历史试题Asssing the innovation capability of small- and medium-sized enterpris using a non-parametric and integrative approach
早安问候语每日更新>手表瑞士>桑叶怎么吃劳动鉴定期刊名称: Management Decision暑假的诱惑
作者: Castela, Bernardo M. S,Ferreira, Fernando A. F,Ferreira, Joao J. M,Marques, Carla S. E
作者机构: Univ Inst Lisbon,Univ Beira Interior,Univ Tras Os Montes & Alto Douro 年份: 2018年
期号: 第6期
关键词: Analytic hierarchy process (AHP);Small- and medium-sized enterpris (SME);Cognitive mapping;Holistic view;Innovation capability evaluation;Multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA);
摘要:Purpo The aftermath of the recent financial crisis has shown that the ability to innovate is a vital management skill and that the methodologies ud to evaluate innovation capability within small- and medium-sized enterpris (SMEs) should be as holistic and integrative as possible. The purpo of this paper is to address this issue through the combined u of cognitive mapping and the analytic hi
菱铁矿erarchy process (AHP).