Dear my opponents, you are in favor of the opinion that the advantages of taking part-time jobs for us students in college far outweigh the disadvantages
cry过去式But from my point of view,the students' main task is to study rather than earn money.fisrt of all.There is no need to do it
日本游览becau we have no time and energy.It is difficuit to balance the study and work . Secondly,what weshould learn in college is far more than what we now know about.We still have a long way to go.In the long run,we are suppod to treasure our time and perfect ourlves in order to face the various challenges in the future.Additionally,the society is complicated and we are lacking of lf-protection awareness. And we even can not find a suitable
job for ourlves let alone the experience we want. We should think about what our parents really want us to do since they give
员工复工证明作文翻译money to us to study.
According to the questionnaire,65% of the students hope
their jops are related to their majors,but the practical situation is the other way around.In order to gain
more experience, we have better chioces such as doing the work of students,join the student union and so on.
So our opinion is that the disadvantages of taking part-time jobs in college for us students outweigh the advantages.
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