各类原子轨道成键,杂化原子轨道的图示[新版] Molecular Geometry, using Orbital Hybridization
The notes should not replace the reading of good text books.
The basis for the Valence Bond theory: Sigma (,) bonds form by head on overlap of unhybridized, s-orbital-s-orbital, p-orbital-p-orbital, 23332s-orbital-p-orbital and hybridized, (sp, sp,sp, spd and spd) orbitals, strong bonds will form.
三国吴国pi (,)-bonds form by side-ways overlap of unhybridized p- and d-orbitals, weak bonds will from.
Molecular Geometry (three dimensional structure) can be determined by the number of ,-bonds and the lone pairs on the central atom. The lone
pairs will also be accommodated in hybridized orbitals.
,-bond, Orbitals ud in bond showing the head on overlap of atomic formation orbitals
s-orbital - s-orbital
足球简笔画图片s-orbital - p-orbital
p-orbital - p-orbital
sp-hybrid orbital -
sp-hybrid orbital or 2sp-hybrid - sp hybrid or 22sp hybrid - sp hybrid or Two overlapping hybrids, forming a 23sp hybrid - sp hybrid or strong bond 23sp hybrid - spd hybrid or Hybridized orbitals will be simplified 332sp hybrid - spd hybrid like so and so on
,-bond, Orbitals ud in bond showing the side-ways overlap of atomic formation orbitals
overlap also illustrated p-orbital - p-orbital yy
like so
3d-orbital - xy
p-orbital y
3d-orbital - xy
3d-orbital xy
Hybridization and associated Molecular Geometry HybridizatiMolecular Orbitals (simplified) on Geometry
sp Linear
筋疲力竭one s + one p :: two sp hybrids
Trigonal 2sp Planar
2one s + two p's :: 3 sp hybrids
Tetrahedra3sp l
3one s + three p's :: 4 sp hybrids
Trigonal 3spd Bipyramida
3one s + three p's + one d :: 5 spd hybrids
32spd Octahedral
32one s + three p's + two d's :: 6 spd hybrids
Hybridization, Lone Pairs and associated Molecular Geometry
Molecular Geometry is determined by the positions of atomic nuclei in
合格英语xxx25three dimensional space
Molecular Hybridization Orbitals with LOne Pairs Geometry
2sp Bent
2One Lone Pair in one of the sp
Trigonal 3sp Pyramidal
3One Lone Pair in one of the sp hybrids苹果怎么强制关机重启
3sp Bent
3Two Lone Pairs in two of the sp hybrids
3spd See Saw
3One Lone Pair in one of the spd hybrids