Symbol complete(符号大全)Symbol Daquan 2010-07-22 12:29
Formulas and notations in mathematical physics: Alpha alpha: Alfa Alpha
Beta beta beta: Beta
Gamma gamma gamma: Gamma
Delta Delte
Epsilon epsilon: episilon Epsilon
Some of the zeta Jieta: Zeta
Epsilon ETA: yita Eta
Theta theta theta: Theta
I l: erota Iota
Kappa kappa Kapa: Kappa
A: Lamuda Lambda.
Mu Mu: Bartholomew Mu
Upsilon V: Ao Nu
E: Roxy Xi.
April: Mike Omicron / European round
Pi Pi: nd Pi
台湾北回归线P P: soft Rho
Sigma: Sigma Sigma
T: t Tau
R V: Yu Puxilong Upsilon
Phi Phi: Fai Phi
X x: Chi
Only psi pusai: Psi
Omega Omega: Omega Omega
Symbol complete:
(1) the number of symbols: such as: I, 2 + I, a, x, natural logarithm ba e, PI pi.
Such as: (2) operational symbol plus (+) and minus (-) sign, (* or *), division (or / /), the union of two ts (U), (a), Reagan (interction), log (log, LG, LN), (:), differential ratio (d), integral (formula).
(3) the relationship between symbols: such as "=" is equal to "value" or "," is the approximate symbol, not equal to is not equal, ">" is greater than the symbol, "<" is less than the symbol, "said variable trend," ~ "is similar to" Te "is congruent symbol. No," "parallel" is "an" symbol is the vertical symbol, "/" is "and" the proportion of symbols, symbols belong to.
(4) a combination of symbols: such as parenthes (brackets) "," [] "braces" {} "line"-"
(5) the nature of symbols such as a "+", "-" sign, the absolute value of the symbol """
(6) ellipsis: (a) such as triangle, sine (SIN), X function (f (x)), limit (LIM), becau (dreams), so (H0), sum (sigma), product (II), from each N element R from all the different elements the number of combinations (C), power (aM), factorial (!) Etc..刘克庄
Symbolic meaning
H-infinity infinity
The absolute value of the |x| function
U t with
时弊A t interction
Is greater than or equal to
Is less than or equal to
It is less than or equal to the congruence
Ln (x) the logarithm bad on e
LG (x) with 10 as the ba of the logarithm
Floor (x) on the integral function
Ceil (x) under the integral function
X mod y for remainder
Decimal part X - floor (x)
Formula F (x) x integral
Formula [a:b]f (x) integral to B a x.
P equals 1, or 0
[1 = k = n]f (k) of the N sum, can be extended to many Such as: Sigma [n, is, prime][n < 10]f (n)
Sigma Sigma [1 = I = J = n]n^2
爱的印记Lim f (x) (x->) limit
F (z) f on M's order derivative function of Z
现代儿童诗C (n:m) combination number, n take M
P (n:m) permutations
M|n m divisible n
M m and n n t coprime
A A a belongs to the t A
The number of elements in the #A collection A
Junior physics formula:
Physical quantity (unit) formula; deformation of remark formula
鸡肉的营养成分Speed V (m/S) v= S: distance /t: time
Gravity G (N) G=mg M: mass g:9.8N/kg or 10N/kg
The density of =m/V m (kg/m3) P: quality: Volume V
The resultant force is the same as F (N): F and =F1+F2
肚子疼的英文In the opposite direction: when F is the opposite of =F1 - F2,