ttle 翻译
ttle:安定; 使安定; 定居
1、The village ttled down after the storm. 风暴过后,村庄恢复了安定。正面双手垫球
2、A ttlement was made between the two nations. 两国达成了调停。
3、The refugees ttled in a new city. 难民在新城里安定下来。
4、He had to ttle for a lower salary. 他只能接受一份薪水较低的工作。
学雷锋志愿活动蜂蜜能放冰箱吗5、The couple ttled down in their village home. 这对夫妇在他们的村庄家中安定下来。
6、We've reached a ttlement on the terms of the contract. 我们在合同项下达成了协议。
7、The court did not ttle the dispute and the ca went to trial. 法庭没有解决争执,案件进入审判程序。
8、They tried to negotiate a ttlement with the rebels. 他们试图与叛军进行调停。
河北教育网官网9、After much uncertainty, the family finally ttled in the country. 经过许多不确定,这家人最终在乡下定居。
B2B模式10、He had to ttle for a much lower salary than he had expected. 他不得不接受比他原本期望的低得多的薪水。