Unit One
叶开头的成语1. Tho who believed their religious leader’s prophecy that the end of the world would come soon went into a panic.
A. announcement
B. forecast
C. prediction
D. declaration
2. It became obvious when the boy floundered through the recitation in class today that he had not taken the trouble to do his homework.
A. meditated
B. faltered
C. contemplated
D. staggered板障山森林公园
3. The teacher told the students that they should avoid using clichés in their composition.
小学生读书卡模板A. popular proverbs
B. well-known stories
挚爱的意思C. famous quotations
D. trite expressions
4. After listening to the same old moral lesson all the years, the
villagers became almost immune to it.
A. innsitive to
B. fed up with
C. familiar with
D. accustomed to
5. I can't claim credit for her English proficiency; after all, she only came to my class this mester.
A. ask for money
B. expect payment
窗帘颜色搭配效果图C. say that I derve prai
D. declare that I am grateful
6. Believe it or not, this popular novel now you e on every shelf was censored only a few years ago.
A. officially examined and banned
B. despid by the general public
C. sold out soon after its publication
D. condemned by the critics
7. The party leader regards the result of the election as a personal triumph.
A. victory
B. celebration
C. satisfaction
D. propaganda
8. The immigration officer scrutinized his passport before he was allowed to leave.
A. stamped氟康唑胶囊
B. examined
C. returned
D. issued
9. He suffered a long period of depression before his first suicide attempt.
A. Inoculation
B. hypertension
C. ailments
D. dejection
10. He was never able to enjoy the metropolitan delights of cinemas and theatres.
A. artistic
B. modern
C. urban
D. Various
Unit Two
1. After his father died, Bill took on the management of the factory.
A. got
B. undertook
C. organized
D. held
2. Tho students who have access to his esoteric discussions were impresd by the scope of his thinking.
A. known by few
B. known to all
C. very lively
D. quite popular
3. The music of the radio distracted me from my reading.
A. engrosd
B. confud
C. refrain
D. diverted
4. Abraham Lincoln was quintesntial American patriot.
A. great
B. famous
C. typical
D. revered
5. Every now and then, the speaker interjected some witty remark.
A. rejected
B. criticized
C. inrted
D. jeered
6. Why do you get angry over such trivial matters?
A. of great worth
B. of great benefit
C. of little worth
D. of little help
7. The youngest boy was laughed at for his naive remarks.
A. innocent
B. witty
C. amusing
D. foolish
8. The lady rumpled her skirt by sitting on the at while flying.
A. disordered
B. disarranged
C. cread