in other mammals, there aren’t any lacta-persistent adults – adult cows don’t have active lacta, and neither do cats or dogs, for example).
So the first Europeans who drank milk probably farted a lot as a result. But then evolution kicked in: some people began to keep their lacta enzymes active into adulthood. This “lacta persistence” allowed them to drink milk without side effects. It is the result of mutations in a ction of DNA that controls the activity of the lacta gene.
“The first time that we e the lacta persistence allele in Europe arising is around 5,000 years BP [before prent] in southern Europe, and then it starts to kick in in central Europe around 3,000 years ago,” says assistant professor Laure Ségurel at the Muum of Humankind in Paris, who co-authored a 2017 review of the science of lacta persistence.
“我们所知的欧洲最早的乳糖耐受能力等位基因,出现在大约5000年前的欧洲南部,然后在大约3000年前,出现在中欧,”巴黎人类博物馆(Muum of Humankind)的助理教授赛哈弗家训
格瑞尔(Laure Ségurel)说。2017年,她与人合著了一篇关于乳糖耐受科学的评论文章。
The lacta persistence trait was favoured by evolution and today it is extremely common in some populations. In northern Europe, more than 90% of people are lacta persistent. The same is true in a few populations in Africa and the Middle East.
But there are also many populations where lacta persistence is much rarer: many Africans do not have the trait and it is uncommon in Asia and South America.
医药销售红叶生菜It is hard to make n of this pattern becau we don’t know precily why drinking milk, and therefore lacta persistence, was a good thing, says Ségurel: “Why was it so strongly advantageous in itlf?”