Unit Five Do you like pears?
B. Let’s learn; Let’s chant
Let’s Learn中Mike 在和Sarah聊自己不喜欢哪些水果,Sarah也同时表达自己的想法。在这样的情景下,展示三个三会水果单词:watermelon, strawberry, grape, 和表达自己不喜欢水果的句式:I don’t like … 和表示附和的Me, neither. 三个水果单词中,grape在上一课时已经出现过,watermelon和strawberry两个单词字形较复杂,学生掌握起来可能有些困难,在进行认读练习时需要多注意。
Let’s chant是个以表达自己对于水果的喜好为主要内容的比较复杂的韵句,涉及到grape, orange, watermelon, strawberry四种水果及其复数形式。还有相对比较复杂的句式:They ta
ste really good. No, but I should. I like them all. 等。因此在教学中要保证学生能够理解韵句所表达的意思,同时在说唱中进一步熟悉重点词汇的表达,能够做到听懂、会说。同时,还需要引导学生意识到水果对健康的益处,让他们喜欢水果,养成良好的饮食习惯。
1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词grape, watermelon, strawberry
2. 能够听懂、会说、认读句式:I like … I don’t like … Me, neither.
3. 能够在真实或虚拟的情境中正确表达自己对某物的好恶。
能够听懂、会说、认读单词grape, watermelon, strawberry
能够听懂、会说认读句式:I like西洋参炖鸡汤… I don’t like… Me, neither.
2. 难点:
能够正确认读单词:watermelon, strawberry
1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带。
2. 水果单词卡片、水果图片
✪Step 1 Warm up
Teacher: I’ll divide you into four groups. Each group has a tree. If you did well, I will draw f
ruit for you. At the end of the lesson, the group which gets more fruit will be the winner.
2. 播放韵句:I eat apples. 学生先听再齐唱。
密切关注Teacher: Boys and girls, let’s chant. Listen to the chant plea.
Teacher: Plea stand up. Let’s chant together.
✪Step 2 Lead in
1. 游戏:I draw you guess. 老师在黑板上画水果的简笔画,先简单画出轮廓,请学生猜出水果名称。(也可以使用多媒体课件,展示某个水果的一部分,请学生猜出水果名称)
Teacher:Let’s play a game. Guess the fruit. What is it? You can ask like this: Is it an apple?
✪Step 3 Prentation
1. 在黑板接着画出西瓜、草莓、葡萄,(也可以使用单词图卡进行,或以多媒体展示图片)学生边猜边学习新授单词。
Teacher:What’s this? It’s a watermelon. Look, this is melon, and this is melon, too. (展示不同的瓜类水果图片) Maybe this kind of melon is full of water. So people call it watermelon. Read after me, plea, water-melon, watermelon. This line, read it one by one. Is this a watermelon? No, it’s small. It’s a strawberry. The are berries. (展示蓝莓的图片) They are blue. So we call them blueberry. And this is straw. Now read after me, straw—berry, strawberry. Boys read it, plea. Girls read it. You know this fruit. What are they? Yes, they are grapes. Read it together, plea, grapes.
Teacher:Look at this picture. What fruit can you e? Who’s this boy? Who’s this girl? What are they talking about? Let’s listen and find.
Teacher: Who can try to answer my question?
✪Step 4 Practice
1. 跟读课文,读准字音。
Teacher:Listen to the tape again, and follow it plea.
2. 我来指,你来说。老师指向黑板上的简笔画,学生快速说出单词。
荷叶的功效Teacher:Look at the fruit on the blackboard. I point you say. Let’s e who is fast.
3. 给水果编上序号,老师说出序号,学生说出水果名称。
Teacher: Now I number the fruit. This time, I will say the number. You say the correct fruit.
4. 出示水果的一部分,学生猜出单词。
Teacher: Look, this is a part of the fruit. What is it? Say like this: Is it a ...?
5. What don’t you like? 和学生进行交流。
Teacher: What fruit do you like? 学生自由回答。教师可以在学生回答与自己喜欢的水果一致时,说出句子:Me, too.
Teacher: What fruit don’t you like? 学生按照自己的实际情况回答。教师在听到与自己不喜欢的水果一致时,说出句子:Me, neither.
Teacher: Now, do a pair work plea. Ask your partner what fruit he or she likes or doesn’t like.
Teacher: Which pair wants to show your dialogue?
设计意图:在与学生进行交流时,通过教师的示范,使学生明白Me, too和 Me, neither的区别。通过两人小组活动,让学生在交流中真正使用学到的句式来表达自己的真实想法,提高他们的口语表达能力。
6. 播放韵句,学生先认真倾听,然后教师与学生针对韵句内容时行交流,最后学生跟唱。
Teacher: Everyone did a good job. Now it’s time for chant. Listen carefully.
Teacher: Do you like grapes? Why? They taste really good. Do apples taste good? Do bananas taste good? Do you like bananas? Do you like oranges? But you should like. Becau it’s good for us.
Teacher:Listen to the chant again and follow it.
Teacher: Let’入冬s say the chant together.
✪Step 5 Summary